New Trailer + Additional Stills From Mary Stayed Out All Night
We’re still three weeks away from the premiere of Mary Stayed Out All Night, but the production continues to chug along with filming. With it comes additional stills to whet our appetite, and the release of the first trailer for the drama (the other one released earlier was a MV trailer from the first photo shoot).
I don’t know why, but I want to rename this drama Mary Marries Two Guys or something like that. I don’t think I’ve seen a love triangle featured so blatantly before on a poster. I mean, she’s wearing a wedding dress AND holding both her guys hands, ferssakes!
If this was not billed as a rom-com I would already be predicting the body count will be high and all will not end well. The last time a drama poster featured only the three leads and didn’t even bother to put its second female lead on it was What Happened in Bali. And what happened was not pretty.
Teaser Trailer for Mary:
But Mary looks like a bright and effervescent drama based on the trailer above, and I am totally in the mood for that. Mary premieres after the end of Sungkyunkwan Scandal on KBS.
Oh yea, I was wondering about the same thing when I first see the pictures without reading the text yet… I hardly see dramas featuring the 3 leads on the poster. There are those that shows four characters, which is really common but for 3 leads, hmm…
I hope this one will turn out just fine and not as tragic as What Happened in Bali. T.T
If the drama is anything like these stills, it is going to be EPIC.
I want this to turn out like Bali! Jang Geun Seok goes insane from the hair getting into his eyes and being mistaken for a woman, so he drinks too much soju, buys an uzi from shady foreign mobsters, and goes on a killing spree, accidentaly murdering MGY an KJW as they are walking down the street, commiscerating each other on their awful taste in clothes.
That would actually make me tune in, because as of now, every additional thing I see of this confirms me in ‘this is going to be so bad it’s good’ vibe.
Mousie, I would SO watch that! At the moment all I can do is yell at the stylist and say…well censored for family reading “”fire the stylists.”
Dangermousie I am with you on that……I love all 3 leads (well guy from “coffee” little more) but I am not sure why it seems to be so off the mark..hopefully once I START watching it, I might l ike it…
dangermousie u should make this drama!
Hee! Are you excited? I am excited about this. Contract relationships and fake marriages are one of my favorite kdrama tropes ever. I’m SO giddy because come on, look at the cast!!!! laskdjalhfjkashdfka Can’t hardly wait. I’m so hyped up about this one and Secret Garden.
LOL. Looking at the cast gets me all excited too, but I just don’t know how the TWO contract marriages will work out. I can’t even comprehend or predict what will happen. I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out. November 8th!
And that’s what makes is more intriguing imho. It’s hard enough with one contract relationship, but with two? Omg, it could be hilarious. I wonder if JSG’s and KJW’s characters know about each other’s marriage with MGY’s character or not. I hope not because that can only lead to one misunderstanding after the other, ridiculous situations and, well, in short it can be hysterical. *crosses fingers*
i’m super excited for this but at the same time very very anxious…because it might turn out bad like cin unni and bad guy…well, i love MGY with all my heart so i’ll finish this, esp its a romcom…what makes me anxious is the contract marriage part…how do we get about this….? hmmm :curious:
Other than LOL-ing so hard at Dangermousie making fun of JGS (seriously, she’s brilliant with coming up with new JGS = a woman analogies, I love it!), I’m worried a leeeetle bit about MSOAN.
(1) The story is from the same writer who brought us Full House – one of my most hated K-dramas of all time. Like, I cannot get past episode 5, and this from me who watched all of the dreck that was One Fine Day, Stairway to Hell and then back again, Bad Bad Bad Love, and other such fine specimans of cinematic wack. I hope to god the writer does not write characters that are so shrill and obtuse I want to hit them over a head with a shovel and then bury them 9 feet under – which is what I wanted to do to Rain and SHK in FH.
(2) I love fake relationships and love contracts, too! But then I’m worried I’ll alterna-ship and then be miserable watching it.
To heck with my reservations – yeah I’m uber-excited. Not as %&*%^&*$%^ excited as I am about SG and Athena, but up there.
Oh I’m worried I’ll be torn between the two pairings, too. I just can’t want for the shenanigans that we might see. Hee
LOL Re: Full House. I almost dropped it several times. At some point it was so repetitive I wanted to bang my head against the wall until I was physically incapable of watching more or, alternately, kill the writer with my oh so powerful Jedi mind tricks. Huh, I didn’t know MSOAN was by the same writer. I thought the writer was the one who wrote Love Marriage and Goong? Ok, now I’m a bit worried, but I still have faith in the project. True, it has the potential to turn into a hot mess, but…
kk… i agree with you about athena and sg. strangely i’m more excited about them than mary but i might change my mind.. who knows after they air.
as for full house… kk. i have to disagree. the last 4 episodes were a trainwreck of melo but i got seriously hooked in the beginning. haha.
@ Sere
No, the source material for MSOAN is a manhwa by the same writer who wrote the manhwa that was the source material for Full House.
The drama writer is indeed the one who did Goong and Love Marriage both of which I liked much more than substantive quality-wise it warranted.
i agree…i’m worried cuz with 2 contract marriages and the original manhwa content that was full house…this could be chaos…but it could also be awsome…i’d say i’ll still watch it cuz i love the leads but i dont have the time plus i also loved the leads of Road No the good thing is that i think that i trust these actors and their decisions (i.e ignoring CS and Bad Guy…bt even those started out well and they had great characters so,…)…so i’m gonna see hw this all works out
Can NOT wait to watch it! Seriously looks soooooo good! MGY looks so adorable in her mini-wedding dress. I’m just sad that Kim Jae Wook is the 2nd lead again…and based on the synopsis, he’s not gonna get the girl again…sads
But, I’m still looking forward to seeing this drama…love rom-coms!
wow.. JGS looks so so so pretty! so does MGY!
and lol… i never noticed the fact that WHB was the only drama with no second female lead on the poster.
yay!!!! im excited for this drama!
i would love to see moon geun young in a light drama!
jgs looks so good!
and kjw look hot as well!
well well can’t wait for the drama to start!! JGS and his clothes, yeah fire the stylist!!
YES!!!!! so this is your pick Koala??? Ok i will gear up for this and research from tomorrow….gotta work today….hahahahaha……looks like fun….
The thoughts of the three at the wedding held at the graveyard.
Moo Kyul: Why won’t Jung In let go of Mary’s hand? Let goooo!
Mary: Jung In won’t let me go. His grip is too strong! Oh, what shall I do? What shall I do? But, if I let go… what will happen? Perish the thought.
Jung In: Huh.. Am I the first or the second groom? Doesn’t matter. I’m holding her hand so tightly she can’t run away. *beams*