
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 13: Lunar Rainbow Song — 48 Comments

  1. OMG, I opened your page and here we go, a new YZG chapter. I’ll take the hot namja in the top photo, please. 😉

    Now off to read… and thank you so much, Koala! I appreciate your dedication and hard work. Have a happy/safe travels!

    • Ahhh…what a sweet and touching moment between Yun Ge and Meng Jue. I loved how Yun Ge said that for the first time she felt that Meng Jue is finally standing and present next to her. This perfect and wounded boy who kept himself apart finally let his guard down. And the piggyback across the fields…so, so beautiful.

      And so bittersweet with Ling gege just around the corner, recognizing her voice, asking for who she was singing the song to. *sigh*

      How can Tong Hua write with this much beauty and heartache at the same time?

  2. awwww so touching when Liu Fu Ling said those words
    Yun Ge, was that you?

    If it was you, and you are so close to Chang An, why haven’t you come to find me?

    If it wasn’t you, then why does it sound so familiar?

    Yun Ge, tonight, for whom did you sing?

    and thank you so much for update =)

  3. Love the moment between MJ n YG! Sometimes just sayin nth,says a lot. . .n LFL watever relate to YG it lure him to it. . .wot will happen when they’ll meet. . .O God I want this novel so bad. . . .why why why, writer didn’t publish in english too! Koala can’t describe in words tht how much i’m greatful to ur translation. . .day n nite i’m always waitin for the recap. . .i’m soo addict to it. . .despite being bg u make time for recap means a lot to me Koala THANKS AGAIN. Hope to see another recap soon!

  4. omg I totally agree with you about how Liu Fu Ling’s last line is so heartbreaking because she sang this song for Meng Jue. I feel so bad for him now…I’m so conflicted because I’m happy that Meng Jue actually opened up a bit with Yun Ge and that they have finally taken a step forward in their relationship. I’m pretty sure the second brother is the boy Liu Fu Ling and Yun Ge saved back when they were children in Xi Yu because that child was looking for his sister who was sold by his parents. I wonder if Meng Jue and Liu He knows that Yun Ge once saved their second brother because I do recall him promising to repay his debt to her someday – now that he is dead I’m assuming his sworn brothers will fulfill his promise for him in some way or another.

    • If Second brother really is Yue Sheng, then he also owed a debt of gratitude to Liu Fu Ling as well. That would be an interesting turn in events if so.

      • Yes he does, but if I recall correctly Liu Fu Ling didn’t tell the him his name at that time, and even if he did he was using a fake name.

  5. Hi, Koala unni! I have not been commenting lately on your beautifully translated chapters simply because I have been afraid to pick up YZG, knowing that it’s supposed to end even more tragically than BBJX did, and I literally moped for days after reading BBJX. In the end, though, I could not resist temptation any longer, snuck a peak at one chapter of YZG … And the rest as they say is history.

    Did anyone else notice the reappearance of the other boy that Yun Ge saved back in Chapter 1? Not Meng Jue but Yue Sheng, the boy that YG and her Ling GeGe saved from the corrupt officials. At least I’m pretty darn sure it’s him; the “looking for his sister” part gave it away for me. In fact, I wonder if his sister will end up coming into play in this story. Hmm, who could she be? Hong Yi? I also wonder how he ended up sworn brothers with an infante.

    After the mauling that YG received at the hands of those hunting hounds, I felt mildly frustrated that she weren’t more like her mom. Also, what happened to Jin Yu saying that she was going to make all of her kids learn tactics and strategies war manuals? YG is a complete turnaround from her mother, in her naivete and how she always ends up being coddled and protected by other people. If she could be a bit more self-sufficient like her mom, that would be nice.

