
What Did You Call That Drama? — 9 Comments

  1. Strongest My Ass…The BEST!

    Bad Love was one of the first dramas I truly was confused by. I didn’t know what to think of it. I was afraid that maybe I got something wrong, that this drama wasn’t supposed to be as horrible as it was. Love is most definitely bad, according to this drama and something no one should dumb enough to feel, portray or embark upon.

  2. Ah yes, Stairway to Hell. 😎

    One Fine Day I tend to call No Fine Day – it truly rates as in my book as one of the WORST losses of time ever.

    Someone had good names for A Man Called God and Dong Yi, but off hand I can only remember that Ender’s Girl once referred to Kame’s One Pound Gospel as Boxer Shorts…..which just cracks me up.

  3. Goong or Princes Bore Us

    Fail House

    Joke Number One

    And this is not snark, because I think this drama is fabulous, but because this is its *real* title, surely — What the Hell Happened in Bali!

  4. @ hjkomo

    Heh, I’m pretty sure 90% of the funny re-naming of K-dramas originated from the Kitteh himself, as are most of the above.

    I love it!

  5. Swallow my brain, lol! You are so right. I watched it to the end while wondering why I was still watching it. And when it finally ended, I was so pissed that I did! Now I know why that happened . Somehow, this drama had swallowed my brain and there was no escaping…

  6. How about “WTF Just Happened in Bali?” Because of, you know, the ending. And everything that came before the ending too. But mostly the ending.

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