Lie to Me Breaks All-time Online Viewing Records in China’s Streaming Sites
I posted about 3 weeks ago that Lie to Me was currently #1 on all the major Asian streaming sites and drama sites. China’s Tudou and Youku alone stream hundreds of millions of videos a day. While ratings for LTM domestically are nowhere near abysmal (that would be my darling Playful Kiss), it’s low for a drama starring Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan. It did not meet expectations, period. I know wuri Eun Hye and Ji Hwan have been feeling the pressure for the lackluster ratings, which have zero to due with them, since they are the sole saving grace of this drama. But this ought to cheer them up, as the Korean media is finally picking up on LTM’s insane popularity overseas.
As of today, LTM not only continues to be #1 at mysoju, Tudou, and Youku, it’s #1 at an unprecedented viewing amount. In the 50 days since the drama premiered, it has been viewed over 100 million times on China’s five main streaming sites. This heretofore unheard of online popularity for a drama in China (such high view volume in such a short period of time) has been discussed as highly unlikely to be beat anytime in the near future for any drama. No other drama has ever come close to this view volume in this period of time.
I hope Eun Hye and Ji Hwan’s fan share this news with them, because I’m sure it’ll really raise their spirits. Bear in mind this doesn’t even take into account LTM’s popularity in Japan when it airs. And I’ll bet my shorts it’s going to be a hit Japan. Eun Hye + Ji Hwan = catnip for the kitties in Nippon. The popularity of LTM overseas means that we’ll likely be seeing Ji Hwan and Eun Hye reuniting to promote the drama overseas. That possibilty makes me squee with joy.
[Credit: Nate news]
What do the numbers look like for the U.S.? Awesome to hear that LTM is breaking records. So sad that the drama is coming to an end. I’m going to miss Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye together and hope they team up again in the future!
This is super great info….please watch Lie to Me… you will love being in-love over & over again! No dull moments watching it so many times!This drama will leave you craving for more!
It’s currently #1 on (ever since it started airing), and it was also #1 on mysoju, like mentionend above. I’m wondering if they have numbers for the live-streaming websites because that must also garner tons of traffic.
It’s currently rank number 1 at also.
yay! i love LTM!!!
Yaaaay! 1st one
I love this drama even though the plot & pacing is crap! All only bcoz of YEH & KJH. They are super awesome together! Glad that people outside of korea loves & appreciate them
good news for them…extensions like playful kiss for fans sakes????
Extensions are doubtful this late in the game, plus KJH’s got a busy schedule straight after filming ends…
I don’t mind those ratings in Korea, as long I am enjoying this drama…..and see even in other places there so many people who likes this series… I’m actually a Filipina who is residing here in UAE..I really-really like YEH and KJW… like others I want to see them to be married…’s free to dream so let’s just dream about it because sometimes dreams becomes reality….GO YEH/KJW have fun after this drama….
Hi Julianne, you are filipino and you’re in the UAE, I am as well. Nice meeting you here. I also love LTM & YEH and KJH with a passion that i have to run home every Monday & Tuesady evening to get my latest update on them. I really don’t mind about the rating because i believe that it does not really give you the actual number of people watching a program especially in this age of high technology. Congrats to the cast & crew of LTM.
it has the makings of being no. 1 here also in the Philippines. I’m sure networks here are already clamoring for the rights to air it dubbed in tagalog. will surely watch it again =)
Wow… that’s great news… thanks’ Ms. Koala… I hope they see this and won’t be disappointed with the ratings in Korea…
I’m so glad that I’m not the only one that is going gaga for LTM, or is it KJH/YEH!!!!!!!!!!
me, too… thanks again koala…
Woot!! Onliners all over the globe your all awesome. Heheh.
Looks like Yoon Eun Hye will be buying that ticket to J+A+P+A+N after all. Bahahha Yummeh.
“She’s leaving *leaving* ooh leaving on a midnight plane to Ji Hwan *Leaving on a midnight plane to Ji Hwan*….She’s got to go, she’s got to go, she’s go to go” fade.
No but on all serious note, its really cool. I too hope their fans get to share this with them and show them that LTM is greatly appreciated. And Them as an OTP even more. Koala I cant sleep and I wanted to stalk your channel one last time before I found something to occupy my time. I find myself being really down because of how LTM ep 14 ended and Its going to be over soon. Too Soon, but Im so ready for the happy ending. I really am.
OMG, I just found out that the actress that plays YJ is in my husbands company. Yes, I was totally surprised today when I clicked on Gong Yoo’s company and I was seeing who else was in his company, when her face showed up. Tsk Tsk
hmmm sorry for being so curious Leishers, but is your husband korean?
Our days of “stalking on line” of our favorite couple did paid-off, isn’t it?!…It’s my first time feeling so proud of my “stalking”!
LOL, according to Leishers, her husband is Gong Yoo. As far as I know, he appears to be full-blooded Korean.
And a great kisser.
Very tall.
To-die-for smile.
Formerly Eun Hye’s smexiest co-star.
But she’s got a new oppa in town now.
come to think of it, I don’t even think I’ve ever heard YEH address Gong Yoo as oppa during interviews either…
ah love gong yoo! i agree with you 100% koala!
but like you said eun hye has a new OPPA!
and his sooooooooo damn handsome!
opps sorry my mistake, ockoala!
heheh @Conie
Yep, Gong Yoo is my hubbeh. Its been 4 blissful years now, and we’re still counting. heheh
And he is everything that @Koala said too.
GREEAAT kisser
Sexily Tall Hmm Yummeh
Killer sexy smile (still takes my breath away)
And the rest too.
Geezzz! I really thought her husband is! Gong Yoo is the actor in Coffee Prince, right?hah! Leishers..I don’t mind if Gong Yoo is your husband, just as long as its not Ji-Hwan! :D..and I totally agree with Koala, you’re husband is a good kisser but Ji-Hwan is the BEST kisser nowadays. lol!
@ Conie : if Leisher’s husband is Ji Hwan.. I bet Ms. K will ban her from this tread …*kidding*
yeah!…that is why I am only watching my Ji-Hwan when I’m in her playground, but when I go home to my paradise, he’s definitely!
ooh.. I’d like to correct a bit about Ji Hwan’s skill on kiss… well, on cola kiss… he’s not kissing.. he’s EATING AJ’s mouth… shoot!! that’s even HOTTER than what Gong Yoo’s done in CP… hihihihi….
Pardon my ignorance but how did Gong Yoo kissed YEH in CP?
@ bo : you haven’t watch CP? you can watch stream at eps. 17…last episode.. then you’ll know what i meant.. I’m not a good story teller….but one thing for sure CP had a bed scene :p which is why I’m so anxious waiting in LTM as well
Thanks Peipei that will be my “weaning LTM ” target.
@ Leishers : you better put handcuff for your hubbie Gong Yoo… before the biatch Yoon Joo chase after him and calls him OPPA!!… jeez..I still hate her for calling KJ…oppa..oppa.. KILL YOON JOO!!! *heavy sigh* every time I talk about her ..i felt so exhausted and my energy absorb with my own hatred to her…
hahaha ,kill yoon joo!
do gong yoo feels like someone is taking his place?
he probably have lan sau jing on hand.anyway,reminds me ,on x-man ….when kin jun kwok meet eric , he feels someone taking his place.funny!sweet.I hope oppa kwang jin kwan would not feel someone taking his place after they finish Lie to me.when yoon yen hye jump to another project with another male leads!
Thanks for the concern, but Gong Yoo cant ever leave me. Gah, it was love at first site for me, he completely stole me from the very first ep of cp that I watched (Ep 16). But if that YJ chick try to pull one of her stalker LTM moves on him, well I’ll get @Angelitocurioso to call in vincenzo for me. heheheh
i am so glad that this drama is well received across the globe!.. i need to study for my CPA exams but i still make time for Lie To Me..sad that its ending soon! hopefully, we’ll see YEH and KJH in another drama soon…Love song?? anyone??
I second the motion!!!!!!!!
Revive Love Song with YEH and KJH!
