Written Preview for Episode 11 of The King 2 Hearts
Most modern K-drama loves stories find conflict in complications that are not really all that compelling. The fantasy conceit of The King 2 Hearts allows it to have a really meaty barrier between Hang Ah and Jae Ha, but what the drama does so well is focus on the attention and time on the personality and insecurity issues bubbling beneath the surface of the OTP. I’m so glad TK2H is a 20-episode drama, because we’re going to need 10 more episodes to sort it all out.
Written preview for episode 11:
I want to take responsibility for the woman I love!
Hang Ah’s daddy tells Hang Ah that she’s lost her baby. Secretary Eun wants the royal family to make an official announcement of “no comment” to this matter, and asks Jae Ha to give up Hang Ah if the royal family wants to survive. Jae Ha blows up at Secretary Eun over this matter. On the other hand, a North Korean official wants Hang Ah to reveal to the world the true nature of the South Korean royal family. Frustrated Jae Ha turns to Shi Kyung for help………
Latest preview for episode 11:
”asks Jae Ha to give up Hang Ah if the royal family wants to survive” I wish the SK people get ashamed and disappointed in their king for what he did. Leaving his fiancee and baby all alone… and this makes them see the royal family in a bad light, making secretary Eun beg JH to go after KA to make things better Bwhahahaha this would be so awesome!
That what secretary Eun did made the Royal family’s situation worse.
I’m wishing for the SK people after seeing HA’s video about how she likes the king and talks good about SK and the SK people decides to stay on HA’s side! lol It would be so epic.
That secretary haraboji needs a beating, eh?! It’s a good thing JH sets him in his place and doesn’t let another respected personnel walk over him/his orders! Looks like the bromance will continue…yay!
Hang-ah is primarily a very strong character! She is very loyal to those associated with her and I don’t see her talking smack about the royal fam. Jae-ha was an ass but the other two females were very supportive of her and it’ll be such a boost to her knowing that both her sister + mom-in-law to-be gave JH such a hard time after he ordered her to return! I’m pretty sure her statement, JH getting held at gun-point (from the preview), and her realization that he visited NK to make peace with her and coerce her to return home (this word can’t get any sweeter) will coincide!! I am fervently praying to the drama Gods that the next 10 episodes deliver as well and don’t fizzle!!
This drama makes my heart go all dugeun-dugeun, fuzzy, and warm!!
Thank you Ms. Koala for these bites!! Only a day and a half to go…..
ickkk, double post!! waeee, lame internet?!
That secretary haraboji needs a beating, eh?! It’s a good thing JH sets him in his place and doesn’t let another respected personnel walk over him/his orders! Looks like the bromance will continue…yay!
Hang-ah is primarily a very strong character! She is very loyal to those associated with her and I don’t see her talking smack about the royal fam. Jae-ha was an ass but the other two females were very supportive of her and it’ll be such a boost to her knowing that both her sister + mom-in-law to-be gave JH such a hard time after he ordered her to return! I’m pretty sure her statement, JH getting held at gun-point (from the preview), and her realization that he visited NK to make peace with her and coerce her to return home (this word can’t get any sweeter) will coincide!! I am fervently praying to the drama Gods that the next 10 episodes deliver as well and don’t fizzle!!
This drama makes my heart go all dugeun-dugeun!!
Thank you Ms. Koala for these bites!! Only a day and a half to go…..
ps: just learned yday that Lee Jae Kyu, the director, also was responsible for Damo! I’ve heard such good things abt Damo…now I just have to buckle up and watch that one!
thanks koala!:) this should get me through 2 more days of waiting:)
More, goodies, thanks!
I have been filling up the time with other currents and oldies, but
I could rewatch the confession of SK to JH a million times instead.
It is so sweet.
Uh, I think I’m going to die from the wait.
considering that its mbc, if the ratings are good they might extend the thing, anyway, it is not a good thing if fictional characters make me look forward to school days and dread weekends like this, gosh i love them
The ratings currently isn’t doing well so it is hard to forsee extensions. Equator Man (who currently owns the throne) might be extending according to rumors.
can’t… wait… any… longer… ARGGGGGGHHHHHH
Thank you, thank you, thank you…
So many good things happened today I don’t think my heart can take it
Ooo LSG gave HJW cake, such well raised guy…
I think I understand Eun, he’s old school, and he’s only trying to persevere royal family, he dedicated his life to them…
Secret agenda maybe on the end, when he sees the things are changed and he can’t make peace with it.
He’ll make KHA stronger. But I still can’t forgive KHA tears.
