
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 10: Shadow in the Water — 30 Comments

    • Yes, it means she’s menstruating. The Chinese believe that women should not be exposed to the cold during their periods, which makes it doubly unhealthy for Yun Ge to be immersed in cold water.

  1. I can’t wait to finish my paper and devour this. Omg, you can’t believe the temptation. It’s torturing. >.<

    Thank you for ms. koala, for giving me something to celebrate after i finish my paper. 🙂

  2. so close to Ling gege 🙂

    i wonder if her relatives in Chang An will ever know her identity and who her parents are in later chapters? on one hand, that would mean exposing that her parents are still alive, not good. on the other hand, wouldn’t it be kinda nice to know who your relatives are? what am i saying? this is political intrigue, family or no family, people will use each other for their own gains 🙁

    another lovely chapter, thank you!

  3. Loved this chapter…thank you <3
    I like how Tong Hua keeps teasing the reader with an "almost" meeting between Yun Ge and the Emperor.

  4. hmm I don’t really understand what going on in the last few paragraphs with Liu Bing Yi and Xu Ping Jun. @.@ Why did he go back and forth? What was she certain of? Some kind soul please explains it to my muddled head?

    Anyhow, thanks unnie Koala! I actually went to Google and read history part of the characters. What fates! Reading them in your translation right now, it’s hard to imagine their destined futures. Out of all the non-fictional characters, my heart somehow went to Grand Empress Dowager Shang Guan. Nothing seems to happen in her life except loss and loneliness beginning in such a young age.

    And I was kind of mad at Ling Fu Ling’s mother. Given the choices, she chose the one which gives her son the most power but leaves a big hole in his heart. I might of mixing fictional and non-fictional stuffs here lol who knows what really went on in history… May be she did what she had to do…

    • Liu Bing Yi and Meng Jue both like Yun Ge, so LBY feels uncomfortable about intruding. XPJ wasn’t happy watching this.

      I think I missed the part where LFL’s mother chose. Where was that?

    • I don’t understand what you meant by LFL’s mother choosing. She was killed by an Emperor out of his fear that one day she might yield power from her son. This was not proven and was just a doubt but the Emperor acted on it anyway.

      On a side note, i can’t quite understand why Liu Che chose LFL to be the next Emperor. He has numerous children whom must be more capable because LFL was only 6 at the time. And if he choose LFL because of his mom, it doesn’t make sense he want to kill LFL’s mom. I hope maybe someone can educated me about this.

  5. In the previous chapters, Yun Ge mentioned that her family liked to travel and moved around a lot. Were they moving around so that they didn’t risk the chance of getting caught or recognized by others?

    • No, they travel because that is Yu Er and Huo Qu Bing’s life, always adventurous. The world thinks they are dead, they are not avoiding anything.

  6. The anticipation for the reunion of Ling Gege and Yun Ge is killing me, but at the same time I felt a little relieved that it didn’t happen. For the time being Yun Ge and Meng Jue can have some more romantic moments – like the ones that took place in this chapter. This chapter allowed Meng Jue to realize that Yun Ge actually had feelings for him. The description the author gave made my heart hurt – that simple happiness is something so unrealistic to him. It saddens me to know that that happiness probably won’t last long.
    Anyway, thank you so much for the chapter :).

  7. It’s sooo cute that Meng jue & Devil spawn are so close it’s ironic. Please don’t let Lui bing fall in love with Yun Ge too. That’s too many tragedy

    • lol! have we found a nickname for Da Gong Zhi? i think Liu Bing Yi is curious about Yun Ge because he’s just a little suspicious of her. in an earlier chapter, he confronted her for why she made acquaintances with him. why she wanted to get close to him? she never answered his question.

      • I actually think he likes her already. That is why Xu Ping Jun is a little upset I think. Also I felt like my speculation is further proven by the following line, “His lips curled up in a derisive smile for himself and he turned to leave.” He was jealous of Meng Jue and Yun Ge, but he felt like the current him was not comparable to the handsome and rich Meng Jue. However, he turned back after walking away probably because his feelings overrode his logical reasoning. That is my take on that paragraph. 🙂

      • Good job, Anna. I think it’s pretty clear Liu Bing Yi likes Yun Ge (the flirting, the saving her, the teasing at the graveyard, the subtle dick-waving contests with Meng Jue), and at this point, everyone knows it except for clueless Yun Ge and adorably innocent Hong Yi. Xu Ping Jun looks determined to “buy goceries” likely because she’s headed to find the elder Meng Jue told her about and get that marriage arranged with Liu Bing Yi before things cross the line.

  8. Wow, there’s so much tension with a capital T. At this point, pretty much everyone knows that both LBY and MJ are falling for Yun Ge except her. And I love how Devil Spawn is just watching silently amused in the sidelines while both men try to outdo the other. The tension is so subtle but Ping Jun and Devil Spawn can see it because they are both very close to the two.

    Also, can I just say how hot that part is where Meng Jue kissed her on the cheek? I love him. And I just want to take him away and save him from future heartbreak. He was so happy at that moment, bless his heart.

  9. Joie jie, thank you alot for enlightening me. Although I am Chinese in Southeast Asia, due to certain circumstance, I am monolingual. It is a pure joy reading Chinese novel in English. Thanks to bbjx which I stumbled on Koala site by accident…I am truly enjoying reading translated novel plus comments

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