
Kim Bum and Ariel Lin Dazzles in Endorsement for Eichitoo — 32 Comments

  1. Suddenly I’m begging the drama gods ….

    how about we jump the flood of K-stars to T- and C-dramaland and bring Ariel over to K-dramaland for one??? With Bummie? And hot kisses???????

  2. My favorites are the ones where they are smiling…adorbs;))))….looks like Bummie has regained some weight from his pre Padam days…me likey…tbh not a big fan of the guyliner or that hair on him but I like the clothes

  3. Damn that boy is hot! She is beautiful. Thank you for making my day cause I love this boy and his acting. I read he is launching his singing career in Japan with a new album he made. I am so happy for him cause his looks and talent are amazing. And of course I expect some disagreement but I love all 4 ‘Flower’ boys. Yay Bummie.

  4. WOW.. THey look good together.. I literally forgot that Ariel is much older than him.. but standing next to each other you barely could tell.. yeah i’m going to agree with you on this.. so would love to seem them in a drama/movie together.. SUper HOT! 😀

  5. She speaks Korean so I still wait for the day she goes there…at least I know any Korean co-stars she has won’t be awkward LOL

    I still mourn Bummie Padam Padam hair but he does look good

    This is like an entirely new set of pictures…they must have taken tons

    • I said that to someone a year ago during the build-up to Padam Padam and got no response, but I see it and I’m glad someone else does too!

    • Definitely agree with you! All of sudden, a look at the pictures and me wondering “Is that you, Takeshi?”
      But it’s just today I see the resemblance. Never did before.

  6. They’re so cute together! Ms. Koala, you’ve completely turned around my opinion of Ariel- for some reason (I think it’s cuz I didn’t really like her character in iswak), I didn’t really like Ariel before, but after reading your posts and learning a bit more about her, Ive become a fan 🙂 she’s so pretty and down-to-earth that it’s kinda hard not to…

    • been a fan of ariel for a while — started with a kiss with joe cheng, tokyo juliet with wu zun, that tdrama with mike he — just love her. she can be pretty and innocent, fighting like a bull the next, and cry not just a bucket of tears.
      just hope that they come up with a cutesy, happy series whether its korean or taiwanese… : )

  7. Bummieeeeeeeeeeeee-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh………………………………………
    Thank you Ms. Koala ^_^

    sigh ……… I am still SoEun all the way … sowwrrry …………
    Kim Sun Eun & Kim Bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ……………………

  8. I’m glad to see Bummie looking fuller & healthier. He was always cute, but in these pics (and since Padam) you can see the grown up, good-looking MAN.

    P.S. What is it about this year that our drama boys are maturing so well??? (see also: Lee Seung-gi) Whatever it is, I definitely approve! 😎

  9. Oh the pretty is blinding me! They totally look good together..hmm I hope they’ll do a drama together too. On another note, here’s wishing a Happy Birthday to one of Bummie’s besties and another pretty pretty boy, Lee Min-ho 🙂

  10. Out of all my ICOMYM, I have to say that Kim Bum is my favorite. Gah. He’s unbelievably gorgeous…. and could be my son. *sigh* Alright, I’m off to find pics of the AGD men so that I don’t feel quite so creepily inappropriate.

  11. I don’t think Ariel is going to jump to kdrama land soon.

    Didn’t she want to stop shooting c/tdramas because they’re tiring? Kdramas sound even more stressful to shoot. O_O

    But she *did* agree to do another drama for her teenage crush. Mebbe someone can find her kdrama crush to bribe her to shoot again? Bring out Korea’s hottest!

    • I think c-dramas is the most untiring since they are preplanned. I think tw-dramas are still live? I don’t remember. It’s easier to get Bummie to come act in China than to put Ariel in a K-drama.

  12. Smockin’ hot is the understatement of the century, my friend. Oh Kim Bum! ♥___♥

    Her big orange/white bracelet? WAAAANT!

  13. I like him without eyeliner and foundation. He would look much more manly and “raw” without these womanly stuff.

  14. Both Ariel and Kim Bum are stunningly gorgeous in this. I cannot stop looking at the pictures of them over and over and over again! Thanks for sharing!

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