I couldn’t open page for a long time, hours…is everything OK or it’s my internet…
P.S. I love LSG hairstyle he totally brings difference
he’s man, man, man…
A Uhm Tae Woong hairstyle in ep 9-10…oho…made this man hotter.
Just read in the news that the situation between nk and sk is getting increasingly tense. Guess perhaps that’s why some skoreans can’t commit themselves to this romantic tale between nk and sk? What a great pity but also understandable. Hopefully the show will at least get all the critical acclamations it deserves for being a great drama.
Me too. Hope this show get recognition even though the issues is tende
Ohhh thanks for this! I’ve been having exams for the past few days so there’s no way I could have the time to watch the drama, but I made time to read your recaps and previews and other titbits on the drama! Thanks Koala!
argh.. tense… how the writer wants to end this story???? ..huwaa
Koala mama! Did u see the new spoiler pics of the kick ass Kim Hang Ah?!?! Omg! This girl is going to save the king of Korea and win the hearts of the people that she feared so much! This weeks episode is going to be epic! Freaking fantastic!
I would also like to scream… BONG BONG U AND not so Bon Bon FAIL!
Where? where? Excited!!!
here you go!
and yay, our kickass heroine is back– HJW looks amazing!
Komapta chinguya!!!
it looks like she is saving her self, maybe club M send the killer girl to assassinate her. (firs picture is in her room) The others are from the amusement park where the king spends some “happy time”. Oh, it is so good to see again the kick-ass Hang Ah!
This woman worth every penny
The amusement park, think so.
I can’t wait to see
Shi Kyung to the rescue! He is gonna be pit more and more against his Dad.
It is expected that Eun Kyu Tae will oppose because in his view the OTP should not be together anyway, and from a realist and rational viewpoint that is correct too especially now that this fragile monarchy reputation is on the rocks.
Thank you for your posts . Wanted to share a link to net- porter to see the pink skirt by miu miu she wore in ep. King2hearts must have a crazy budget.
Click on my name for link
Hang Ah and Shi Kyung will kick ass, Jae Ha will crack jokes
So true. He will be scurred and screaming like a school girl. Hahaha. He probably won’t really do that, but I’m going to imagine that he does :).
I think he’s gonna tell them what to do
and they will be like SHUT UP.
Why isn’t it Wednesday yet?
Whine whine whine whine whine
Should I go get into a bank line to make time go faster? Count up the loose change? Start a really long novel?
I can’t do those things. They are not watchingEp11ofK2H, therefore they are not fun.
What are you all doing to survive?
To cope: watching Bidam enter the fray in QSD and started Equator Man at ep 10…
Not really working! >|<
TEM, yes, now I have to wait on that one, too!
I even started The Princess
SnoozeMan because it had so many episodes and I heard it would make me cry.It literally put me to sleep and I did cry – in frustration.
(Don’t tell anyone I said that.)
Equator man is something you need to watch from beginning…Surely if you like that kind of dramas…
I’ve been at university, sat on lectures and all time talked about TK2H to my bf…even showed her a photos…
And she’s like, give me a break weirdo…he’s not even that cute, I pissed of course.
Then we go to a coffee shop, and still talked about JH and KHA, then I started to check Koals’s playground for the new info…she rolled her eyes…
I drove home as fastest I could and spent night on PC, and then pictures came out.
That’s how I deal with my sweet virus
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! I’ve been re-watching the first 10 episodes like it’s nobody’s business. Also, been watching 1n2d for the laughs and SEUNG-GI!! I ‘think’ it’s working…
I won’t tell
Yep considered that one at the time, like Park Shi Woo i think it is, but didn’t excite me. think latest ep of Fashion King may be translated by time I get home tonight (prays to Lord of Hand Towels)
FK, me, too.
Can’t wait to see what the heck they are going to come up with next.
I swear sometimes it is like watching an old episode of I Love Lucy with all the running around from country to country, apartment to apartment, job to job, characters yelling at each other, not to mention – SHEEP!
I think that is why I am enjoying it. It is not predictable.
Agree, so mucked up it’s awesome at making you guess where we’re off to next – follow the yellow brick road? Off to Narnia?? Noooooo….. let’s try to destroy each other with clothing, yeah that’ll show him/her/them/me/us.
Prefer to see some not-making-any-sense-but-ridiculously-hot horizontal action on that nice long sofa in the factory anyway.
So, my King, shift your butt and get back on my monitor, pronto. I’m in withdrawal with Jomo et al here!
With it being mbc , i hope they wont cut it short because fo the low ratings , the me too flower disaster better. NOt happen again!!!
dear koala,
waiting for your recaps love lots thank you