
Channel X Plot Synopsis and Video of the Production Special — 11 Comments

  1. Oh my god. I want to watch this. Like, I really want to and that hardly happens to me with TW dramas (yeah, I know. I should lose my drama addict badge). I got a question though. I do know where to get raws, but as for subs, I’m at loss. So you know if a group is subbing it? I suppose so, but I’m more familiar with K/Jdramas fansubbing group so I have no idea where to turn to. Soompi?

    And btw, I’m already sad for Joe’s character. On one hand, the plot sounds refreshing, on the other, ACK, ACK, ACK! His gf dies. ACK, I’m not sure if knowing she dies will somehow dampen my enthusiasm for the drama or, worse yet, what if I don’t grow attached to her character? And what if I DO grow fond of her? That’ll be sooo depressing if she actually dies for real and it’s not a faint or something. *bites nails* IDK.

    • I’m actually really excited for this too! When it comes to TW dramas, I usually could care less but this is one drama that I’ve been anticipating for weeks! The plot has definitely piqued my interest now so I can’t wait for its premiere. I love the song, too. *googles Anthony Neely*

      I had no idea Zhou Cai Shi 周采詩 was in this, or uh, I didn’t bother looking up the rest of the cast. I didn’t like her in Hot Shot but I think she’s a decent actress … kinda. I LOL’d at the bed scene. Amber has such a cute voice! And Joe Cheng with his shirt off? *swoons*

  2. I sincerely hope it’s not like Byakuyakou – not much desire to see Joe Cheng make out with a corpse.

    I am quite eager for the drama, which is a first in a while for me with twdramas this year.

    • Eh, I hope *never* to see that plot point used ever again. I was more thinking along the first scene when he dies and she watches. Is. So. Sad.

  3. whoa this sounds pretty interesting indeed. I love Joe Cheng and Amber Kuo is really cute. The behind the scene of the bed scene looked funny, although I didn’t understand a word they said.
    Now I need to go and look for Byakuyakou as I haven’t got a clue what that is…

    • byakuyakou is a j-drama based on a japanese bestselling novel. You might have also heard of White Night, a kmovie remake starring Go Soo and Sohn Ye Jin.

      @ockoala: Whoa Amber dying was totally unexpected. Does that mean BOTH of his GFs dies in the drama? Cuz the synopsis given in the official website states that he is accused of killing his gf, luo shan shan (whom I suspect is played by Michelle Chen). So he gets accused of murder twice? Is that it? (wahhh I’m all confused).

  4. wah yay a good main cast <33 i loved amber after san bao mei even tho the plot sux XDD and of course joe is too awesome to describe.

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