They would be soooo perfect. KJH does want to do a melodrama… but it’s all about timing. *crossing fingers*
oh hell yesss!!! revive love song lets put it back in the table. kjh is good on melodrama n eun is also good when it comes to crying. oh that will be to die for if they do it…hope soo ..hope so>>>
thank you koala…i’m so happy for YEH-KJH..the best OTP
Hope someone can deliver this good new to the whole team of LTM and especially to HwanHye..Hopefully at least they can feel relief that their hard work is well appreciated and beyond just Korea…hahahah…
Yipppeeee!!!! I’m so so so so happy with this!!! Im sure this news has reached the cast and crews of LTM..I remember Playful Kiss has the same fate with LTM when it aired in Korea but then Youtube gave them a special youtube version of the drama…this would surely boost the spirit of our cola couple and I hope through this the writer would give us online viewers a special treat as the drama comes to its end next week. Thanks for this wonderful update Koala..this news certainly bring me good vibe today after my sad rants about the writer yesterday.
thanks koala…LTM will be air on Japan on maybe our OTP will fly to Japan TOGETHER to promote this drama!!!anyone want to book ticket to Japan???
SBS/The House Company needs to buy YEH ticket to accompany KJH to Japan ASAP.
I wonder when KJH is going to have time to do a tour though… unless they do promotions immediately after for all of july before KJH films his next movie in august.
who will be the female leads of the tomorrow movies?the invester should know that now this 2 ,cola couples were so hot, cola company have to pay them too since I have addicts to cola again .hahaha! both really were drawing the world attention,if they can carry the movies, it should turns out big money ! for me, I would be screaming and so much wanted to go to the movie house for it.
Dear Ockoala,
I noted your comment in your Lie To Me Episode 14 recap:
“LTM can’t even be considered an online mania drama anymore, as the middle-drama surge of interest has noticeably waned as well, leaving a loyal and devoted group of folks (myself included) who still really love this couple.”
Reading this news, we’ll have to accede to the fact that LIE TO ME online mania has not died down but is overwhelmingly alive and kicking!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS NEWS MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!! Just sent this news link to the official LIE TO ME YOUTUBE CHANNEL and asked that they share it with YEH, KJH, the director and the entire cast!
So happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve become a permanent camper in your playground!
LTM live airing overseas interest is one of the highest I’ve seen for any K-drama.
But my comment about the interest waning is still true. It hit its peak around episode 8 (episodes 6-10 were collectively burning up portals), but has since dimmed a bit. Still insanely popular, but the new writer’s direction isn’t as loved as the old one.
What’s great, too, is that unlike drama ratings, the numbers here better reflect the number of individuals accessing the episodes of LTM instead of households with hypothetical/avg’d numbers.
I guess that was because we pre-empted Ki Joon’s defection to Yoon Joo after making Go Ah Jung believe that he was serious about her. I remember we, LTM fans, were up in arms, ready to pounce on Ki Joon in case it happens but Ki Joon instantaneously redeemed himself in Episode 9 and we were pacified…
Ockoala, would you consider scriptwriting a drama for our HwanHye couple? Since you come up with such incisive and insightful recaps, think you can come up with one.
yoon yen hye ,has many admirers.they all like her but where is mr. right?
will kang chi woon be that mr right?……..acting or real? hope they can team up again!
What about Kang Chi Woon? How is he related to our YEH?
Who’s Kang Chi Woon?
And yeah, how is he related to our YEH?
Don’t be alarmed Doublebubbles it’s Kang Ji Hwan…=)
you mean Kang Ji Hwan?
YES, sorry miss spell. heun ki jun
Kang Ji hwan will have to fend off lots of YEH admirers, all of them have been very vocal bout liking her.
1. Kim jong Kook:
2. Lee Minki:
3. U-Kiss Eli:
4. Lg Twins Pitcher Woo Gyu Min who wrote her a letter
5. Nuck from the group Soul Dive
6. Kim Jung Mo from the band TRAX
7. Tsuyoshi Kusanagi of Japan group SMAP also expressed interest
8. Yoon Jong Shin before he got married
9. In Happy together K-Will chose her and said she is close to his ideal woman
there should be more =D
oppa ,jealous yet?
now that the whole world with lie to me.
or real or act?
I guess this is the one wuri Kang Ji-Hwan is talking about in ep 14 that he is jealous because so many of them in line..maybe this is the reason why he adlib “oppa” in his lines..(I really hope)
Wooohhhooo!!! I’m so happy with this news ms. Koala. This gave me goosebumps, if only I’m not at work right now I’d be waltzing around somewhere. My eyes is yet again glued to my iphone hungry for more YEH/KJH updates, this definitely made my day.
It just show that we are not at all dumb like what other forums considered us to be.
If so, then half of the world would be dysfunctional if all of us LTM lovers are demented.
LTM fighting!!!!
I’m at work, too, felt goosebumps all over and wanted to squeal with delight!!!!!!
Yes! Too bad we’re at work now eh? I wanna dance and prance. But, I’m afraid my patients wouldn’t want me to go near them, least they consider me a lunatic prancing around lol. :)… But geez I wanna shout my lungs out
thank you for posting this….this is really great news…
I am happy with this news and I am trying to share it in YEH twitter. (hope she reads it!) Our OTP has been loved from all over the world and I really hope they won’t be too disappointed with themselves, they did a great job and we all love them, right? aside from the ratings, well, I noticed that even the “better” drama in KOrea or Taiwan now are getting fewer comments in your site koala..
I mean, just look at the recaps for lie to me episodes, more than 200… when the other dramas don’t hit much.
this proves how their hardwork paid off, the world can’t get over the LTM Fever.~♥ kudos to you koala for sharing this wonderful thing all over the world.
Oh yes, if you have a twitter account, please twit this information to YEH.
Wonder what’s KJH’s twitter (if he has one that is).
Its interesting. To think that such viewership might have been seen as piracy but now, its a legit way of looking at popularity.
Playful Kiss werent doing well at home but hugely popular isnt it?
Yes, please twit it to Yoon Eun-hye.
thanks Koala!
so happy to hear that LTM is so popular international. it may have a low rating in Korea but overseas it tells otherwise. LTM fighting!
no matter what the rating is… i just love LTM & OTP of Yoon Eun Hye & Kang Ji Hwan…Fighting
yaaaaaaay what a GREAT news indeed… been feeling a bit down because I can’t overcome the fact that LTM is ending next week plus I can’t forget the last minute of ep 14 (i hate to see YEH embarrassed and crying) BUT this really lifted my spirit… Thank you madame Koala for always spoiling us with goodies like this…
omo not only that i have goosebumps all over I’m also in tears!!! am such a baby!!! am sooo happy for the cast and crew of LTM… your hard work paid off…
squeeeeeee now off to watch ep 13 and 14 (minus the last min) again and again….
Seriously, we have the exact same thoughts. Its crazy. I was so down too because LTM is ending and because of how ep 14 ended. Gah I refuse to watch the last minutes of it. I still feel such hatred towards the reporter guy! I really wanna punch him in the faceeee. Gah. I miss the old writer so much. I dont really dislike the new writer, but with how ep 14 ended, im windering what he/she is thinking. better not make ep 15 and 16 difficult. Or else….Or else… i’d bite off my finger!!
no LTM is not considered the most highest anticipated drama oversea- i’ve seen better drama with higher viewers.
if you want to put it that way,
i don’t think LTM considered a big hit oversea. better than in korea but not much,no hype about it- dramabeans doesnt even recap it anymore..
when secret garden or you’re beautiful or BOF that’s when everybody everywhere watching it..
oh well, positive thinking is way to go..better than nothing..
Please read carefully the post.
I said Lie to Me broke online viewing records based on number of views in a certain period of time (100 million via 5 streaming portals in a 50 day period).
That is all. No one ever said it was the “highest anticipated drama oversea”. It is one of the highest I’ve seen.
As for the hype, it’s hardly empirical evidence to the contrary, but DC Lie and Baidu Lie bar are the two busiest drama bars respectively (in posting and viewership) for currently airing dramas.
