
Big Episode 6 Recap — 51 Comments

  1. I’m so glad for your positive thoughts, Koala. I was getting very anxious during the episode and got was heartsick by the end. Kyung Jae kept saying Da Ran knew him best, yet Ma Ri was able to figure it out. I hope, hope, hope they’re (KJ and DR) the OTP. It’s funny I whine that kdramas dramas are too predictable, but then when it gets like this I’m all uncomfortable!

    • Oh, KJ-DR are the OTP. Whether or not they end up together at the end is the unknown. Plenty of drama OTPs don’t end up together – usually when one bites the dust.

      I kinda don’t care about who ends up with whom. I really love the journey. How does one learn from heartbreak and disappointment? Da Ran really grew up. How does one bridge 12 years by sheer talent and will alone? Kyung Jae really stepped up. But they are always completely artless in front of each other. That’s the journey of a younger man falling for an older woman, while battling the demons of her ex-boyfriend.

      Mari figured it out and Se Young is close to finding out as well. I’m surprised Yoon Jae’s mom didn’t figure it out, but she’s probably a distant mother to begin with. I don’t think its hard to figure out. Kyung Jae hasn’t been trying hard at all to pretend to be Yoon Jae. Initially he was akwardly trying, now he’s just being himself. I totally see glimpses of pre-accident Kyung Joon in the new and improved Kyung Jae. He’s got his swagger back, but also retained his little boy insecurities. LOVE. Mari’s adorable, she’s as persistent as a retriever, and as harmless.

      • Ma ri is harmless? Maybe, but her smashing the window kinda threw me. I think she’s a sandwich short of a picnic! Anyways, OTPs that learn from each and come out better people in end are very nice, but I’m in this for the LOVE. Kyung Jae is awesome and Gong Yoo is too fine to end up alone! Oh, well. I’ll mentally prepare myself for the worst 😉

    • Can’t you imagine what mari must be feeling… She loves kj, yes in a rather obsessive crazed way and now she finds out about something that is EATING at her. I think her actions, while not condoning it, is in character and understandable from that pov

  2. So happy to read your upbeat (as always) take on this episode cause I have none of it. Mari is a psychotic stalker who just broke into someones home by smashing the window. So wrong. Daran is still looking at K as a student with no loving affection except that of an older sister and because she is concerned with his well being. She is still mourning the loss of the cheating guy.
    The face we see always is the one actor although portraying a 19 year old but we don’t see that beautiful boy on the screen. Great acting by him. I guess I am disappointed with the turn of events in this episode. My guess is that the young actor (Shin) will wake up being the older guy and more messes which don’t equal a love story. I hope not.
    The American movie ‘Big’ he returns to his young state and the lady stays alone. I am guessing that this is going to be the same way if indeed Daran falls for K. Thank you for your positive take, I knew you would make me feel better cause this is a mess.

    • I’m happy DR is not seeing KJ with other eyes! If she was that fast to fall for a student/boy I would be creeped out! She was his teacher after all.

      I’m glad so far she only cares for him like a young brother. And when she looks to him with another eyes is when she see how great YJ is. I wonder if she will EVER look KJ in his own body with another eyes. Not unless after 5 years apart IMO.

      So I’m glad.

      People are pissed with Mari but I find her funny hahaha

      And I hope DR and KJ doesn’t end up together as a couple but like a family 🙂 cute sister-brother relationship.

      • Mari trespassed into someone’s home and even smashed the window and you still find her funny? If you were the owner of the house and someone broke into your house and even damaged your house, would you still feel the same?

      • @Mita: I’m not taking her as a real person, it is just a character – this is a drama so I’m having fun with this crazy character.

        Of course in RL I would hate and raw away from someone like Mari.

        Don’t take a character from a drama too seriously.

        Just have fun 🙂

  3. Have to agree with @Sonia – I’m ready to throw in the towel on this one thanks to the scheming ex-girlfriend, cliche over-bearing Mom and now psycho Mari. (WTF? Guess I’m supposed to laugh but they’ve turned her into a caricature) Same old drama crap.

