
The King 2 Hearts Episode 2 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. I know that ur totally fall for K2H once i saw ur header this morning. Thanks for the recap Ms. Koala, hope u still with K2H until the end coz i just love ur opinion & recap

  2. Thank you for the great recap! HJW and LSG are both amazing celebrities because I never understood the words they said but I felt HJW pain and how LSG was a ***devious sneaky ass*** all through their actions. ***I loved how you described him.
    I can’t wait for the next episode and as much as I love LSG, I can’t wait for Hang Ah to kick Prince Jae Ha’s rear end one more time 🙂

  3. I wrote this on DB and I’ll say it again, HJW really brings out the SEXY in her leading men. I mean, I thought Jo In Sung, KDW, and Binnie were handsome before but it wasn’t until they were paired with HJW that I really started swooning.

    Now its Seunggi’s turn. Who knew our resident puppy could be sexy as hell. And its even more lethal because he’s a bratty boy one moment and manly man the next. 😉

    • really love how u describe it, yes hope K2H goes better and better and HJW once again proves her ability to bring out the best inner talent of her co-star

    • Wait, actor or charactor? Because the actor is preety good and he’s famous as a singer in Korea, too. The charactor (Jae ha, I’m assuming) is the jerk.

    • stick with the show and see how he grows on you. I had the same reaction when I first saw Seunggi in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho but he really grew on me and his character’s development was fantastic to watch. He’s also got a devastating smile and single dimple.

      • @NN – I would have to agree with you on that. There’s something about this boy that would just pull you. He’s not really good-looking but he has the charisma. And for an actor his age, he’s quite good.

        LSG and HJW are burning the house down with their chemistry. Can’t wait to see more of them in K2H!

  4. Yes, Ockoala. This drama also owns my heart and soul and I hope to stay like this till the end. It’s sooo good, sooo promising I dont wish for it to go crazytown. Please please please god, spare this drama and let it continue to be this good.

    I love the couple, individually and much more when together.
    I love the North Korean trio.
    I love the brotherly love between Jaeha and the King.
    I love the cute fatherly love between Hang-ah and his father.
    I love Shi Kyung as a character and his relationship with Jaeha
    This drama has done a really great job in their characters and relationships which I totally didnt expect when coming into it.

    And there are humor, romance, heart, action and intense all mix together in a high budget production that shows in costume, setting and all. And I must say their premise of a South-North Korea is intriguing here. I feel their tension and am rooting for their reunification.

    Thank you again for this recap. I love reading your comment and opinion.

  5. I love this drama to the bits. I love our OTP. Lee seung gi and ha ji won are <3 <3 <3
    Um, now can I call seung gi as a sexy, hot, and manly man?

  6. I don’t want SK to fall for Hang Ah! I don’t want him inevitably left heart-broken (I only enjoy secondary guys when they are insanely evil, because it’s fun to hate them).

    Yes, JH needs to be smacked, emotionally if not physically, for this little stunt. Of course, from his perspective, she threatened to kill him repeatedly, so while I think he’s being a jerk, I can see why he’s lashing out. In his position, I wouldn’t be all warm and fuzzy either.

    The villain freakes me out – I kept wondering if he’d kill that little kid in the club scene. You know you have a truly psycho villain when you are freaking out he’ll off a kid. This said, John Mayer? Really? The man makes some questionable music, but I didn’t know he was also a Joker-like Korean supervillain on the side 😛 (It reminds me of when the bad guys in Black & White were called Sarkozy. Really?)

  7. The villain is too over the top, its annoying. Was any of the scenes of the villain make any sense even more, was it necessary?
    The depiction of north koreans kinda wobbly. Who would have thought they’d wear colorful fashion and mini skirts???
    I cant wait to see JH fall all over HA

  8. I was thinking Jae Ha might have a past where something happened and he turned out with disinterest towards everything… But now, I’m pretty sure he is a JERK!!!HYow could he do that?? It will be fun to see him fall for her and eat his words! I can’t wait…

  9. I love this series, too. Much more than Rooftop Prince, I have to admit, even if this one too is very enjoyable. Our King 2 hearts is just perfect and the music is great, when is the ost coming out?

  10. 🙁 this drama just doesn’t float my boat. I guess it’s coz I saw rooftop prince first, but this drama is spop boring. Although there is a tad bit familiarity of the the whole historical dram shenanigans I found the time travel to be quite refreshing. I’ll give this drama a few more ep.

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