I also didn’t realize Javabeans decision to recap a drama correlated to how popular the drama was. Here I thought she recapped a drama because she enjoyed watching it. You know, the same modus operandi as myself and any other recapper out there.
Lastly, this post was based on a Korean newspaper article discussing LTM’s popularity overseas. I didn’t conjure up the information for “positive thinking” purposes.
Yeah people need to learn to read before writing. That is all over korean news so it wouldn’t hurt if they actually researched.
More happy news ockala Lie To Me has been sold to 8 countries so far countries in europe also showing much interest.
Lie to Me Open thread in dramabeans has about 200 more comments than Best love!
Excuse me, but ockoala didn’t make it up it’s all over korean news with FACTS to back it up
Good to based things on facts, not perception. The news is everywhere and in black and white! Goodness gracious!
Sorry, base not based.
Hard evidence is there and we still choose to overlook it?
LOL more news from korea just incase some fans of other dramas will still insist that it’s just positive thinking or obra maestra of Lie To Me fans… I like being able to post hard evidence:§ion=sc11
If naysayers still wanna say it’s just positive thinking or delusion of Lie To Me fans then they can go to nate and other news sites like naver to search the news themselves.:)
Thanks so much babylove
This is good news for cast, crew, and LTM fans. I just wanna say I love LTM and will be checking into the LTM Anonymous Program to get back to normal when the drama is over. Of all the May Dramas, I connected with Best love and Lie To Me. Best Love took my intellect and my heart and Lie to Me took my soul and my spirit.
These two have sizable international fanbases so this doesn’t surprise me one bit. Especially Eunhye, who has had an international fanbase since Baby Vox that skyrocketed to epic proportions with overseas faves Goong ( I even read about this one on the American Yahoo site when it was airing) and Coffee Prince.
Any Preview for epi 15 ??????
Will AJ think twice before she marry to KJ or running away!!!!!
Inferior to KJ (perfect and public figure)
YJ lecture her What is the role model as KJ’s wife? So the report asks her the
same. Can she stand the heat? As KJ asks her to go to P Chen Ball, she is unwilling to go because her job is suspensed under investigation?
She is uncomfort/uneasy in public
IMMAGE OF World Hotel Group
Will the shareholder or the member of the board , KJ auntie accept the Lair
AJ as wife of KJ (CEO) and ruin the immage of the hotel?
Epi 14 Manager asks KJ to listen to his heart to love AJ — mean
he has to give up something(his CEO role) to live in AJ world???
My god ….. long way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!Next Week is …………………
Will AJ and KJ cry hell out!
Keep on flighting
Marry without KJ auntie blessing(same as secret garden)
AJ studys aboard and KJ follows her
She likes causal wear (feel comfortable not comfort to go to ball??)
glad to hear about the news. but all i care about is that i’m really enjoying watching this drama. almost everything that i want to see in a romantic show was probably shown here already. and i love that. of course i still hope that more people could appreciate the drama as most of us do.
yey, happy to hear this!
somebody tell Kang Ji Hwan and Eun Hye of this. I hope this news reaches Korea.
LTM, fight to win! : )
good job
This is really great news.
Hope this reaches the whole production crew of LTM especially to both of them.
And please don’t forget to vote for YEH:
She’s currently #1 now but we need your support since it’s pretty much a tight game between her and GHJ. Voting ends on July 6 and you’re only allowed to vote once a day per IP address.
Just click on # 02 for HOT drama star (female) and click on the check mark on the rightmost part with YEH’s photo.
Thanks a lot.
Just voted and will try to remember voting each day! What about Kang Ji Hwan?
As for KJH, I think he was not included in the list in # 01 for the male category which is a bummer. It would be really cool to see both of them dominate the top spot.
i’ll ask all my friends to vote for her since we all like her
voted. YEH must win. FIGHTING!!!
Yoon eun hye is not nmber one.GHJ is currenly number one at 80,000 +. Yoon Eun-hye is only 79, 000. Oh guys, please vote!!!!
Check it out YEH is number 1 now. pls. vote again.
It’s the cherry on top ! ratings does not bother me – I’m all into LTM ever since. CHEERS TO ALL!!!!!
Bien merecido, well deserved, 잘 마땅, bien méritée, 当之无愧
definitely well deserved!!!! KJH and YEH made this show so much better!!!!!!!!! i am super happy for them and all the hype!!!
Definitely the best piece of news I’ve had in weeks! Thanks for the update Koala. Woot! Woot!
i’m so happy about this news hope that they will have another drama……. cross my finger on that…… are they really dating? plssssss are they really dating?
how i wish we can guys create a blog for our beloved yeh and kjh……. who’s with me?
What kaola means for the period of time (from 09 May to now)
Many chinese viewers watch LTM while it is still online/live.
Many famous K drama ie…. Secret Garden,………..same as LTM (AFTER
29 jUNE) viewers can still watch on line and the figure is going up every day.
If you can read chinese go to baidu and see the comments (not hundred
in kaolaplayground but……….)
A Korean newspaper state that LTM (5 webites in china is 114,749,800 millions(not beeen audit) This figure is encourage the actors, actress and the team to make good film. LTM team works hard, I believe epi 14 shoot the date before it is on air?
LTM change the writer at the request of the sponsor(business is business, they wont spend money on nothing) . See the advertise at the end of each epi!!
KJH ‘s casual wear from epi 11………… is not co incident
YEH is wears casual wear most of the time(civil servant dress code
for a senior officer in Korea should be………….)
Let not argue what is right from wrong!!!!!!
I read AN ARTICLE – A popula Television station in china use LTM
music in their variety show because LTM is so hot online.
So please dont quote me and kaolaplayground ——
all these information are unofficial
ahh so thats why writer changed! ! So… business being business… a little comforting *hug* & *kiss* for dear AJ at this point in time won’t hurt.
Just sayin’.
this is a GREAT NEWS!!! ratings don’t really matters… :))
Really really wish that this news can reach both Eun Hye and Ji hwan! It’s a lot of encouragement for the crew and staff! And us fans too!
This is a good news for the crew as well as the casts… here what I’ve just read in Soompi:
” The production company of , Verdi Media stated, “We were surprised by the explosive interest from the international fans. All the actors and staff members are energized from the support and responses given by both domestic and international fans. We thank them for such interest.”
so I believe all the actors are aware about this and can give some good atmosphere despite the low rating in Korea. Fighting… Kang Ji Hwan & Yoon Eun Hye!!! and of course my Park hoon *giggles* ….
AND… last but not least.. the new writer reconsider to put lots lovey dovey scene for our OTP in last 2 episodes.. jjaebal…give us..the perverters…more scenes for bandit kiss…. ^^
hah!!! there is a drama god after all… thanks for sharing that news… now the ULTIMATE news that would really tickle me dead is that KJH AND YEH ARE DATING FOR REAL…. drama god, hear me again please…
Wonderful news! I am not so much into Korean drama but I know Lie to Me was perfect for the Yoon and Hwan to catch the interest of millions.
So, wake up Korean viewers. Make your taste more global, you are missing a love story enjoyed by millions around the world and it has
Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan as lovers. Most exciting couple in drama at present. You can still catch up with episodes 15 and 16. Enjoy!
On a side note, what is the exact location of the favorite bench of Ah-Jung and Ki-Joon? I will be in Seoul in October with my husband and I swear not to leave Korea until we see the bench and sit in that bench. Will there be cherry blossoms this October. I bet that Ahjung and Kijun walk where the bench is, will now be a popular tourist walk to be visited by lovers around the world! How exciting!
Cherry blossoms only bloom for about 3 weeks in April once a year. As for the bench, hopefully some reader will answer the question for you. Enjoy sitting on it with your hubby. Definitely suggest you two re-enact the scene from episode 5!
