
Choi Siwon and Yuan Hong Relocate to Kenting to Continue Filming Fall in Love with You Again — 13 Comments

  1. Aww..can’t wait to see Siwon again in a drama. Love the pic he posted on twitter. beautiful.

    I do not like her hairstyle.

  2. Ooh. Kenting must be quite a beautiful (and protected?) spot indeed.

    Seems like Choi Si Won has shed many pounds, yet again. :-/

  3. Siwon seems fun, well brought up…….really nice but somehow it doesn’t translate onscreen. He gets uptight, awkward body language, funny wooden expressions. …..I did like him a lot in Skip Beat.

  4. Si Won is such a fine specimen of a man. I remember when I thought he was way too hot. Heeheh, but then I found out he was in a boy band and ….yeah, that was it. But he’s just going on the c-dramas nonstop.
    But Koala, I have no other way to get in touch with you, so I wanted to ask if you heard about the Yoo In Ah Ji Hyun Woosituation? She said YES! hehe so cute. You should make a contact page lol.

    • OMG, I immediately google Ji Huyn Woo and Yoo In-na after reading their news from your post. So happy for them ^^

  5. OH I love Siwon!!!!!seen him upclose and personal at a hotel here in the philippines
    He is a real gent…..
    I hope he does well in this new Drama ….followed him from Oh my Lady to Skip Beat.
    Thanks koalshii for the feature…mwah

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