    I keep waiting for them to bring the kid back but looks like it’ll be the last episode. *sigh*

  4. Thank you Koala unni for the recap. After watching it raw twice… I like this turn of events… KJ and DR have grown so much. I hope we do see mature love between both of them… As for Mari, I sure hope she will not become a villain as one is enough already. well, YJ mom counts two… I am looking forward to next episode…

  5. Gong Yoo looks GOOD in this episode! Can’t wait to watch it…thanks for the recap. It looks like the show is finally getting intoxicating!

      • I just watched and MY GOODNESS…he looks so freaking hot. I’ve watched the wedding scene so many times…i’ve always been a sucka for a man in a suit and he looked so cool in it. I WANT TO MARRY.

  6. Thanks for the recap but I want to kid to wake up too. What’s the point of hiring a cute actor to just get him to lay on the bed the entire time? Kid doesn’t get much air time. I would much prefer it if it was somewhat like secret garden where the we see the actual soul when they’re with each other. Wishful thinking i suppose.

  7. This is such a good episode and the drama is going great! Thanks Koala for the recap and your thoughts and observations.

  8. I was breathless through the whole episode ! I can’t believe there are such contrasting opinions about the show. For me, this episode assured me that there is a PLAN… That the story is moving as the writers and directors wanted it to.

    Nz koala, I agree with you that this kungjae is more like the kyungjae we, or at least I, expected to see post body swap, which leads me to believe and accept that the kyungjae immediate post swap was a freaked out kyungjae. And his quick ability to adapt allowed him to mature and make the decisions and choices he made..

    I am loving the journey too.. And my god, gong yoo is devastating now when he plays kj close to the kj we saw in the first episode… Assured, a little cocky. The way he is treating da ran is a lot like I remember him in first epi too.. Like grabbing her away from the table. Or when he is in the car and ignores her and honks her to get in.

    Sigh.. Am crushing so bad.

    • What I love about this drama is that it constantly up-ends expectations. Mine and a lot of other peoples. And I feel some frustration stems from that. We expect one thing and when given another, some might reject it outright without assessing whether it is even palatable.

      In episode 1, I realized all my preconceived notions needed to be chucked out the window, and I happily did so. This is one drama where I hardly notice the “actors”, all I see is Kyung Joon, Kyung Jae, Da Ran, Mari, etc. So what happens needs to flow from those characters that have been so well built up, but who are shown to grow and change based on time and experience.

      Episode 6 was indeed a gamechanger, but it wasn’t one of those twists for the sake of shaking up the doldrums of the story. This was well planned and I’m just in bliss knowing this story is progressing so well and the Hong Sisters must have more goodies up their sleeves. Is so so happy.

      • Ya, I don’t understand why ppl are hung up bout who ends up with who.. In life and so, in dramas too endings may not be as we wish but we may still think it’s the only one acceptable for the story.. For me, case in point being age of innocence with Daniel day Lewis and Michelle pfeiffer..

      • @enz I think it’s natural people are curious about who the main couple are, because in most romcom settings it’s obvious who it’s supposed to be (regardless of who you actually want it to be). By subverting that expectation the Hong sister’s are creating a lot of uncertainty about how we’re supposed to read the drama. I agree however, that’s it’s not important we know- I’m loving guessing and waiting to see what we’ll get while we watch Kyung Joon and Da Ran grow.

        Age of Innocence, by the way is a great film (one of my favourite Scorsese movies), but it’s also not a traditional romantic narrative where we expect a happily ever after with a definite OTP.

  9. And I love that it’s kyungjoon she sees when she sees yunjae altho that might set me up for heartbreak later if and when a swapback occurs

  10. Thanks for the recap and analysis.
    I loved this episode. Watched it twice in a row. It goes by way toooooo fast!
    I agree with everyone that said that KJ has somehow found himself in the last year.
    While he got used to being in a 30 year old body, and being treated like an adult. He returned to the more-mature-than-his-peers teenager who was smart and confident.