Ms. K… thanks for the info.. I almost set my schedules to visit korea next year in May…
@Grace Smith
If you find the bench, be sure to send us pictures….=)
Tell us the location when you find it please – we’d all love to know fir future reference – ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
I watch LTM via the Tudou and LTM always ranks within the top 3 most viewed dramas. The chart includes not just Kdrama but also China/HK/Japan/Taiwan etc. If you go to the now, you can easily find that chart even though you can’t read Chinese. LTM ranks No.1, just checked.
YEH and KJH defintely have huge no. of fans in China and LTM proves how popular they are in this market. Though I watch LTM online, to show my support and because I really like this drama, I will buy the official DVD once it is on market.
I will go to Seoul on 6/29, and I will try to find the coffee house where KJH called YEH ‘Wuri Jungie”.
This is just great news. Watching tv on the internet is much more popular nowadays.
I know that a lot of people are not liking the changes this new writer has made, but I think that she’s doing better in some areas the old writer lacked. There are better lines and better character development, but plot wise its beyond saving. This writer has salvaged what she could and doing her best to make the story a little better, I.e. kijoons amazing proclamation of his love for ahjung. *swoon*.
can we get hong sisters to write a new drama starring these two?
that would be pure awesome!
Noooo, the Hong Sisters drama’s depress me. They are nicely wirtten and all but, they just dont hold my interest beyond like teh first couple episode. MGIAG is the only one that I seriously fell in love with, but even with that my interest threatened to wane. Its like, they make it too complicated, so it just leaves me skipping parts.
But….I guess thats just me.
I want YEH plays in KimEunSuk drama…or PD four seasons…cause I think YEH ready for melodrama….
Kim Eun Suk the lady who wrote the lovers series? If thats the same person then…My will YEH be crying alot.
Great, great, great! Let all the good news keep pouring in!
Yippie, LTM Rocks! Great news! Forget about the ratings in their home and what other people think. What’s important is how every viewer connects to a drama. It has me hooked thru’ the heart from episode 1 onwards. And thanks to Koala if not, then I couldn’t have any recaps or latest news about YEH and KJH. I love it here in your playground. LTM Fighting!!!
this is an awesome news that would give YEH, KJH and the rest of the casts and crew renewed spirit. thank you koala for all your news and recaps. really appreciate all your hardwork.
im not surprised at all!!!!!
coz i enjoy watching it and never failed me to feel in love :))))
how they stare at each other wow it melts my heart how i wish im the one experiencing it :)))
” i need you,, like pouring rain… “
Thank you so much Koala….You know what is the first thing I’m doing when I woke-up in the morning??? I’m checking your playground hahaha…right beside me is my notebook so the time I open my eyes my notebook also opens and right away I’m checking your updates regarding LTM….. It makes my day so good…. I really adore this couple YEH and KJW and like others hoping that they will become “real couple” after this drama….
Yes its true that outside Korea this drama is very popular. But never mind those ratings… We want this drama because of YEH and KJW that’s it, so let SBS make a sequel for this drama to be aired live outside Korea…..Hurray….
OMG…Celine we share the same habit. Since LTM aired I never let my NB far away from me, even in my sleep. Like you the first thing I did when woke up in the morning was checking about LTM at soompi, koalasplayground & Haha we’re helpless people when it come to that drama or maybe to our KJH & YEH.
And I don’t want a sequel of LTM, I want another drama or melo this time for our OTP with the best script writer they can give.
hahah I dont want a sequel LTM either Santaiah. It would have to mean seperation for our OTP and We dont want that. Thats a def no-no. We want them stuck like glue (thats a song by Sugarland) forever!!
am a huge fan from vancouver, ca… so crazy & addicted to this so sad this will end next week..:(
two more episodes to go.. i guess im kinda ready for it.. but i want a follow up series.. a reality show perhaps? let’s watch how KJH and YEH date in real life until they get married and have babies… haha i want that! and i’m serious! let’s cast them in we got married!!!!
anyway, after the airing of the last episode of LTM they’ll be having a celebration and DCLTM have prepared and message book ( i guess it’s called that way) which a compilation of OL messages of fans per actor as a gift. anybody else who took part in it aside from me? i really wish i could see their reaction when they read it..
oh i did.
I remember when YAB fans did a book for them… I didn’t participate in that one but it was really nicely done. I was impressed. I’m curious how this one will turn out.
With all the numbers, I just hope YEH, KJH and the rest of the crew and cast, feel like their hard work is appreciated. Particularly for YEH and KJH – I’m positive the ratings disappointment is rough on them.
We Got Married would be great!! The PD’s of WGM would all due a collective death if wuri OTP agreed to do the program
Big thumbs up to the Lie to me team, and to dearest Hwan Hye couple who probably, have given their best of best to this drama. There was so much responsibility on these 2’s shoulders and they have really been outstanding. They have used their eyes, hands, of course lips to draw out the range of expressions that I have rarely seen in other dramas.
As many have said, this drama brought out a lot of firsts for me too, stalking this playground, stalking soompi and watching live recaps was something I never did before. But, curiosity as to what these two will do next drove me to do this.
Thanks to all fellow Liars, I even love reading the comments.
Koala thanks so much for bringing this good news to us LTM lovers. It’s just like seeing a light in a dark tunnel. After the disappointment by low rating in Korea this news is so welcomed. Glad that the actors and the crews knew about it. Hoping that it can raising their spirit up while shooting the last epi.
such a wonderful plaground for fans of LTM and our OTP. million thanks koala :0
Thank you very much koala.LTM is a drama that makes me the spirit of waiting for him every week,here I get everything about LTM…
awesome LTM plays a well-liked abroad,no matter the drama in korea ratings low for me this play very much like.
fighting LTM I am a fan from Indonesia…^^
I was a lover of Korean drama,has many Korean dramas that I watch.he he LTM is the drama of the first times I watch with my husband,and he said he became addicted to this drama is very enjoyable and provide for our own happiness…I’m sad this drama will end soon,I want to ah joon ki jung and have a happy ending in this drama.when the drama was over I want you guys met in another drama because I really liked you guys together…
My husband does not like Korean songs so unhappy that LTM has a nice ost,we have download all the ost LTM but I’m curious is there any one who know the song title at the beginning and end of ep 14 ep 14…?
Nice to know many indonesian friends playing here..n I hope LTM will be broadcast at Indosiar soon….
yes I hope so too every drama yoon eun hye is always on display on the indosiar like princess hours, coffee prince, and my fair lady, and hopefully LTM was also aired in Indonesia indosiar because fans already miss each yoon eun hye.
yoon eun hye always loved everywhere…
I always liked every drama yoon eun hye especially at this time makes me crazy addiction LTM he he…^^^
wow, i hope this news will reach kang ji hwan and yoon eun hye! congrats to the cast and crew of LIE TO ME!!! =)
Yes…. yes…. yes… YES! Great news indeed. KJH and YEH as OTP rock!
yippiee.. that’s fantastic!!!… Im also one of million internet viewers out there… I’ll bet that will cheer up Kang Ji Hwan and hopefully his dream to be a well known actor is coming true because of LTM… Figthing Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye.. the best couple in K drama I’ve ever seen…
i’m sure it’s gonna be no. 1 here in the philippines too when it will be shown here. Networks here might be working /negotiating already for the rights to air it dubbed in tagalog. I for one will surely watch it again =)
agree. i heard it will be shown in gma 7 soon.
really! how did you know that lie to me will be air at gma 7? “hope in abs cbn”
Stop dreaming my dear. This is not a beautiful story that filipinos will hook this drama, sorry but the two otp are nothing to do except their sweet tweetums which is very annoying to watch especially YEH..She’s good and very pretty in goong but now seems like she is trying hard to act and not pretty usual, KJW is super hunk and handsome. i like him since from coffee house.
@lowkey…HOW DID YOU KNOW??? Are u a Filipino??? have you ever been in the Philippines?? just asking
@garay…yes it will be shown in GMA 7..too bad ABS wasn’t able to get it tsk tsk tsk
can’t w8 to watch the tagalized version! hehe
I am also wondering, are you perhaps a filipino? I am a filipino and I like it and there are also many students here in Baguio City, Philippines who are immensely obsessed with it.