    That being said, I at least (thus far) like YZG much better than DMY, which I admit to being bored by in the end. I think it’s because DMY is basically a romance story centered on 3 characters, and once the main couple got together, they had eyes for only each other. I admit, I tend to get annoyed by couples like that, the kind who can’t bear to tear away from each other for one measly second. Thus, I really appreciate how YZG has strong friendships, especially the one between Xu PingJun and YG, in addition to romances. I just hope the relationship between XPJ and YG doesn’t go to hell because of one Liu BingYi. For once, I would like to NOT see women go from friends to enemies over a guy. I think/hope that they will remain good “sisters”, since XPJ is historically a kind and gentle empress, and so while I think XPJ does feel mildly threatened by/jealous of the attraction that LBY feels toward YG, I don’t think she’s nearly petty enough to do anything bad towards YG because of it. Plus, in that day, it was common for a guy to have more than one wife (well, if you were rich enough to afford more than 1), so I think XPJ would in the end welcome YG as a true “younger sister” if that were to ever turn out to be the case. Sadly, the “younger sister” (i.e., side wife/concubine) of LBY that she actually ends up with is one nasty piece of work Huo ChengJun …

    Speaking of HCJ, while I’m glad that Meng Jue stopped being so wishy-washy with regards to YG, I rather wish he’d been smoother in revealing the truth to HCJ. I don’t even want to think what nasty schemes she’s going to be cooking up in retaliation for her broken heart.

      • In real history LBY becomes an emperor after Ling Gege and Demon spawns 27 day rule. XPJ gets made empress because she’s married to him and was loyal. However, XPJ gets killed off after giving birth by HCJ who they want placed as empress.

    • Goodness my poor head.. Where did you get all these info from? I was totally clueless from d Yue Sheng part to d XPJ being empress part to d HCJ being concubine part!!!

  6. This chapter has to be the best yet! MJ makes a straight-out confession and even chooses YG over Huo Cheng Jun when he informed HCJ that YG is not his sister!!! The descriptions are perfect of him previously sitting/walking beside YG but his heart was a million miles away….until the piggyback ride and their time spent watching the lunar rainbow.
    And after all that awwwww-inducing sweetness, comes the devastation of Ling gege hearing YG’s song with his ears and his heart only to result in painful silence when it ended. Another missed connection!!! I love TH’s writing that we can feel Ling gege’s genuine longing as he waits with bated breath for YG to come find him and the emptiness he betrays when he wonders for whom she is singing.
    ACK!!! How much can we take?!

  7. Thanks Ms Koala! I haven’t read the chapter yet but I know it will be awesome. To be honest, this book has got me hooked from chapter 1. I find myself going back to re-read chapter 1 again and again, because it is just so enchanting how the writer has set the scene for the events that follow. While I do like DMY, once I started reading YZG, I find myself more drawn to the characters in this story. Could it because the protagonists in DMY are just larger than life whereas the main characters in YZG are more human and therefore, flawed and complex? Well, I must get started on the chapter, which is my treat for the day. Thank you!

  8. What an ending to this most revealing chapter. Liu Fu Ling’s desperation and longing for Yun Ge while running through the woods was so palpable and bittersweet since she was singing it to Meng Jue. Joy and sorrow two sides of the same coin. Many thanks Ms. Koala, for another beautiful chapter.

  9. What a beautiful chapter ! I want it to go on and on …the waiting is exciting and painful at the same time ….
    Thank you so much , Koala san … you are soooooooo kind …… otsukaresamadeshita ^^

  10. Yun Ge, was that you?

    If it was you, and you are so close to Chang An, why haven’t you come to find me?

    If it wasn’t you, then why does it sound so familiar?

    Yun Ge, tonight, for whom did you sing?

    Awwwwwwwww. After all these years, LGG is still able to recognize YG’s voice. And how sad is it that she’s actually singing this song for another man and not him. I just feel so bad for him.

    Looks like YG is falling for MJ. Can she really get over MJ so easily after meeting LGG again? Book 2 can’t come soon enough. I want it now!

    Thanks for another great update Koala!

  11. I’m going to be a little off topic here, but is that a picture of Yuan Hong as Yang Kang in LOCH08? The screenshot seems to be in HD and I was long wondering where to get a 720p copy of LOCH08. Does anyone have an idea?

  12. Such heartwrenching scenes. Tong Hua is so good at making me feel completely in love with one character while feeling completely heartbroken for the other. No matter what, someone is always hurt. However, I’d have to admit, I feel that this triangle is more heartwrenching, because while Meng Jiu outshined HQB for Jin Yu’s in DMY, Meng Jue and Liu Fu Ling are on par for Yun Ge’s feeling in YZG—remember, this is just my own personal opinion and feelings. Others can debate. :D.

