
TW-drama Summertime with George Hu and Gui Gui Releases Breathtaking Long Preview — 19 Comments

  1. woaa. Gui gui feelS different here.
    The last time I saw her was in Pi Li Mit.
    I will check this out :DD
    It feels like she was no longer the girl I knew in BSM,
    she is finally a full blown woman 😀

  2. George Hu is cute but he still needs to improve with his crying scenes though.

    and GuiGui, wow! she has come a long way from her HSHMM days! add more experience under her belt and she could be the future Ivy Chen and/or Ariel Lin.

  3. the basic premise sounded like The Last Song, but then you added evil step sister, so maybe not??? (even though TLS had fatal illness in it too, the dad)… love gui-gui even from the manga-type brown sugar macchiato days, she reminds me of jung somin in her effervescence and bright smiles 🙂 even though she seems to resemble ariel lin here… george hu is hot as well, they make a great pair of cuteness+hotness 🙂

    i dont understand the language so i’m not sure, but is it like, one twin pretends to be the other when she dies(?) of some fatal illness or something… the scene where there’s a sick guigui on the bed and the hero hugging the other one???

  4. does this mean there ill be someone dying in the middle of the episode? or somewhere in the last. That really sucks. I think this kind of drama for me is better to be read because it has a feel of a novel premise than a tv series.

  5. Looks lovely, but painful as well.
    According to the hairstyle, the last time wasn’t the first time the twins switched because of him. I hate when they bring illness between a couple, I hope she will not die(but sure it looks like it), and she is the one in the wheelchair in the very end.

    Oh, and I am mother of twins(not identical), but I have many twin friends. I’ve never understand why no one ever notices the differences.

  6. You’re right! Such a beautiful trailer! I love it already!
    George Hu looks so different here and in a very good way! I always remember him as Jia Sen in ToGetHer but this drama will totally erase that impression I’ve had of him!

  7. Definitely will be on my list of t-dramas to watch out for. Cinematography great, story doesn’t feel too dramatic even with makjang plots. The song sang by gui gui makes me feel teary and a sense of nostalgia.

  8. I’ve been a George Hu fan since K.O.3An Guo (which is a drama I adore despite it not being my usual thing at all) but yes, massive hotness points here. And when did Gui Gui get to be so beautiful?

    I was completely confused by the trailer and have NO idea what is going on but this one is going on the must-see list anyway – so gorgeous.

  9. Ahhh! I’ve been waiting for you to post about this drama! I love GUI GUI and just realized how great George Hu is! I can’t wait!

  10. They still look like the babies they were when they started in the entertainment industry, but that’s because they both have baby faces. They both have seemed to improve in acting (GG’s far from her BSM days), though there’s a distinct contrast in acting level with the second female lead.

    And I never saw it before, but Gui Gui looks a lot like young Ariel Lin, especially with her hair off of her forehead.

  11. OH HOt! I haven’t seen George in a while since Hayate the Combat Butler but I really want to see this one since I havent seen Gui Gui in a super long time!!! Can’t wait!

    Thanks for posting! 🙂

  12. Oh wow, Gui Gui grew up!!! I feel so old now. I remember when she was still really young.

    This is really beautifully shot at least as the preview looks. It looks like a series that I have to marathon to like. 🙂

  13. Ok now this show looks Epic.

    I’m already liking the feel of it. I can tell that I’m not going to be a fan of the second lead for the female.

    And when did George Hu get all fine and stuff, I mean he was cute/ adorable in Combat Butler but dang it’s like he got smexy overnight. I’ve never seen Gui Gui in any TW show but I think I will become a fan after watching Summertime.

    Im ready for this show to premiere.

  14. Im looking forward in watching this drama. Is there already an update on when will this drama officially be shown? Some says it will be shown on summer or july 2012. I hope it can watched online with english sub. I just can’t wait to see this. ^^,

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