
My Princess Episode 11 Recap — No Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap. The romance part of the story is established. Out 2 lovers have confirmation of their love for another. The only problem now is how to get it to work out.

    I just want to mention that the first scene of last episode where HY went to pick up YJ, he was in fact making LS jealous. Wasn’t the museum scene where LS pretended to be HY’s girlfriend because “a woman’s passion is heightened by jealousy.”

      • Me too, a_fan, my forest friend…..sigh….*shakes head sadly*….. no kiss….they lied to us. They edited out the kiss. The preview clearly showed him leaning down to kiss her cos she closes her eyes and tilts her head up to meet him. I’m so sad….*crawls into suitcase and zips up sadly*

  2. Errm I’m kind of happy I decided not to watch this drama and just read the recaps and watch Dream High instead……..I might watch it eventually but right now….I don’t feel motivated to do so XD

  3. I kinda figured that we weren’t going to get a straight answer from Seol (just finished watching ep 11) and I agree with you.. its getting tiring with the two mean girls poking on the defenseless naive girl who doesn’t really know much about her past.. i mean is it really necessary? I guess they say the more you hate them, the better they are as actors.. (maybe?)

    But I got to say when I saw her fit into the suitcase, I was dying of laughter, If Kim Tae Hee can fit inside that suitcase, then anyone who is around her height or shorter can fit.. that is unbelievable, it seriously must’ve been one super flexible or super huge suitcase.. 🙂

    And I also wanted to Jung Woo to come in for another 4 way stare down. got to admit, those are actually more interesting than the two meanie girls. 😛

    Thanks for posting!

  4. Don’t you think they were supposed to be kissed? Because HY said, don’t forget this now. I think it’s referred to their last kiss, when HY ask to forget that kiss.
    Or is it only me who make it a fuss? 🙁
    And thanks for your recap. So fast!!

    • I totally agree with you! They definitely were supposed to kiss! (We can tell from the preview for ep. 11 that MBC put on their website…he leans in for a kiss!…and they stupidly edited it out…argh!)

      Even without the preview proving it, it kinda doesn’t make sense for him to tell her, “Don’t forget this moment.” when he only hugged her…it makes much more sense for him to say it if he kissed her…and you’re absolutely right, it would be a good parallel because he said, “Forget this moment.” when he kissed her on the stairs.

      Come on MBC!…give us more fanservice and don’t tease us with previews of things you’re going to edit out!

      Anyhoo, I do love their lovey dovey and cute scenes…we just definitely need more of them! 🙂

  5. I can’t even watch MP now, despite the cute couple as the evil B’s just totally ruin it.

    This is a great lesson on how to wreck a perfectly good kdrama with the worst roles for mean b’s in kdrama history EVER!!

    Oh, how I weep for what could have been a very enjoyable series.

  6. To be honest, I think this rom-com really could have not a single plot device related to Dan or Yoon Joo, and still be a compelling story.

    I completely agree. In fact, I think the writer’s really taken an easy way out, plotwise, by even having Dan at all. Even just Yoon-ju would be enough. What I cannot fathom, though, is WHY someone hasn’t said something about those to sociopaths — because that’s clearly what they are. And even though I loathe Yoon-ju with everything in me, I have to agree with her about Granpa — I hope he shuffles of this mortal coil real quick. He, Dan, and Yoon-ju are all self-absorbed, selfish, evil people.

    It’s really unfortunate that this story isn’t more. The conflict is weak and easily resolved — WHY didn’t someone mention that, oh yeah, Lee Han’s daughter was named Seol, and they have photographic evidence of them together??? If the writer was smarter, she would have cast aspersions on Seol’s dad instead of Seol herself — that would have been more credible. But it would have been better to just not go this route at all; as ockoala noted, there would be more than enough story between Hae-young and Seol, and the pitfalls of becoming a head of state, without all of Yoon-ju and Dan’s Evil Machinations. Which are — have I mentioned? — boring. And annoying.

    But still, thanks for sticking with it, ockoala! As always, I enjoyed your recap. And the whole bit with the suitcase was too hilarious! Yay for the Hae-young/Seol cuteness!

  7. I couldn’t agree more. I think there are more than enough organic issues/conflicts in My Princess that we don’t really need the existence of either Dan or Yoon Ju. There are way too many villains in My Princess.