    Screen capped the hell out of it to see if I could find the magic hidden somewhere in GY’s face. Is it his eyebrows, chin, forehead, eyes, mouth? It’s everywhere I want to be…

    I realized what we are seeing is a stillness we didn’t see before. He is cool because his face reveals a LOT less about his thoughts. The storm of emotions you know was raging inside when he stood next to DR the first time, was no where in evidence.
    He even tamped down his reactions when DR kept calling him a kid and an infant.
    I get the impression that he had done more practicing in the mirror to make sure he appeared adult-like.

    Which, of course, he is NOT. Not yet. Determined, and armed with a plan, yes, but he is still the kid who put all his heart into catching this ONE fisherman. Not only because she is the only one he can be himself with — I think Mari understands him even better than DR in some respects — but also because she is the one he wants to be successful, cool, handsome in front of. He knows he is a better man than YJ – better for DR. He wants her to realize that now.

    Mari knowing will make things worse, but she will NOT be able to use her current arsenal to get KJ on her side. He has grown way beyond her at this point. She had already shopped for school marm outfits to be more like DR. I wonder what else she will bring to this fight…
    I think Dr. SY will find out soon, too. There are too many clues. I have NO idea how she is going to deal with that. Dr. SY certainly does not want to date a 19 year old…Wouldn’t she back off?

    • I have tons of thoughts on Se Young. Hear me out. As much as we want to hate on Se Young, right now we see her through a fragmented narrative. So far the only thing objectionable Se Young has done is be bitchy and condescending towards Da Ran. Other than that, she hasn’t done anything other than try to get back together with Yoon Jae.

      When she gave Yoon Jae her house key, I never thought Yoon Jae was using it. So he’s not a cheater. BUT….Yoon Jae kept that key. It was in his pocket. That means something. It means he was thinking about it in some way. For example, Kyung Jae would just say no and hand it right back. I think the key does mean Yoon Jae isn’t as over Se Young as we would like to believe.

      So this puts Se Young in a new light. She’s not the third party, she’s not the interloper. Maybe Yoon Jae was seriously contemplating two girls – his old love and his new love. Nothing wrong with that. An engagement does not equal a marriage so he’s free to break it off with Da Ran and get back together with Se Young.

      Yoon Jae’s mom’s attitude towards Se Young is also telling. She likes her, despite knowing Se Young was the one who broke up with Yoon Jae. Most moms would dislike a girl who dumped her son. But Yoon Jae’s mom doesn’t feel that way about Se Young. What does that mean?

      I also went back to rewatch the opening scene in Big. I think Se Young wasn’t lying. I think two things happened at the wedding that aren’t mutually exclusive. I think Yoon Jae did take an interest in Da Ran, BUT then he got the call from Se Young and was rushing off to see her. I think we’re getting the full Yoon Jae-Se Young picture later.

      The romantic in us wants to believe that Yoon Jae was following behind Da Ran as she caught the bouquet. Like a puppy following her. Him bumping into her could be seen as he was trying to help her catch the bouquet, or he saw she was going to trip so he was trying to catch her.

      But nyet, that is not the case when you rewatch that scene. Da Ran was backing up straight to catch the bouquet. She was in no danger of falling down the stairs, the stairs were to her left. At most she would have catch the bouquet and fallen on her rear end. The most telling is that Yoon Jae bumped into her from her right, he literally was rushing somewhere and their paths collided. He was moving in a diagonal trajectory towards the stairs, meaning he was leaving the wedding. Plus he’s not even looking at her the moment they collided. The speed and strength he bumped into Da Ran indicates he was in a rush.

      So it was indeed an accident, and fits what Se Young said. So far Se Young hasn’t been shown to have lied. Or be devious. When she thought Kyung Jae didn’t want her house key, she said fine it’s over. So if Yoon Jae was rushing to see Se Young when he bumped Da Ran down the stairs, causing her to break her wrist and miss taking her teacher’s exam, then he COULD feel guilty enough to marry her. I mean, he proposed after he heard she missed her exam, with words like “I will take responsibility for you.” Oh so romantic,

      Anyways, the point is that Se Young is an unknown. I actually don’t doubt she still likes Yoon Jae, this doesn’t feel like a power play (unlike other Hong Sisters bitchy second female leads). I think her nature is bitchy, and Da Ran happens to be a push over and rather dim in her mind, hence her bitch side comes out around Da Ran.

