
First Impressions: Loving Yoon Si Yoon in Me Too, Flower! (Drama is Good, Too) — 36 Comments

  1. What a coincidence! This very day I gave this drama a chance, after reading recaps on DB and found that entry of yours. 😀

    Gotta add that I was totally not expecting Yoon Si Yoon and Lee Ji Ah to be so convincing in their kissing scenes. The boy’s got some skills! ^^

  2. Awww @Ockoala and @Denali, both you and me make a beautiful threesome (in different continent) who just finished enjoying M2F marathon today…

    I am mesmerized-captivated-enchanted by LJA and YSY, their chemistry is sooo awesome, they are complementing each other… Which is good since YSY is the last minute actor who boarded this project. I love to see this lovely OTP quarreling, bantering, yet they become each other shoulder to cry on and slowly succumb to the feeling they try to suppress inside… And more and more envious to HGE’s throaty-sexy voice….

    Can’t wait for next week…

    • Hi Gaeina Lee!

      Yep, the 3 of us on the same page. o/
      Different continent? Which one are you representing, then? I am European. 🙂

      Honestly, I don’t dig Park Hwa Young’s character at all although I can see where she is coming from, after the loss of her husband and Jae Hee being a surrogate father/husband figure. She is so going to become a b***.

      Bong Sun and Jae Hee’s behaviors totally make sense because of their past, on a psychological approach. Their stories are believable, plus I for one have always liked Lee Jia’s acting and I relate to her personal path in life. So I have sympathy for her and find that she does manage to convey a lot, especially through her eyes.

      • Hi Denali…

        I’m representing Asia~ of course… 🙂

        I do too not relate to HGE’s character in this drama (as PHY)… But still, I envy her throaty-sexy voice more and more every time she speaks… How come she has good figure, allure and sexy voice at the same time? 🙁

        Yup, agree with you about BS and JH. They are a long lost kindred spirit who become the rock for themselves far too long… Now is the time for these scarred souls to be together and becoming each other rock, and be happy… Complete with thousands days of promise and zillion kisses… <3 <3

        The beauty of this drama, in my pov, both YSY and LJA are able to portrayed the characters and at the same time complementing each other then smoothly deliver the story… Across 8 episodes I watched today, this drama successfully made me giggle, laugh, in love, angsty, weep and experience the pain of longing… This drama is not mindblowing, but yet, captivate my heart…

        FBRS and M2F make me pray for Monday to come soon and welcome it with a very happy heart… — Just like last Spring… 😉

      • Seems that this is the very day for me too!
        (Was so surprised to see an entry here.. )

        You want to make that to foursome of four continents- Aussies here…

        I read the recaps on DB, couldn’t wait for it to be updated and decided to watch it too… and got pretty much interested 🙂
        Definitely something to watch between Flower boy Ramyun Shop addiction and others in between…
        and thumbs up for the kiss on Eps 6…. 25yo & 33yo.. yummies.. LOL

    • Ditto, ladies. Just started on M2F a few hours ago (losing sleep for the first three episodes) and will continue with the remaining episodes (until Ep8) shortly. This after reading raves about it in Dramabeans blogs. DB is doing recaps on it.

      This is the first time Yoon Shi Yoon and Lee Ji-Ah before so did not carry with me previous impressions when I started watching M2F. Am liking them, individually, and loving them, together. I agree with ockoala that YSY is the much more compelling actor.

      I love the interactions and dialogues. So many lol moments already in three eps.

      What is good about this drama is that it puts the issue of depression up front. So far, Bong Sun’s issues are already on the table. Am curious about Jae Hee’s.

      Han Go Eun is her usual elegant self though I’m still looking for a connection with her character. I admired and connected very well with her and her character in Capital Scandal. My emotions have not yet been engaged by her in this drama.

      YSH is a Lee Jun Ki doppelganger, I can see, as pointed out by ockoala. Though when I was watching I though how very much like Jung Il Woo he is.

      *Off to marathon Eps 5-8*

  3. I, too marathoned this drama up to ep. 7. Waiting for 8 to be subbed.

    Anyways, I have the same reservations as you, Koala. Lee Ji Ah drives me nuts with her overacting, but somehow YSY seems to provide a balance and grounds her performance. This is the only one I am able to watch her since Legend where she really wasn’t required to do much.

