
Zenkai Girl Episode 7 Recap — 12 Comments

  1. Well put, Mrs Koala! Thank you for the re-cap – I have been waiting for this. i don’t normally watch J-drama (sorry to all Jdrama fans) – but this I cannot wait to watch, but am waiting till the end to watch it all 🙂 …just noticed too! I am the FIRST to comment! Wooohooooooooooo………

  2. I have loved each episode of this drama – even though I felt like I had been punched in the gut half the time. 🙂

    You were right about the ending. So sweet and yummy. I was afraid that it would be a train wreck, but it worked out well. I’m sad to see this one end…

    And can I just say I want to wrap those two kids up and put them in my pocket?! Good heavens they are adorable together.

  3. I agree that this drama is slow moving when it comes to the love angle but I like how it tackles the family issues. I love the two kiddos on this drama. They’re not just cute but really fun to watch. 🙂

    Thanks for the recap Koala. I’ve seen other recaps of this drama but I prefer yours. Haha! XD

  4. For some reason i’m also digging this drama. A drama who doesn’t really have a ‘bad guy’ the ‘bad guy’ is yourself. Senpei-lawyer might have an MO but he really cares about our lovely leading lady. Shinto needs to fight harder to get to our leading lady!

    Thanks for the recap Koala and that’s what i love about jdrama- they are still that there dramas can touch the human heart (thinking back to Ryo’s drama 1 liter of tears T.T)
    There something so real about jdrama (love their slice of life theme drama)

  5. I can only take this show in small doses cause for some reason, I cry in every episode! I’m even tearing up looking at the screencaps! Seriously! This wasn’t my fav ep (ep 6 and Hinata wins hands down) but I love the raw emotion that Ryo portrays in the last scenes.
    I have to agree that making Pitaro choose wasn’t the best choice but it shows just how human we are as people. Shota, I’m sure wasn’t calculating but subconsciously we manipulate all the time and I’m glad that is brought out, although it hurts to watch the revelation of how underhanded we can be at times.

  6. That was a HUG. That alone beats all the other so-called romantic hugs in my book. The way he hugs her back, just wanting that physical and emotional comfort. The music accompanying that scene… a very satisfying hugging scene.

    I like how Zenkai Girl has no outright good guy/bad guy, just flawed human beings. And their actions and decisions aren’t exactly right or wrong but fall into a very delicate grey area. Some things might work for one person but not the other. Hey, c’est la vie.

  7. love the 1st screen cap. that HUGS totally blown my mind! hehe
    I like the end scene where Shota clearly opened his feelings to Wakaba as he called her instead of another people around him. I guess when someone can openly confess and cry in front of other, it a start for a solid relationship and full of trust.

  8. “man did the sugar high feel exhilarating” — you and me both, koala dear!

    i squeed, giggled, teared up, and did all the appropriately fangirly stuff that you can think of. i’ve never felt this giddy over a J-dorama OTP since Yu Aoi and Junichi Okada in Tiger and Dragon (they actually ended up dating IRL but broke up last year). i hope Ryo-Gakky will have another project together, their chemistry is just perfect!

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