    I really LOVE both guys this time… no bias! While I’m falling for Meng Jue just like Yun Ge, my heart completely feels for Liu Fu Ling… to think that he spent all these years missing and remembering her. I still smile when I think back to the nights they spent in the desert sleeping near each other–how he held tightly onto her clothes to prevent her from going to the fire… just TOO CUTE! *sighs* Why can’t these type of guys exist in reality???? 🙁

    Anyways, like always, thank you for posting up another wonderful chapter!!!!

  13. omg omg omg the last lineeeeeee 🙁
    Yun Ge, why didnt you remember his face or voice?!
    okay, i laughed when Liu He said “Booooring! Back to hunting!” he likes different fun.

  14. For anyone who was on the fence about meng jue like me, this chapter was the tie breaker. We never see meng jue so honest, romantic and humane. But lest we jump ship too far, tong hua feel the need to remind us that we need to save a spot for ling ge ge.

    For me these types of chapter makes me fall in love with the guy more esp one like meng jue who had guarded his heart so tightly.
    But all I could think about after reading this chapter is ling ge ge. I has always rooted for meng jue from the start because he’s more my kind of hero. Guarded, complex with a painful past. (a bit off tangent here) but they remind me of sleeping beauty. They need a little rescuing, but when you manage to break down their wall, you’ll find an one of a kind of beauty that only belong to you and only you can see.

    Anyway, back to ling ge ge. I find the last line especially bitter sweet “yun ge, tonight for whom are you singing?” so close yet do far. Without really meeting but there’s already a sense of lost in that line. It’s not there is no love because yun ge is singing this song unconsciously and ling ge ge know it’s her even though he hasn’t see or hear her for over 9 years. For them it’s kind of like a miss chance. And I feel this could be a foreshadow of their relationship. ( I haven’t read the book but is only speculating)

  15. It is getting so good. Thank you Ms. Koala. I gave up studying and read. I think I like this better than DYM. Plus the pictures at the top now are ingrained in my brain, that’s how I think of LFL and MJ.

  16. Liu He continued to look outside, his expression cold “Today is the anniversary of the death of our Second Brother. If you want to hit me, then go ahead. After today I will fight back. Your half-assed martial arts can’t hope to compete with me.”

    Does it mean Liu He is better than Meng Jue in martial arts?

    And did.Liu He cause 2nd bro to die ???

    *confused *

  17. Ms. Koala- if you can please enlighten me, I’m a bit confused/curious…

    …..Liu He stuck his head in front of Meng Jue’s face “You must’ve realized it already, otherwise you won’t be pulling Yun Ge close and then pushing her away. That Yun Ge, if she didn’t like a guy, no one could make her marry him. ……

    ( Is this line giving us a hint that it was MJ who asked for her hand in marriage and she ran away?)

    ….You knew it was so close, yet you pushed her away! Initially it was all about making a little lady like you, who knew you would lose your heart first….

    (Why was MJ trying to get Yun Ge to like him… is it another part of his plan that we’ll find out later?)

    I’m trying to be patient to let the story tell me… however, I would hate to miss any major clues…

    As always thank you so much for taking your time to translate. It is greatly appreciated. ; )

      • uh…..maybe MJ discovered JY never-ending love for Jin Yu and his sacrifices for HQB…..does MJ want to make Yun Ge love him and make her suffer later on?? Only he never thought that he fell in love with her, too….

    • Wow thank you e for pointing those points out and thank you Violet for answering e’s question. I was also a little confused about it, but I thought I was just reading too much into it. Thanks to you two I didn’t miss these critical clues ! 🙂

      • @pikachu: that’s an interesting theory. I hope it wasn’t like that though. Considering MengJue personality I was thinking he want to use her for a grander scheme. Maybe he know Yunge connection to LFL, but I dont know how he could. Either way, i really had hoped that things are simpler and he merely reach out to Yunge because he want to see the girl that rescue him years ago, but didn’t mean to fall for her. My wishful thinking… At least I can imagine that in my head

  18. I believe meng Jue produced yuner’s shoe when he asked for her hand. I am sure jin yu recognized the shoe and that is why parents couldn’treject.

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