    YSY is so hot in the nekkid scenes, plus the kissing ones are enough to put me into a swoon. Too bad he didn’t have a stronger actress to play off, otherwise this would have been a total winner for me.

  4. Good Morning Captain! 😀

    Oh what a treat! You too? I’m also liking YSY performance in M2F and the drama story as well. I also like LJA’s portrayal of Bong Sun.

    The reason for my liking YSY’s performance is the same one when I first saw him in Baker King drama. His acting made me root for him, sympathize with him. Perhaps all drama leads do this or should do this, but somehow YSY does it specially or uniquely. Must be his expressive eyes. 😉 As for LJA, I agree she appeared to have overacted in episode 1 (at least) but why I decided to overlook it is I find LJA good in delivering her lines especially when she portrays someone with unpolished or not-so well mannered behavior. She did this also in her first drama “Legend”.

    I just realized that all my favorite K-dramas this year are shown on Wed-Thurs: Man of Honor, Tree with Deep Roots, and Me Too, Flower. A trifecta drama year! (^__^)

    Have a good day Captain! 😀

  5. I adore this show. It is seriously the one that I look forward to each week. YSY’s performance has completely won me over, and I would be lying if I said he wasn’t my favorite drama character in a long time. His charisma is out of this world, and the chemistry between him and LJA is amazing. I smile like a madman when they have sweet scenes, and my heart breaks with them when they hurt each other. Sigh… Is it Wednesday yet..

  6. The more I look at stare at your caps of Yoon Si Yoon, the more I think he’s a cross between Lee Jun Ki and Kim Soo Hyun. That alone might just be enough for me to check this show out XD
    Thanks, Koala~

  7. I’ve been eating crow this week too. I initially disliked both leads and really was not at all interested. Fortunately, I got wind of some plot developments and had to check it out.
    Woo! The chemistry between the leads is wonderful and who knew YSY could act? I thought he was the worst part of Baker King and so was dreading seeing him in anything else, but he has improved drastically since then. Oh, and yes his voice is beautiful. He’s still not my kind of attractive but he’s doing a great job here and deserves his praise.

    LJA has also grown on me thanks to this. I didn’t have the performance issues you had with her during the first episodes but must admit she has really settled in now.
    I have no idea where this show is headed, so in that way it is not tooo predictable. I’ll just enjoy the ride.

  8. i haven’t been following any kdrama since lie to me but oh my this one just got me, not really a big fan of the leading actors but i would gladly admit that i’m loving YSY, he is just awesome, the story line is just so great! i just happen to read the recap at DB and that’s when i decided to give this drama a chance and i am ever glad i did, with the two flower drama out there this is the one that really peak my interest, it is just that great!

  9. i am glad you decided to make a first impression on this drama. i noticed that not many kdrama bloggers talk about this drama.. thanks to you. =)

    • I’ll go with that.
      While not actually changing genders, they have done some standard role reversal in the show.
      She’s the tough cop; he is the stylish designer.
      Not to mention, he is a lot prettier than her.

  10. First of all, thanks for calling attention to this show.

    Second of all, the voice, yes, the voice. **** sigh ****
    It took me thousands of hours of drama watching, but in a spilt second, I understood the power of the word “Oppa.” I have never reacted to that word the way I did when this character refers to himself as her Oppa. My insides melted, only it was more like spontaneous combustion. I am TOAST right now for the Valet Baker King!
    (For what it’s worth, since nobody else has claimed him, he’s MINE.)