  8. ….. I still like it. :p
    I mean, the episodes before were definitely a lot more fun and care-free, but theres still FIVE episodes left, so you never know whats going to happen.

  9. I gave up on this drama..there’s nothing that can make me have more motivation to watch’s like this story center on YJ and LD and they are the evil, WTF?
    so I just stick with dream high..I kinda wish you recap DH instead MP in the first place..first impression do sometimes fools you..

  10. My goodness!! All they have to do to prove to everyone that Lee Seul is the real princess is by showing them the picture of her and her father from the old man in their hometown. Isn’t that enough to tell who the really princess is? Show the picture to the nun and asked her who the little girl in the picture is? Lee Dan or Lee Seul. It’s so simple. Clearly, the little girl in the picture is Lee Seul so if they show the picture to the nun then she’ll confirmed that it’s Lee Seul. Since everyone already know how the father looks like. Even the grandpa seen Lee Seul when she was a kid. There’s no way Lee Dan can say that the little girl is her. Geez, gotta make it so hard.

    • my thoughts mirror yours. they’re just making a big fuss out it to prolong the story. but whatever, i’m expecting a happy ending. i’m that shallow. 🙂

      • me too allenif chingu, who cares about the plot? haha All we want is them together, kissing, hugging and showering forever and ever.

  11. I have so much to say because Lee Dan is such a b****!! She’s even more of a b**** than Yoon Ju. She’s so ugly and mean. Come on, her own adopted sister! She needs to get a life! Freakin’ liar, she is! Yoon Ju is a total b**** as well. Them b****es can die together!!

    • well said—them words that i couldn’t seem to “spit out” you said with so much passion—lol—no, seriously thank you!!

  12. thank you for your prompt recap. For us non-korean speakers, it is a godsend. I love this community of k-drama watcher and all thanks to your post. hope you keep recapping.

  13. Yeah, it’s too bad seeing the development of this drama. 🙁 The two evil bitch*s really tiring (makes me skipped some scenes in this drama, and it’s the sign of weak story line). Their problems could be solved in one episode. I hope the writer give more portion to extra cute interactions between Seol and Hae Young which make me keep watching this drama. They’re so perfect together. In fact, for me, they’re the best couple for each other so far ^^

    Thx you for the recaps ockoala. Sometimes I feel that reading this is better than watching the aired drama hehe..Keep fighting till the end ^^

  14. I couldn’t agree more with your post. Sorry if I rant a little bit…

    I keep cursing and hitting my screen whenever the evil robots appear, I mute the sounds everytime they speak….. I’ve decided now just to wait until their demise to resume watching. Please writer do not give those two heartless robot any redemption, they don’t deserve it. Wishing for turn of events in the next episode >_>, this is the last chance I gave My Princess. If episode 12 continue to be this frustrating I might only read recaps until it ends…

    All the cuteness and happiness in this episode disappears to thin air after the two robots duo scenes (No preview too, No kiss T_T). It’s sad now I relate My Princess more with those two robots and senile grandpa instead of our beloved main leads…– and the Prof)

    You are absolutely right, there is so much more conflict and stories can be told about the restoration of the monarchy instead of this horrible drama about envious b******!!! Sorry to bring up other drama.. DH storyline is getting better, My Princess sadly start to gets in my nerve now (This is come from someone who absolutely despise Hye Mi at first and in love with My Princess since well… the preview).

  15. Maybe I’m silly. But Hae Young and Seol are too cute for me to leave MP behind. I really appreciate the effort of KTH and SSH. I can’t let the silly plot spoil it T-T Anyway, we all know that the happy ending will come to Hae Young and Seol, while LD and JJ will have to pay. Why do we have to fret over some nonsense evils then?

    • Dear Up
      Powerful scriptwriter could easily allow the 2 leads to get together 1st and deal with conflicts later.. We want the mushy mushy scenes like yesterday!!! he he..

  16. Omo.. after reading everybody’s displeasure of how the story is heading, to me M3 feel is back again… at least in M3, Geun2 were given quite a bit of cutey scenes but here in MP, the @#$#$%% scriptwriter chose to give major air time to the Witches of Eastwick instead of the 2 leads. what the toot!!!

    Really, one witchy witch is good enough and please, please.. more lip lock between SSH&KTH and hugs, shower scene etc. etc. Hey, @#$% scriptwriter, are you listening??

