Categories: Drama Previews

Longer Video Preview for Episode 9 of 49 Days

I’m so conditioned to K-dramas now. The day before a new episode hits, even if I’m not salivating in anticipation, I still get those little tiny butterflies that remind me of the possibility that the next episode is going to be awesome and knock my socks off. Oh, I am so K-dramas butt Koala it’s not even funny. Someday I may end this unhealthy co-dependent relationship, but until then, bringing you all a longer video preview for 49 Days episode 9.

On a completely unrelated note,  don’t you love that above official SBS released still of Yi Kyung in episode 9? I love that it’s black and white, capturing her expression in a moment of contemplative uncertainty. My interest in Yi Kyung is probably because her story is painful, is complicated, with no easy answers, whereas Ji Hyun’s is very clear on what her goals are – get the three tears and stop nefarious Min Ho and In Jung. But I do love the weird symbiotic friendship that Ji Hyun has struck with Yi Kyung, and I hope she can help get her unni out of her perpetual funk.

Preview for episode 9 of 49 Days:

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  • First thing I saw when I came just now: your MSOAN banner.
    Omg so pretttyyyy! I came to your website every 3 hours to check if there is a new post lol and I must say you're my favorite asian drama blog atm <3. Never stop being awesome!

  • Yi Kyung thinks she is going crazy... not that she has a new friend to share her body (hmm who would be in her skin and think otherwise?)

      • still... this is a form of going crazy
        other diseases that could fit in her symptoms: schizophrenia, dementia, sleepwalking (in a way this is IT)

        besides this isn't without previous reasons - she might think that insanity is because of her loss - there are ppl who go crazy from less than happened to her (a break-up, a job loss) or the same - loss of a child

        I wonder if they will let her see him as Scheduler: I bet she will be sure she's crazy for good

  • Thanks for the preview! I'm so hopeful episodes 9 and 10 will be game-changers, revealing secrets and changing the rules, or at least picking up the pace of the story. Can't wait for tomorrow!

  • Thank you so much ockoala! Even if I cannot understand everything, I can still decipher some bits and pieces. I love that Kang catches Yi-Kyung while having a date with the doctor (ha ha, I love jealous Kang!). Can't wait for your next recap (?) =). I'm doing so many papers but treats like this keep me sane with all these craziness! I so love yah! Mwah!

      • so true..i also thought that Han Kang might see YK in the cafe with the doctor. but thing might turn out differently in the drama. but surely, it would be reaalllly interesting if he did:P

  • Oh....can't wait to see episode 9!!
    I think we'll learn more about YK's story :)
    YK will try to get rid of the ghost using her body!! Oh...sound so complicated!!
    I'm so excited to see how the story goes!

  • Thank you for the preview! I can't wait to see the relationship develop between JH/YK and Kang! <3

  • From the voice, Scheduler's Sunbae seems like Hwan's grandmother in Brilliant Legacy.
    Oh.. my .. the grumpy scheduler is afraid to someone? I can't wait!

  • I'm wishing that Kang would finally be able to meet the "real" YK...& find the difference in their personas....
    I'm wishing for more Scheduler/YK past revelations....

    but most of all.......I'm wishing for a KISS between Kang & JH/YK... whoever!!! Those JHJ-curvaceous lips ought to be USED for kissing!!!!!!!!!!!!hihihihi
    ....wishful thinking much????

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Tags: 49 Days