I disagree. I’m a filipino and i love LTM. I’ve watched YEH from Goong to Coffee Prince to My Fair Lady to Lie To Me. YEH is a great actress. LTM, welcome to the Philippines!
@ lowkey, stop dreaming too, you’re probably the only one who doesn’t like her. we pilipinos here in the US love her.
@ lowkey, stop dreaming too, you’re probably the only one who doesn’t like her. we pilipinos here in the US love her.
@MrJustineGiver & @Elma….lowkey is so Bitter!! WTG Friends!
wow so many Filipinos here! Me too! hehe…@lowkey, we are here because we love LTM, the story and the actors involve..if you find it not entertaining I respect your opinion. But I hope you’ll also respect us as we all have different opinions. I personally don’t like the way you write that Filipinos won’t like this because its not good..who are you to judge us?If you don’t like LTM, might as well not write anything at all. I think that makes sense after all the people who keep commenting here are the ones who appreciate this drama so much.
another filipina here! and definitely a YEH fan.^_^
oh, come on, @lowkey. i bet, if the reviews didn’t mention the flaws you wouldn’t even notice it. amid the production challenges, LTM remains to be a pleasure to watch due its actors and the many relevant social stigmas reflected in every episode.
congratulations to us (the obsessive Ah-Ki fandom)! our incessant camping and stalking for LTM is finally recognized!^_^
@lowkey..who are you to say that? I am a Filipina and I love YEH. Filipinos love Yoon Eun Hye since Goong days.
LTM is indeed a drama to die for coz of YEH & KJH period….
@Connie….Werd! So true…so true…
I don’t know you and I don’t have any gripe against you.
I hope you read Bebe’s comment and understood it’s context. She said that “for sure it will be no. 1 here in the Philippines”, and I agree with her because this is the type of drama that Filipinos (like me) will enjoy. It may become no. 1 here in the Philippines, because “most” Filipinos will watch it. There may be “some” who will not watch it or will not like it.
If you don’t like LTM or YEH for that matter, I totally respect that. But what would you want to just come here and make the effort of commenting in such a way that you take the joy out of other people.
Your opinion is welcome here, whether you agree with what we say or not. Just be mindful of how you say it.
Kung Pinoy ka man o hindi, mabuhay na lang sayo!
We, students here in Manila, are also great fans of Lie to Me and of course the OTP. Though the drama has not been aired yet, it has already garnered attention here in the Philippines.
me too. i’m looking forward to it. I love them both.
me too! i’m a filipina! i really like the story of lie to me (kang ji hwan & eun hye).
hope kang ji hwan and eun hye have time to visit in our beloved country “philippines”!
PPStream and Fanxhion also get TONS of viewings from Chinese!!!
Hello liars!
To think that this drama’s plot and writing suck tremendously, the fact that we are still glued in front of our laptops every Monday and Tuesday is an absolute proof how convincing and amazing our OTP in this drama. Even though the rating fails in Korea, but LTM has been successful in gaining loyal fans among the netizens and overseas viewers. It’s not because of the PD, good script or plot, but its success is 100% because of Yoon Eun Hye and Han Ji Hwan partnership. Kudos to them!! I really hope both our OTP do not get demoralised or pressured due to poor rating at home, instead they should be happy with it’s popularity among the overseas viewers. Eun Hye and Ji Hwan just need to give their best in the next 2 episode and the rest will be history.
Who said bad written drama can go under? if you have excellent actor/actress anything is possible. Just look at LTM and you will understand why
wow, Lie To ME in the Philippines!!!!~ Hope that ABS CBN gets it, but.. oh well, most of the time GMA gets a bigger viewership!
anyway, as long as the dubbing is good I am ok with it!wish they won’t put it so late at night and I wish it will be out THIS YEAR!!! I am so happy with this news, really! So love Ms. Eun Hye from Goong Days ( I am re-watching Goong now, for the hundredth time, and I think she and Mr. Ji Hwan deserve all of this for all their hardwork. I love this site and I love the people here, very friendly and not bashing anyone, specially YEH
I mean we accept the flaws of this drama, and we admit it but some people are just so downright mean in other site. This site, really has a very friendly atmosphere!Thank you ockoala..
Let’s vote for Ms. YEH and let’s make her stay in No. 1!
(I know it’s only 1 IP address per day but how come I can’t vote even using the incognito window, google chrome.. I was able to vote multiple time before in a Taylor Swift poll..why can’t i do it now?) T.T
You can visit to help you out with the voting procedures.
Keep on voting everyone.
Thanks for the support.
@jinglebells…I 2nd the motion!!
hihi the link has actually been bookmarked in my laptop. it’s a routine for me to vote every time i go online.
I really happy that lie to me was paid off all their work, in the few first episodes until in episode 9 I was really pissed of to those people who hate lie to me because I really think that this is a great drama and it’s ending will be really that good. But I suddenly get disappionted to sudden change of writer, I’m not saying that the new writer is not that good but when I watch the episodes 11&12, I was getting excited on the next episode after the episode 10 but my feelings went down when I watch the next 2 episodes and when I read the recap of episode 13 & 14 I got more disappionted. As I say I don’t attend to offend somebody, but let me tell you what I felt to those new 4 episodes: I feel like the flow of the drama get change, was really expecting something that they prolong the fight of ah jung and ki joon, and by episodes flow we will really feel romance and persuing the person you love. I’m sorry to say this but to those 4 latest episodes I really gey bored and bored. I really hope in the ending I’ll get fired up, and anywaysI even told to those haters that the drama is not yet ended you will not know what will happen next, well I should try what I just said. I really hope that in the last episodes that I will feel again thr feeling that I had in those first few episodes, the feeling of excitement.
Yeh……..I’m really happy for them, their hard works really paid off. I hope this good news will lift there spirit. Congratulation to everyone, we are also participants for the success online. Thanks a million Koala for the good news.
I was surprised to see LTM on cable TV in the east coast tues late night n last night too on SBS/KTV. LOL I was re-watching for the nth time ep 14 n watching LTM on TV- the housewarming scenes.
I am so proud of LTM, all the actors/actresses n crews for bringing us a wonderful kdrama inspite of lackluster ratings from korea. we’re 10 friends from america n europe, not koreans but were so in tune every week on LTM news, recaps, eps by eps watching even raw at that. KJH and YEH got us all hook to watch their amazing talents, adlibs n undeniable chemistry together. LTM Fighting !!!
i was super excited too to see LTM showing on korean tv channel here in New York City, yay!!!!!!
OMG – me too!! Funny thing is that we hardly ever watch TV like that anymore since we have tivo and even hubby watches US shows via his computer on Hulu or I just randomly turned on the TV and was flipping channels on our non-tivo TV and who do I see? I burst out laughing with joy. Totally did not expect that. So random. LTM – thanks for all the laughs.
what channel might that be???
for time warner cable, the korean channel is either 531(TKC) / 532 (MKTV) / 534 (KBN) / 535 (KNN) / 560 (MNET), i forgot which one is showing LTM.
And that doesn’t even take into consideration all the downloads of raws!
I’m sooo glad it’s this popular online. I hope the major networks realize that there is an international market for kdramas and that lots of people watch these shows regularly.
btw, aside from mysoju n others mentioned in the news, viki, jacinda n others are available subbed for our viewing pleasure on LTM.
I have been watching LTM on epdrama first raw and few days later with subs!
hi bebe and garay hope it will air in the philippines so we can watch it either of 2 stations as long as it will shown here so we can enjoy the sweetness of our OTP. Congrats to YEH and KJH it only proves that their show are well known and many people enjoy their reel and (real) sweetness. Hope to see them in another drama because thier chemistry is really undeniable.
I’m not in South Korea, and I can’t help, with the rating there, but as a OVERSEAS FAN, (insanely fan), I am so glad that FINALLY, they are noticing, that is a great drama, totally addictive, and deserve more that negative post!!!
I LOVE this post!!! Miss Koala Unni, you are awesome as always!!!