    Despite the fact his stylists afflicted him with “early-episode-permed-hair,”
    sometimes he looks like Herbie the Dentist, sometimes like my aunt Mary, YSY is making me insane with the things he is doing with his eyes and mouth. I cannot look away; I have screen cap upon screen cap of split-second moments when he looks heartbroken, angry, confused, relaxed, happy, stunned, thoughtful, sweet, hopeful, etc.
    My FB album of M2F is ridiculously complete.
    (I have to say, though, they have figured out how to make him look like Gong Yu in the last few episodes, as long as he keeps his shirt on to hide his boyish figure…)

    As to where they are going next, Kim Do Woo will make uri resident b*tch, HY come up with a reason to separate the OTP that JH will not be able to refuse, and that will test BS’s resilience and the beginning feelings of sarang. I know this because Ep 8 was full of OTP delicious closeness. Those poor bastards have no idea how much they will pay for this fleeting happiness. May KDW have mercy on their souls…

    I don’t know LJ from anywhere. I agree that the softer she gets, the better she does. The dinner/prayer scene, I felt as if she, the actress, was the one speaking. As if LJ is grateful to the PD, screenwriter, cast who have given her a warm place to hang out while the storm rages around her.

    • Thank you Koala for posting about this show.

      I’ve been loving every minute of it and the OST. I think I’ve memorized couple of songs that I keep singing all the time.
      01. 눈물이 많아서 [Miss A’s Suzy]
      02. 네가 있으면 좋겠다 [Taru]

      As Jomo said: “Those poor bastards have no idea how much they will pay for this fleeting happiness. May KDW have mercy on their souls…” yep, those poor bastards, all I can say / do is a prayer or two for them……

  11. TOTALLY! I was just making the same comparison to Lee Jun-ki to my daughter yesterday – in a bid to convince her to check this drama out.

    Didn’t see Baker King, and in my glimpses at the earlier episodes of M2F, I was prepared to pass on Yoon Si-yoon. The pairng just seemed unconvincingly, on first read and on first look. In fact, my first preference (time constraints) was more about gravitating towards Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (Lee Ki woo! Lee Chung-ah!).

    BUT …. stick it out, and their chemistry is pretty awesome. So is acting from both, and I look forward pretty much ALL their interactions. I hope she doesn’t soften too much once the romance really gets going, because it would be out of line with her smart-mouth and their bantering thus far.

    Lee-jia had never interested me in any of her earlier dramas, but I actually felt more sympathetic towards this person after the whole JWS incident. And I am glad I stuck it out long enough to appreciate her prickly and abrasive Cha Bong-sun role.
    To me, her blunt portrayal is sensitively spot-on here. Totally there with being just a tad ‘off’ socially (I was laughing at her bday rendition to her supervisor), yet observant and kind (the wallet pressie after) … so prickly-brusque on the surface in all her dealings with people/colleagues and yet so thoughtfully gentle and thorough sometimes with stuff other people would gloss over..

    I am not a Lee Jin-ki fan. I loved the King and Clown, and enjoyed TODAW but couldn’t quite appreciate his initial acting in the same light in My Girl and shared none of the love his initial fans did.

    But yes – Yoon Si-yoon reminds me of LJK once he started delivering emotionally, but in a totally masculine way, and without trying too hard. Initially I was pretty dismissive of this drama bec of both leads – nothing to pull me in – be it Lee Jia, or Yoon Si-yoon.
    And to top it all, shallow me was not much into the YSY brand of looks either. and was shallowly edging towards the promising entertaining fluff that who Lee Ki-woo and Jung Il-woo + Lee Chung-ah (who I have been partial to since Wolf’s Temptation).

    But for a first time look – YSY is very compelling to watch.
    I really LOVED how Yoon Si-yoon managed to blaze fire and reined-in control, even as he was crying and really hurting at the same time – a performance coming from the inner heart..
    While I was dismissive of him in the early 2 episodes, I am glad there was at least 5 episodes to stick out for continuity (I only climbed on the bandwagon when all 4-5 eppies were out). Otherwise I’d have probably bailed out after the initial 2 eppies of M2F (and surprise, I am still only reading each episode of FBRShop and not watching yet).

