
Funny Supermarket Stills and Second Teaser Trailer for A Gentleman’s Dignity — 19 Comments

  1. Note for self: Wool dresses are tricky. Or maybe useful if you want to attract men… Need to do a bit of thinking about that. Bromance is very welcome, as always.

  2. Now, please!

    I’d wish the intervening weeks away if it wasn’t for the fact that a) by that date I will be jobless, carless, and a week away from homeless, and b) that means TK2H will be over. ~sob~

  3. That red-dress thing is like the opening scene of Wilber Pan & Sandrine Pina’s Endless Love – the red-string theme.

    • well, yes…in a way, except that JDG’s character can afford to pay for the dress than Wilber’s character 🙂

      And Im so going to watch this – raw!

  4. Those 2 blokes at the top photo look serious and the other 2 are completely whacky. I love the chemistry between these guys.

  5. It look awesome!
    And really the red thread from the dress…that was such a meta on meta thing brilliant and funny. And the double shot take with our F40 was awesome! Can’t wait!

  6. Please drama gods, let this be as good as it looks all the way through the drama!! I am still loving it. I’m a little afraid to get my hopes up but seeing these 4 and F44 – rocking!!!!! Dream come true. can’t wait!!

  7. Im so scared to say that I am so excited for this show, but I really am. I love love love Kim Ha Neul! She is just so cute and funny. And Jang Dong Gun….’nuff said!

  8. I love that in the trailer the 4 guys were all excited and loud when they were in the club room but was all silent when the ladies came lol

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