
Filming Commences for The Duo and Chun Jung Myung Dons His Sageuk Outfit — 7 Comments

  1. Yay! Thanks for this! My mouth is literally salivating at the moment, after seeing some pictures of PIE. This is also one of my highly anticipated dramas of 2011, so I pray to the drama gods that it will surpass our expectations. Or at least reach them. ><" God knows PIE deserves to be in a drama that won't waste his acting talents. (Cinderella Sister, I'm looking at you.) But even if this drama turns out to be total dog doodoo, I shall be satisfied with seeing that our beloved PIE has attempted to star in his first sageuk. I'm not really a fan of Han Ji Hye but oh well, we'll see how she'll do in this.

  2. Oh God, am so not on-board with the idiotic blood obsession perspective of “he’s still smart and awesome as noble blood will out while other guy demonstrates inherent slavish nature and heroine can sense this” – wtf – divine right went out with the Stuarts.

    This is one of the (many many) reasons I preferred ROI and HGD to Iljimae – their heroes were smart good people and justice seekers not because they were inherently superior displaced noblemen – I much perfer dramas like Chuno and HGD which are anti class system than ones whcih worship it (at least your average sageuk like Yi San doesn’t address it at all one way or another).

    Ugh. Please let this play better than it sounds because it’s raising my hackles as written.

  3. *rubs hands in anticipation*

    Dude, if this turns out anything like RoI, I’m going to thank the kdrama Gods in a big way; I don’t know how exactly, but I’ll do something. I loooove the premise of the story (what? I like stories about mistaken identities) and PIE looks great in all black.

    BTW, that kid is adorable.

  4. I’m with mousie on the classist issue but on the other hand PIE! In long black saguek-y robes?!? ::swoons:: gets up to look ::swoons some more::

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