    Han Go-eun is another actress I always feel is trying way too hard to project cool, in any drama I see her in – be it Happy Together – More Beautiful Than Flower – Capital Scandal, etc Same feeling with her role here.
    Seo Hyo-rim is insipid (to me) as flightly Dal with all her aspirations to be trophy wife…. for me, her exaggerated acting here just seems wasted for this gold digger-ditz role. Is it just me, or is Seo Hyo-rim taking on the other woman role once too often? SOAWoman, SKKScandal..
    I know some Lee Ki-kwang fan girls are watching this drama just for him. Coming sometimes from a selective cave sometimes, I don’t know really who he is but he’s dorkily adorable here as his hoo-bae with his puppydog adoration.
    Jo Min-ki I am enjoying (as always) … and interested to find out his own dark demons too. No offnce to the OTP … but he seems such a good fit for her too as her therapist. To the extent that – they ended up together, I wouldn’t mind. 🙂

  12. Aw loving this drama so much but db’s recaps are always a week late. It would have been better if ms.ockoala recaps this wonderful drama too~

    • I’m already recapping a Wed-Thurs drama in Man of Honor so I won’t be pulling double duty with M2F. @orangy’s recaps at DB are absolutely lovely. It’s worth the wait.

  13. Kim Do Woo’s a guy, just fyi. Love the review though! I’m also watching this solely for YSY, although Lee Jia is slowly growing on me. I think she’s doing a very good job balancing the cynical sarcasm with the inner softness of her character. If only the actors weren’t 9 years apart in age I might find their relationship more realistic.

    • I thought KDW was a guy for years, until recently when Daheefanel told me she’s a woman, which makes more sense. Hancinema is wrong, I trust Dahee more, and she confirms KDW has a name that sounds like it could be a man.

  14. This is my first Yoon Si Yoon drama… I like his character even though sometimes I think the whole out-of-control lashing out seems over-acting (or may be I’m not used to such intense emotions onscreen). His voice!! It is charming…haha… actually I think his voice helps him bridge the gap of age too, imo. The only time I feel his age (young-ness) shows is when he is with Hwa-Young.

    • >>> The only time I feel his age (young-ness) shows is when he is with Hwa-Young

      Yup, Lee Jia and Yoon Si-yoon pairing is NOT as bad – age-wise and lookswise – as I’d initially thought it woudl be – on paper when I first heard.

      But with Hwa-yang even his awful aged chaebol-perm does not help him to look on par with Han Go-eun (who often looks older in most of her roles anyway – to me, at least).

  15. At last one of my watch drama (aside from MOH, Ramyun shop, musical ) is in your orbit ockoala! Hot kisses were the theme of last weeks dramas.
    Flower boy ramyun shop is pretty hilarious too.. they’ve got the perfect casts..and KISS!

  16. I rarely reply but love reading your recaps. HOWever, ohmagah…. I had the same experience with this drama. I waited until episode 6 to start watching this drama. Started with that one then got hooked to watch more and more and now I’m twiddling my thumbs for new episodes. I typically don’t like pretty fem looking boys, but YSY won me over completely. He’s so compelling, and the guy just tears up at will, I think. But especially his voice… Squeee! I’m a sucker for a man with a rich voice. And the music, I really really like. It disturbs me the right way. It’s not always the lyrics that burst out explicitly saying the emotions going on, but one line/phrase or an instrumental line… So good.

  17. I have been watching this drama from the start and it has just kept getting better and better. I wasn’t really familiar with either of the main actors previous work, so I was completely open for whatever they would bring. It has been slowly growing in my heart until I find I am starting to get very excited for each episode to come out – in a way that I haven’t since Lie To Me. I loved episode 8. It has some of the most touching scenes I have seen in a drama in quite a while. I loved how he held her legs under the table with his – like he can’t let go of her for a minute. It’s so much better than I ever expected it to be!

  18. I’m on episode 4 now. It’s moving a bit too slow for me. I am totally curious about the Perche director’s relationship with Jae Hui. She seems to think she has a claim on his heart, but I don’t see that from him at all. In fact, she doesn’t seem to know him very well. She only has this idea of him, of who he should be. I am a bit bugged that Gim Dal is getting involved with Jae Hui. The writers just had to add another dramatic interference between him and Officer Cha. Anyway, like a loyal kdrama watcher, I will trudge along with the story. I am only watching it because I have to wait for the next episodes of Flower Boy Next Door, and I was hoping this will appease my withdrawals. It’s like chewing nicotine gum (although i never actually have chewed it; hope you get my point). ha ha.

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