** To all the insane fans like me specially ^Peipei, Leishers, bo, Nowhere, Madkdr, Angel^ and all the others, THANK YOU, for not leaving me alone in this insane trip! For the laughs, the tears, and the stimulation of my overly active imagination, THANK YOU, I’m gonna miss you**
Missing you already!!
Why say goodbye? Aren’t you going to visit the playground after LTM ends? I enjoy your comments Angelitocurioso I hope you’ll still be around…I don’t know with you guys but I’m stuck in this playground for good! I know that even if LTM ends, there will still be other dramas that Ms. Koala will be recapping and I trust her taste so I’ll stick around for more great recaps and of course updates from our cola couple in the future, I’m sure Ms. K would be kind enough to do that favor to us..:)
I’m not saying “goodbye” for good, it’s just like the madness of LTM, I don’t know if we can have it again, I know there be more dramas, but they are gonna release all that overly active imagination or ours? I wonder?
You are right Angelito. The excitement and all the emotions LTM extracted (still is) from us would be hard to equal. If and when these two actors pair up again then the mania will be resurrected for sure.
angelito..Im your biggest fan…n your right..we can’t have LTM madness in other drama..I will miss everything here..n especially u guys that keep me insane n get me beyond insane about LTM..If I’m not mistaken miss K will open forum LTM after LTM we still have chance to talk more n more about LTM n our OTP….
Look KOALA, our INSANITY paid off. Our virus spread like wildfire all over the world. That’s tenacity at it’s best. Ratings my foot!
YEH / KJH wallow in your global recognition there is a bigger stage for you to perform, bring us more good stuffs******
bohohoo missing my playmates** two more meetings to go*** bohohoo**** which asylum will you check in guys ### see you there ###
I dunno yet, I let you know if I decide to go there!!!
hey i want to be a member of that forum that nowhere mentioned…… nowhere plsssss let me know how can i be a member of that…. i just love this couple……. and i want to be updated….. hope you will update me….
yup ali..hope Miss K will make announce soon hehehe…….I love this OTP more then myself…n I keep praying that they will become real couple soon like eugene n mr kim..hauahauahauhau…evil laugh######
we have the same wish nowhere hehehehehe i was hoping that they will be real couple….. and what i heard is that they went dating last 2009 and even went to a videoke hahahaha funny and them comes lie to me…… hope they continue dating….
@ Ali : Ji hwan and Eun Hye…were dating in 2009?? I don’t know that… is that right?
I miss you too Angelito… I don’t know when we can fight like Vincenzo Vs Park Hoon again in future drama…
But i’m sure that we’ll meet in other recap ..soon.. I don’t know whether you still like Kim Soon Ah or not, but I think Ms. K will do recap The Scent of, maybe we can meet there ^^
*big hug* for the insane fan ^^
Stimulating your over active imagination is what we do best, and you haven’t failed us in that department too. So thanks to you my brain is well stimulated and exercised, that I won’t have to worry about having memory gap or Alzheimer’s for that matter.
Where are the others?????
Peipei!!!! Leishers…ooops my bad Mrs. Gong Yu!!!! Madkdr!!!!!Bo!!!!
yooohooo yoddle leigh hee who!!! where are you???
thank you koala, you are one of the great contributors to the whole LTM craze, because of the koalas playground you created and your dedication to the show, we LTM fans get to express our love, admiration, excitment and addiction to the couple KJH & YEH and LTM. keep the insanity going!!!!!!!!!!!!! we love you LTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!! Yes we are #1 yaaaaaahhhooooo!!!! AGAIN…THE HELL with the RATINGS!! hahahaha
YEH & KJH..if they don’t like you…GO here! (the PHILIPPINES) We will always put a BIG SMILE on your faces like what you’re giving to US
Thanks to the Production Team! let’s go TEAM LTM!
Godbless! AJA!
THANK you, KOALA!! realy appreciate your posts
Ms. Koala and LTM lovers, since LTM is very popular internationally it has just cemented the status of YEH as an unbeatable HALLYU actress. But, will this also make KJH now a member of the elite HALLYU group? What d’ya think? I am hoping so. * crossing my fingers*
I agree with you Sarang. Although it’s not so popular in it’s homeland, but regarding it’s popularity overseas, LTM has been a milestone for both the leads in term of popularity. Like you said it cemented YEH hallyu status. As for KJH, I believe he’s a hallyu star in the making . Although IMO he’s already famous in some countries, but with this drama he’s got a more recognition world wide.
I hope KJH & YEH got some award for their superb acting. They really deserved it.
hmmmnnn here’s one observation regarding ratings: the popular media nowadays is the internet right? Market of LTM must be those from 12-40 age bracket, that are constantly glued to the net.So most people will surely watch online, and the people being surveyed are those watching traditional television and are randomly chosen. Net traffic speaks volume so I guess we get the better picture here.
True, KJH is already known in other countries, but I don’t think he’s created a following that YEH already has since GOONG days and had remained loyal to her (worldwide). I, for one only knew him due to LTM, and praying that he too get the recognition YEH is enjoying wherever she goes.
I do wish they’d get an award for this drama, but, my fervent wish is that they end up together in real life… lol wishful thinking on my part ;-), am behaving like a teen age girl because of LTM hehehe
Kang Ji Hwan is already a Hallyu star. Because of his ban he didn’t do a project in 2009, but otherwise he’s been very busy and is hugely popular in other Asian countries.
Oh thanks koala dear :-)…. I hope LTM will bring more fandom for both of them. The couple is so lovely.
What is a Hallyu star? Anyway sounds like some sort of elevated status hence glad he is one…fine actor…have enough of pretty ones…
I have respectfully noted that KJH belongs to koala at the playground…:)
Im a bit surprised with this news but I too watch Lie to Me, Greatest Love and City Hunter on Tudou since I live in the states and can only watch korean dramas from chinese streaming sites ( I dont want to wait a while for english subs so I watch with 70% of chinese knowledge to watch korean dramas)
Although I didn’t start watching Lie to Me later than Greatest Love, I guess I have equal love for the dramas.. ( I like Greatest love a bit more… )
anyways. thanks for the interesting news!
I’m here in Philippines too, I’m guessing all lie to me fans in Philippines are all getting excited. Even thought that I didn’t heard the news yet I already have a feeling that this will be showing in other countries especial phillipines. I hope GMA’s tagalog dub will get better, because they didn’t get the actual spirit in speaking in secret garden it’s not that good.
@Tottalylie…Same here
the scoring is so bad..sorry for “kapuso” followers
Happy to hear that Lie to me drama getting popular among worldwide. Tribute goes to director, scrip writer, Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan
Chingu, Yesasia lets you pre-order LTM OST! It should drop in 4 days! ^^
I watched lie to me everyday via you tube and i plan to buy their original cd when it will be releasef and yes i will still watch it here on our local chanel once aired, now i am a die hard fan please keep us updated koala even after the end highly appreciated your effort to share
i second in what winner2004 pls koala update us or create a blog for us so that we could follow or update with the news on whats going on with them after this drama….. i think kang ji hwan like YEH because after the award last 2009 when they are paired their is a news that they went on a videoke and kang ji hwan gave her a premier ticket of his movie….. sooooooooo sweet hope they will make another drama or movie together….. i will surely watch it
Lie to Me Overseas Fans it’s really owesome, I’m proud of that.
You Rock Guys……
koala ur the best thanks for all the tidbits lovelovelove the love between YEH n KJH good luck n best wishes to them may their love prosper in drama n in reality hope somebody will send our love to these 2 lovebirds
ny dear koala! thank you very much for your all post, feedback about lie to me! it’s help a lot to me!
Wow! The fruit of your labour of love is sweet sweet sweet….Cheers to the HwangHye couple and team LTM!!!
to LTM fans in korea, can u pls update us(crazy fans outside korea) on any news concerning our beloved OTP…..especially the juicy ones!! thanks…..;-)
yes plssssssss update us
Great News!!! Thanks Koala! The hard work has paid off. Congratulations to YEH and KJH for being the best OTP. I have been following Koala’s LTM recap since episode 4 and I’m glad I found her. Will surely miss the days of staying up late waiting for baby recaps. Or even the little tidbits of info just to tide us over ’till monday and tuesday. Will miss the chatter in here but will surely be around for whatever Koala will be recapping. hahaha Because of LTM I started liking Mondays.
