
Written Preview for Episode 15 of Drunken to Love You — 13 Comments

  1. Daniel is what we call in mysteries a red herring. He’s just going to sidetrack us for a bit, then we’ll get on with our lovefest of JX & XR. Remember the pics we saw a while back of their second wedding. Nothing’s going to keep our OTP apart because their love is what’s keeps us watching and lovin’ DTLY.

  2. The trouble is samantha.not that JX will obey her to leave XR but she just going to make JX possesiveness arise and be mad with XR.that daniel really cham!
    finally that Avril girl out the picture and she got what she we left to 4more episode?

  3. Well, Daniel is one thing. Apparently, XR is going to have her own jealousy fest too..

    Ep 15 other preview

  4. Hi! Thanks for the written preview. When is Episode 15 showing? Im just wondering how come there is a break from the regular schedule.

    Thank you!!!

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