
Beautiful Spy Releases First Teaser Trailer — 22 Comments

  1. why is Jo Anna “meta”? I don’t think she’s like that in real life at all. From what I’ve seen (her talk show appearances, interviews, etc.), shes a very nice and down to earth gal…

  2. thank god!! he change his hair color. I’m not really a fan of orange hair for korean men. they look way much better w/ black hair especially this mature men.

  3. heeeeeeeeeeeee, just a sort of my thang! Gonna watch this, to ease my LTM withdrawal syndrome. Not that I’m gonna be cured off LTM affliction like maybe for a long long long time?

    hehehehe..the part where HYS gone undercover as Eric’s fangirl is totally funny!

  4. I’m totally going to watch this.. been waiting for Eric to come back in a drama and this is just fun and sexy!! Can’t wait!

    Thanks for posting.. 🙂

  5. ooopppsss this looks fun…good to know that there’s another drama I could be excited about… I need something to fill up the void LTM leaves once it ends… aarghhhhhh this and scent of a woman…hmmmmm thanks for posting!!!

  6. what might happen if Best Love‘s top star Dokko Jin ran into IRIS‘s North Korean spy Kim Sun Hwa
    see now this what IRIS 2 should be all about

  7. waaaw…so interesting…HYS sexy agent…n ERIC aarrggghhhhhhhhh…hot bad-ass..hope this drama can subtract my LTM madness!!!

  8. I love the obvious Bond parody the music is going for, it sets the tone right off and does it brilliantly. ^_^ This trailer is really well executed and it looks like we’re in for a fun ride with this drama!

  9. Well Im going to watch this. I was all set to watch anything Eric because, well its Shinhwa Eric! Not much can change my mind. Plus I need a fix after LTM ends. (T.T) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  10. Sounds like my type of drama.

    Love Eric and when Han Ye Seul has an opportunity to break out her comedic skills, she’s on fire.

    Can’t wait,

  11. I love Han Ye Seul solely because I loved her Jo Anna so much. She made Fantasy Couple, believe it or not, my second favorite Hong Sister drama after Best Love. She was sooooo weird and yet so endearing as the oddly alien, robotic, poor little rich girl. I think I want some jjajang myun now.

    That said… Dokko Jin meets Iris’s Kim So Yeon. Are you kidding me? OMG. I’d be in Kdrama heaven. Probably my most longed for pairing. How hot would that be?

  12. Wow, Eric looks good in the photo. I liked him in Que Sera Sera. And I like the premise of this series, spy-romantic-comic; just what we need to enjoy and relax.

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