Congrats to them. It is sad that online viewing oversees doens’t get counted in the ratings. I love the drama and that’s thanks to the two main leads. I believe that the story of LTM is well written, it is just the timing and length of time it took to get the resolving going that almost killed the show. Chemistry is aplenty, humor and great acting. Now all they need is to reward us all with a proper ending. No open ended or ending that makes me guess as to what it means.
Wow! I’m so happy for the show and the stars. I watch Lie to me on viki and it’s number 1 there all the time. I enjoy Lie to me and I loved Playful Kiss. After Playful Kiss I decided to ignore ratings for the most part and just watch what I was interested in. Lie to me fighting!
I am very happy with my beautiful partner and JI Hwan Eun Hye, I’ve always said the rating does not represent the great mass phenomenon hat is lie to me. Than successes. I LOVE this drama because it is the best.
We in the United States love K-dramas. We would like to thank all those China websites that allow us to view them.
i hope it wiil be shown the Phils. also.
@ lowkey Im a Filipino in the U S and I love it lots of my friends like it and, yeah are really good in this drama she really act great on this drama she deserve to be called best actress…..@ Taemoni I agreed 110% with you we from the United States love lie to me………..
I’m an Indonesian in US and love LTM too!!!
thanks koala for that great news. It will help uplift the spirits of the LTM fandom and the LTM casts most especially KJH and YEH.Their hard work has paid off BIG TIME! Only proves that YEH Magic is in the works!( of course with the help of that amazing chemistry with super hot KJH).
I already noticed KJH’s when i watched the drama “Be strong, geum soon, ” i thought he’s really cute and when i learned that he will be paired off with my fave actress YEH, i got really excited.I watched every single drama she made, even “Personal taste”, since she has a cameo appearance there. And i would say, apart from coffee prince and Goong, LTM is one of the best projects she had.Not because of the script, but because of undeniable chemistry between them. Love the ad libs.
I read somewhere that GMA have acquired the franchise for lie to me and will be aired in july in the philippines if im not mistaken ( of course it hasn’t been confirmed yet ) , i hope its true. I wish our OTP will come and visit the philippines to promote this drama, im sure it will be a big hit, since filipinos are crazy about KDrama .And like everyone else here, i hope they continue DATING for real, i will be the happiest person if that happens.I love them both.
This is super awesome!….this couple scorches up my screen without making out…but that’s not saying they shouldn’t…!
This is by far my fav drama…great actors…great chemistry…they have fun and bring us along in their roller coaster ride…
I really like the personalities of AJ and KJ as well….they have healthy self esteem and do not get brow beaten by evil adversaries…It helps that JH is a hunk who can act…
Didn’t think the writing was all that bad as compared to M3…I certainly hope no nasty surprises in the last 2 episodes….
As a viewer from the United States..would like to thank akoala, viikii, dramacrazy, and all the Chinese websites for keeping us updated on Lie to me!
AJ will go to KJ house and they will “play house”.
I hoping it is what i think it is *evil smile*
I saw that, too. I think smr05 wrote it on soompi.
I’m pretty sure this is referring to Ki Joon showing Ah Jung his hobby of building things… but here’s to hoping we get our “boating” finally
Anytime they’re in his house, hot things happen so…
Ockoala, SBS Lie to Me official website has the written preview for ep 15 up… Gladly awaiting your translation (as I’m sure you’re busy finishing up the final recap and thoughts for Best Love).
For anyone else who can read korean:
내게 거짓말을 해봐 (15회) 2011-06-27
문광부에서 파면당하고 힘들어 하는 아정. 기준은 그런 아정을 위로해주고 아정은 기준의 위로에 마음이 편해진다. 아정은 고시원에서 공부하며 고피 흘리는 모습, 합격자 명단에서 이름을 발견했던 순간, 공무원이 되서 열심히 일했던 모습까지 파노라마처럼 지난일들을 회상한다. 아정은 탄원서를 제출하기로 결심하고 서류를 준비하는 아정의 모습에 문광부식구들 모두 아정을 도우기로 한다. 안과장은 아정에게 조금이라도 도움을 주고자 사무관복귀를 위해 탄원서를 모…
There’s more to it:
Would a kind soul help translate this to english
Looks like ep 15 is a petition by Ah jung’s colleagues to get her job back… which is probably that BTS image of YEH with flowers on her neck and a giant Pooh Bear in what looked like the office building lobby
AJ very sad because she get fired n KJ try to console/comfort AJ…n maybe KJ will talk to the minister…
Episode 16 is also out
산부인과에서 진료를 받고 나오는 소란은 믿어지지 않는 표정으로 배를 만져보고 두렵고 긴장되고 형언할 수 없는 기쁨이 교차하는 심정이다. 입술이 조금씩 떨리면서 얼굴에 미소가 번진다. 상기 된 마음으로 집으로 들어오는 소란은 거실에 들어서는데 이상하게도 집이 어지럽고 난장판이다. 화들짝 놀라 방으로 들어가면 옷 장 문이 열려 있고 누군가 짐을 싸고 흐트려 놓은 모습에 소란은 침대 위에 재범이 남기고 간 메모가 보이는데.. 한편, 아정은 퇴근하는려는데 멋진 골프웨어 차림의 기준이 서있다. 헤어진지 한달만에 설레는 기분으로 다시 만나게 되고 반갑고 설레고 당장이라도 뛰어가 안기고 싶지만 그럴 수 없는 애절함 드러난다. 두 사람은 만나서 바닷가 바라보며 얘기를 나누는데 웬지 서먹한 분위기다. 기준은 같이 있고 싶지만 일 때문에 일어나고 아정 역시 더 같이있고 싶지만 그렇게 기준을 보내주고..
uh… google translate just said medical attention at obstetrics and gynecology??? BABY?!?! ARE WE GETTING A BABY?!?!
okay, yeah… hope someone translates that before my I hemorrhage in excitement based on a misunderstanding
What??? preview 15 n 16 is out???at baidu..the translation not too clear…
yes I guess not ajung but soran…soran pregnant!!
What a bummer. dont care if soran is pregnant. I want AJ to be pregnant
I wish its ahjung ah hehe.. But it’ll be kind of fast if shes pregnant unless they did something taht we didnt know haha.. Soo excited for the last 2 episode
LOL! U guys are too funny with yr speculations sometimes! But remember, we don’t really know what happened after that drunken night in epi8 and after the cola kiss. Those parts were left hanging..and unanswered for sure.
Can’t wait for next week..
I tried online translation and here are the things that makes be happy
Obstetrics and gynecology=BABIES OR PREGNANT
new spoiler picture guys…..
seems like airport scene….who do you think is going to leave AJ or KJ?
dunno…I hope both not going anywhere…
Someone tried to get the gist of ep 16 and here what she got:
that AJ meet KJ again after 1 month not seeing each other…they hug n talk n end being together(bed scene?? cross finger) ….KJ have to wake up n go to work….AJ sent him off to work…
I wish its Yoon Joo
I tried to translate it using online translation but its not clear -.- pls translate it for us, pretty please
I’m sure Koala’s on it. We just have to wait a little bit since she just finished Best Love.
how do we send SOS message or call Koala unni to translate?
dun wuri’ll be here in minutes… Ms. K is aware about this…she’s busy finishing other drama recaps…
listen to Peipei78, Koala never lets us down. Plus, it’ll be worth the wait because when she does it, she does it good. Even if you’ve seen spoilers or w.e at other places, Koala makes it as if your seeing it for the first time. Dont know how, but she does. Patience is soooo rewarding.
