
Cosmopolitan Korea Showcases Star Bachelors for Annual Letters From Angels Adoption Campaign — 27 Comments

    • I think Yeo Jin Goo’s baby is the happiest, and I think that is why they looks so freakin awesome!!!
      Kim young Kwang and Lee Soo Hyuk was going for serious and sexy look that just feels a little disconnected.
      But I gotta say my next fave pic is from Yoo Yeon Seok. He is looking awesome-fine!!! I wish he signs up for a drama where he is lead!!

  1. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t really like how Kim Young Kwang is holding the baby like a prop and hamming it up for the camera. Otherwise, the photos are adorbs.

  2. Aww they are all adorable and it is a good concept but i’m like, Yeo Jin gu?? Boy barely legal himself XDD! (and yeah him and his baby are the most adorable here imo)

  3. those model papas.. haha.. Kim Young Kwang and Lee Soo Hyuk, after all, they’re still model..

    best pic goes to Yeo Jin Gu’s! he and that cutey baby, both are so adorable.. happy papa and son.. or.. hyung and dongsaeng 😛

  4. Yeo Gin Gu and his baby looks so adorable, they’re both smiling and Yoo Yoo Seuk looks good too…

    Those babies i hope and pray they be adopted by great families and grow up happy and well!

  5. The photoshoot was accompanied by letters written by said celebs about this experience of holding this orphaned baby. Their words were moving, full of wisdom, hopeful and a bit naive about adoption.

  6. I love how Yoo YeonSeok and Lee SooHyuk’s babies grip so tightly to the actors’ fingers. And I love how Yeo JinGu’s just grips JinGu’s sleeve and smiles so widely, haha. So cute.

  7. Does S. Korea have a tough time placing these cuties for adoption? I think there would be a line for them in the US. I would adopt all of them if I could. They are all adorable.

  8. I don’t think people in South Korea are into adoption .There seems to be like a stigma associated with raising a kid that is not your own. I really do hope these campaigns raise awareness about adoption and the little babies find loving homes.

  9. All I can think about is the poor single woman who put her infant up for adoption because she could not withstand the societal scorn to which the lead character in Greatest Marriage is subject. More children from Korea are adopted internationally than any other country.

  10. Huge Aaawwww!! Those babies are gorgeous – especially the cutie with Yeo Jin Gu. I just want to cuddle him (the baby, that is, not the grown up).

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