    Let’s hope the @#$%! scriptwriter wakes up from her trance and wise up before it is too late.. SIGH!… she doesn’t realise that she could be depriving the air time for one of the most handsome couple… Now, if they could be someone to steer the script more toward the 2 leads, that would be great.

    “”someday I will buy MP if someone creates a Hae Young+Seol DVD cut”” yeap, after all, MP is about them…

    Dear ockoala
    Thanks for speedy recap….much appreciated..

  17. URGH. I hate those two evil bitches with a passion….BUT I do understand there HAS to be some kind of conflict in order to for it to be a drama, yes? This is definitely drama, but this is the kind that makes the whole story unappealing. It’s that sickening, annoying feeling where you want to kill them off in order to have some kind of motivation to watch more episodes. Sigh. Please let this atrocity be a one episode thing and bring back more cuteness, less angst next episode. Ah, who am I kidding? We have 5 more episodes left. I’m betting the evil duo will be around for 3 more. Since I love SSH so much, I guess I’ll stick with it til the end. Please don’t disappoint me, MP!!

    • Yes… will stick around till the end ‘cos of SSHandKTH. they are adorable together..
      think they will have lovely babies together… sorry, a bit sidetracked due to bad script…

  18. Thanks so much for the recap…i just had to watch it without the subs bec i wanted to see what LS’s response was to HY’s last question, will you be my woman?
    omo….like everybody else, i’m starting to hate those 2 girls, it just ruins the whole drama. I would rather just have a triangle with our princess, her diplomat and her Professor Jones!!! why can’t we have that!!!
    and couldn’t they take a fraternity test, isn’t her dad’s bones and ash in the graveyard and all she needs is her blood, hair or whatever. besides the picture, that’s one proof that she’s the REal princess and not some sociopath adoptee! ay ay ay!!!

  19. i am glad my decision is right, only to read recaps and not to watch the drama, this two bitches are too much to handle. So much frustration, drained my emotion and make me impatient waiting the last episode only to know/see the happy ending.
    the only thing i love to see was the cutey scene with OTP. I wish no matter Seol is true princess or not, as long as she get HY, pls writter make my only wish come true.

  20. Yip, gave up 4 eps ago. The occasional cute/romantic moments just didn’t give enough. I was tired from watching the stupid innocent people who let the obnoxious bad people play them. Thanks for the recap cuz I do want to know the end.

  21. Hi, been a silent reader on you blog since MP starts airing…Aft reading ur recaps, I have a different take. I chose to believe that everyone knows that Lee Seol is the real princess…So with LD claiming the purse to be hers, how are they going to clear the air. Grandpa is angry at HY cos he think HY play the Lee Dan’s card to confuse the people of Korea for the voting and not because he think LD is the real princess…LD change her name as confirm by the nun and witness by LS, JW and YJ. So no need to do DNA testing since all the player knows LD is a fake…But now how are they going to clear the mess???
    I still like MP cos KTH and SSH is really the most beautiful couple….

    • “I still like MP cos KTH and SSH is really the most beautiful couple….”
      Yes, couldn’t agree more… max raw eye-candy!!

  22. so cheated out of the no show kissing scence. do not understand this drama logic in deleting out such scences when clearly it was filmed. dont they want the rating to go up and the only way is going up is LOVE/KISS/BED SCENES 🙂 btw LS and HY.

  23. thanks for the recap Okoala , tell u the truth I watch only HY-SEOL scenes and nothing else or sometimes when I feel it’s interresting their separate scenes becoz I think the side story , I mean the story other the main couple’s Love story is just Duh .
    PS : I have a question , maybe it’s a stupid question though , I couldn’t understand why HY considered seol’s answer or non answer about if she wants to quit being princess and be his woman is the best answer , I mean Ockoala and everybody why did u enjoyed her answer , I’m not able to get that 🙁

  24. Thanks Ockoala for your lovely recap. I just finished reading it.
    Me too I focused on HY and LS moment scenes more than anything.
    They are really match couple I love to see them together.
    I do not understand that why kiss scenes from MP have been edited, in epi 10 I saw the picture that HY kiss LS and in the epi 11 preview HY was going kiss LS……
    It has been twice now….. Don’t annoy us…… MP you know what we all want to see……

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