@ Leishers : yea.. she does! I have the same feeling like yours… I don’t know how, Ms. K’s blog is always feels different… I mean, I read recaps or spoilers from other blogs but it’s different…the way she wrote recaps, comments even swearing to biatch characters.. are awesome
Peipei n leishers are right…we have to wait miss K to translate it for us…
i agree in waiting for ockoala’s translation
im sure she’s onto it as we speak! that’s how great she is 
thanks in advance ockoala! your truly a gem!
how exciting! boating! boating please! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Geezz I just had a pee break and things are getting chaotic again! I fully agree let’s wait for KOALA i want her interpretation of this mumbo jumbo baby bed thingies….
Please, someone help translate it? Oh please???
At the mention of babies what I have in mind is AJ and So Ran are going to be pregnant at the same time…at the mention of Airport I’m shouting “oh yeah Yoon Joo…is finally going !”!
Connie… I think… KJ send YJ off at the airport then AJ is follow KJ and hand him to give a farewell gift for YJ.. so.. YJ is finally officially off to Bermuda to fishing or eat by the fish… ha .ha. ha….
Hahaha reaper fish…N the botox lady???
ahaha thats so funny, eaten by the fish .. oh well i hope she’s really outta the picture now. like PLEASE let the lovers be the happy this time
Maybe my prediction came true *YJ will take the high road and help AJ get her job back thru Cong. Park* yay! smiley smiley smiley all over
SBS release the official written preview for epi 15 and 16
Please kindly translate
Hmm. ep 16 preview doesn’t quite make sense…. from Baidu.
Ep 15 makes some sense as some of you have guessed it.
Again from Baidu.
被文化部罢免的雅婷很痛苦,基俊anwei雅婷,让雅婷变轻松了。雅婷回想着在考试院的学习是的生活,合格时的瞬间,当上公务员认真的工作,都如胶片一样的放映着。雅婷决定准备叹愿书,看到雅婷的样子,文化部的同事们也帮助雅婷收集叹愿书。科长?让大家回想雅婷平时清廉。在文化观光部的门清有一个头上绑着红布条,在示威 。看见脸,是基俊。雅婷在屋里看到基俊的身影,如冰被冻住
Basically ep 15:
AJ – fired from the ministry. Was comforted by KJ. AJ thought back to the tough civil service exam she had to take and the moment when she passed. Her life as a civil servant flashed through her mind. She preparing to write a letter of remorse (? Not sure if thats what it means). Her colleagues, seeing her do that, all chipped in to help. Everyone remember her good performance in the past.
Red banner (of protest) at the ministry.
AJ sees KJ (from the house? it says. but maybe its at the ministry to be logical??).
Anyways, freeze frame at that.
It’s a little ambiguous as to who’s at the gynae cos no names mentioned in the front part. But I wont translate that bit cos everyone’s seeem to be saying its So Ran. Anyways.
AJ sees the smartly dressed KJ in golfing wear. After being separated for a month, there’s the missing-you and the happy-to-see-you. Wants to hug (DO IT!!! GRRR) but still upset.
Both at the beach talking but feels distant (yes too far from the house I’d reckon). KJ wants to be together but doesn’t, presumably because he has to get up to work. (Think its related to Manager Park last row with him. ??)
AJ wants to be together, but still chose to see KJ off.
(erm. huh? at ep 15 we have a step backwards in time????? What about the public declaration in the square. sighs. writer-nim – its ep 15. not 5. you know right??)
Here is the best English translation
Episode 15
Ah Jung goes through a difficult situation as she is fired from the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism. But she feels better as Ki Joon comforts her. Ah Jung things back to the times when her nose bled from studying, when she found her name on the list of candidates who passed the exam, and the times she worked her as a civil servant. Ah Jung finally decides to submit a petition and her colleagues at the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism decides to help her. Wanting to help Ah Jung, the eam leader Ahn suggests that the department should prepare a petition for reinstatement, and asks people to write down all the times when Ah Jung displayed her outstanding moral character. Someone outside of the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism building is displaying a one person demonstration with a picket banner around body and a red headband around his head. After seeing the face, Ah Jung realizes that it’s Ki Joon! Ah Jung, who was on her way to the building, freezes after seeing him there…
Episode 16
So Ran, who comes out of the hospital (gynecology) has the look of disbelief as she touches her stomach. She is both extremely happy and fearful at the same time. She is in good mood, but is surprised when she returns home as the place is in chaos. She enters the room and finds the closet opened and a note from Jae Bum…
Meanwhile, Ah Jung finds was leaving her office as she finds Ki Joon waiting for her in a golf outfit. It’s bee a month since they separated, and while she wants to run to his arms as she is happy to see him, she is unable to do so. Two of them has a conversation while looking at the sea, but there’s an awkwardness. Ki Joon wants to stay with Ah Jung longer, but he has to leave for work. Ah Jung also wants to stay with him but she lets him go…
are you telling me they break up for a month and then patch up and we have a open ending for this show?
Thanks Lizzy!!! The other one I posted totally lost in translation !
oh well.
separated for a month??? what separated??? I hate when K-Drama like this…. I mean…why makes it difficult??!! I need beautiful ending!! I Demand…!!
Maybe they just need break for a while after what happen to them…1 month separation enough to realize that their love so strong n missing each other…end of the sentence they get together right??happy ending yiippyyy…
@ Nowhere : I’m not so sure about this… I mean, yes, there’ll gonna be happy ending but I’m not so sure the ending is a good one and beautiful. I’m afraid it’ll gonna end just a simple and plain ending
ok, this preview really make me feel suffocate. why they should separated???????. this is the 2 last episode so they should be happy together and ending with the presence of cola baby
episode 16’s preview is EXTREMELY ANNOYINGLY SAD!!! ;( what do they mean by separated? a break up? how could a sweet and cute and full of passionate couple like AJ-KJ break up? OH! I’m going to kill the writer for making me curious like a crazy! and I mean, if there’s no special happy ending for Lie To Me, I will absolutely kill the writer! ARGHHH!!!! >< anyway, I'm happy for So Ran
uri cute So ran is pregnat!
eh I meant full of passion :p I was so angry so I typed wrong lol XD
Damn….. I don’t like the written review for 16 at all!! it like they’re toning down the chemistry between KJ and AJ…….
I am so disappointed with the written ending preview. The writer might as well end at ep14. Ah jung could have just quite and married off to Ki joon then becomes a rich man’s wife.
Here’s to hoping that, like all the other written previews, it’s only a synopsis of one or two scenes out of the entire episode.
yeah, that probably is better. What the hell are they doing? trying to salvage the story or something………. The only reason I continue to watch it because of the chemistry between KJH and YEH.
I don’t personally have a problem with them trying to get AJ her job back cause frankly I thought she was unfairly dismissed (since I don’t think she ever showed favor to WH or accepted any bribes etc). And it’s a really horrible thing (career destroyer) in Korea so I want them to clear AJ’s name. It would be nice to see them working together (AJ and KJ) to resolve problems. That’s what normal couples do/should do.
Is the writer trying to add more angst – cause the others (non-fans) want more angst, more plot, more story, more conflict etc? Please writer don’t make us loyal fans disappointed.
If separation is necessary, so be it… but I hope it’s a good reason. I just got off a high of seeing BL ending… I want LTM be happy.
It makes no sense for them to be separated according to their love to each other, I can’t understand it that KJ will let it happened. If it’s in case that he has to travel more often for Chen’s project and AJ’s busy with her work role.
I did wish a happy ending as I saw from BL, but BL got it first and it is such a great ending. I do wish LTM to create also the great one as well ( happy marriage scene.. happy life after and babies too.. I don’t know if it’s too much asking…
yeah i feel a bit disappointed with the preview of ep 16, why they did that , the ending should be happy as their luv for each other is so strong that even the biggest problem may come they can face anything as long as they are together. whats the matter with the writer i can’t understand her.
@ eunie I agree with you sis. I have been waiting for Yoon Eun-hye to come here in our country. My friends are great fans of YEH too. It has been my long wish to see her personally.
of course LTM ends with a happy ending! don’t worry LTM fans, we will not be disappointed with the ending…the synopsis written preview here is just a part of episode 16. Even if AJ and HGJ were apart for a month, they will meet again and end up happy together with their baby!!!!!
A round of applause for your article post. Really thank you!