      I think Mari and Se Young will want to work together to get the boys back into their original bodies. That is the only way either of them gets even a chance with the guy they want. This leaves Kyung Jae struggling to win Da Ran’s heart while being cornered from all sides, all while fighting his own face. BRING IT ON!

      • thanks for your very insightful pov, koala sis!

        i was actually giggling together with daran when she came to know that yj actually liked her on first sight. but, but… everything that happened since then had been telling that yj was just doing it out of responsibility. now with you pointing out with that pic, i rewatched it again and again and you are absolutely right there. i had been wondering about that when i first saw ep1 cuz anyone can see how obvious it is that she bumped on her as she was about to catch the bouquet. i had a better perspective because of what you shared… point in case, Se Young. 🙂

      • Agree on what SY’s reality vs what we are supposed to think.
        But this brings up more questions which I am assuming will be answered eventually:
        If YJ was running to see her because she changed her mind, did they never talk again while DR was recuperating?
        Guilt as relationship anchor couldn’t have been launched immediately. YJ and SY should have had a nice reunion before YJ decided to throw away his life for a girl because he broke her hip.
        (Can you tell I don’t like guilt as plot device?)

        And if SY and YJ have a real past with feelings, wth is YJ’s rationale for dropping SY so abruptly? She didn’t want to have babies?

        I love the idea of Mari and SY working together. Jang Hee-jin is a good comedic actress, I hate to see her play pinched-face the whole series.

      • @Jomo:

        SY was the one to leave YJ, because he wanted a family – babies and she didn’t. You can tell YJ loves Kid, and SY didn’t want it, so she left him…

        But she then wanted to go back and he was with DR.

        This thing about YJ being with DR just because of guilty I don’t buy it at all. It is not like DR will be forever unable of doing the test again or writing again in her life. She would recover and do the test in the next year. This thing of YJ wanting to marry her, I do believe he likes her and maybe, because DR is lovely maybe he saw a nice wife and mother of his kids….. About the key, I’m not sure, what if SY gave him the key before he was together with SY and he was thinking in giving it back to her but was unable to because he suffered the accident?

        I think we are believing too much on what everyone thinks about YJ, and in the end everyone is wrong. LOL SY sees a YJ, DR sees another YJ, KJ sees other YJ and all.

        Who is the real YJ?

        In the end, it might be any of them are right about who YJ really is.

        I don’t think he was going back to SY. I believe he liked DR.
        I think he was avoiding DR or the marriage because something in his family happened and he couldn’t tell the truth to DR, so he couldn’t lie to her and so he avoided her. Maybe he was going to LA to fix things and come back. I think he was going to tell the truth to DR before the accident, maybe he decided to stop avoiding poor DR who couldn’t take it anymore and wanted the truth.

        Ahhh so many options! I hope YJ isn’t really what Hong sisters are making others believe he is. I want to be surprised about him.

        But who knows, Hong sisters don’t care much about second girl/guys never making them deep, so YJ can end up being the jerk guy who wanted to go to his ex-girlfriend……

      • Ops I meant here:

        ”’About the key, I’m not sure, what if SY gave him the key before he was together with SY DR and he was thinking in giving it back to her but was unable to because he suffered the accident?”

    • I agree with everything you said Lizzie. People are jumping very quickly into conclusions about YJ and over analyzing the bits of what we’ve seen of him.

      I just hope we’ll get his side of the story soon and that he wakes up!

  11. This episode totally change the pace of the drama!! Kyung Jae is not that little kid anymore! Ma Ri and Seo Young are suspecting that there is something “fishy” with Kyung Jae!!! And the only person who can help Kyung Jae is Da Ran, who doesn’t want to help him?? Really woman, really? When you need him, he was there for you… and now, that he needs you, you still treating him like a kid… News flash woman, he isn’t the little kid you once knew… He is growing up, like he said he had to skip a few steps, but he is growing!!!

  12. Miss K unni, you made a post about the symbolism on this drama, and I just keep thinking… When Yoon Jae was trying to “reach” Da Ran, I don’t know why, but I see it like he is letting her go… I mean, that is what you do, when you try to reach someone who, is getting away from you. To me in that wedding (the first one, when they meet for the first time) Yoon Jae was “letting go” Da Ran or at least that is how I see it…

  13. As much as I love the drama, I think I would be really sad in the end if after the journey KJ and DR didn’t end up together. In the first 6 episodes they have already formed such a connection it would break my heart! I have faith that everything will end up okay in the end!

    I love KJ, he is such an amazing character!

    • I agree with you girl! I’d surely go cuh-razy too! I don’t have money to spare for tissues and handkerchief. I also don’t want puffy eyes when I go to work! LOL!

  14. I’m still not 100% sure how I feel about this drama.

    What I do know is this: my brain freezes every time Gong Yoo is onscreen. I know he’s good-looking and all, but when he came back as ‘upgraded’ Kyung Joon with THAT SWAGGER, he is downright irresistible. I mean, how can a man look so good just opening a freaking door? *sigh*

    • “I mean, how can a man look so good just opening a freaking door? *sigh*”

      Yes, seriously. This is what I’ve been thinking..
      I’ve watched that scene about 10 times at this point…just damn!

    • OMG, the DOOR!!!!!!!!
      The best part of “feeling” that moment was it was absolutely something KJ would do. Trying so hard to be movie cool, which it was, while revealing everything about how he feels about DR. He cannot stay away.

  15. Quote:
    “This time around, Kyung Jae is in the driver’s seat of this adult body, and he’s poised to live
    Yoon Jae’s life but pursuing the things Kyung Joon wants.”

    This is DR’s and pretty much all of us female’s IDEAL MAN

  16. Here are some new questions I am ruminating on.
    Who says same-same makes the best partners?
    Why do they have to match?
    Fact is, when you decide to fall in love, you see what you want to see, and block everything else. The boundaries between you and him dissolve and you get the illusion that you are ONE. Very romantic, but not real.

    Of course sharing common interests help strengthen a long-term relationship, but that doesn’t mean you have to share everything. My husband and I get along well despite the fact that he likes train watching and map hikes, and I like Korean dramas.

    You have to be compatible and enjoy being with the other person. They don’t have to “complete you” (Damn you, Jerry McGuire!) since ultimately we are all responsible for our own personal growth and happiness.

    So I ask, do they both always have to be at the same maturity level to be happy together?
    In a long term relationship, the balance gets shifted back and forth between partners.

    When I was in labor with my first child, I held on to my poor husband’s hand for dear life.
    He was valiantly delivering his prenatal cheers one after another “Breathe, Jomo.” “You can do this.” “Think about your happy place.” HA!
    But suddenly, I panicked,
    “I am leaving! Get my stuff! I CAN’T do this! It’s too hard,” and I started sobbing.
    Up to that point, I had never seen someone’s face literally fall, but his did. His brave façade crumbled; tears came into his eyes as he tried to suppress that little boy frown at the corners of his mouth.
    Taking strength from god knows where, I started comforting HIM. “It’s all right. There, there. You are doing great. Let’s just take a deep breath together and go on.” He looked up at me, and nodded, wiping away his tears. I am sure we shared a brave smile, as if it mattered.
    Of course, we didn’t have a choice but to finish this ridiculous thing we were doing, but it felt like we were back in control.

    Our marriage has been like that. Back and forth.
    I think that after more development from KJ, he can be the man for DR.
    I do believe in Kyung Joon, I do. I do.

    • I love your comment! It’s so satisfying to read others relate art (i.e. kdramas) to their real lives. I’m sure the Hong Sisters do the same to write these stories.

      And I also believe in Kyung Joon. I think that if he can’t get over his fear of blood maybe he’ll become a substitute at DR’s school to prove how much he’s grown. The principal would hire him on the spot. And Ma Ri would watching him like a hawk! Also, Teacher Na would be competing with him. That would be a hi jinks goldmine!

      • Thanks! What a great idea – HS teacher. He certainly could relate, and he doesn’t have to illegally practice medicine.

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