
SBS Opens Drama Website for Faith and Releases First Teaser — 22 Comments

  1. ‘By the way, who’s betting Kim Hee Sun will travel back to Gorguyeo and magically maintain her mane of red hair despite the lack of root touch ups.’ Oh Ms Koala how I love reading your view on things you always make me smile.

    • More than her maintaining her mane of red hair I find it amusing that despite being a warrior he has perfectly coiffed hair with highlights. lulz

      But then Misty added that they used natural ingredients as colouring agents….so what do I know, eh?

      • Let me get my tongue out of my cheek re the red chili powder, but they may have used something like henna.

  2. Yeeep…feels the same way about the OTP and some other stuff so this goes to the bottom of my K-drama must watch list.

  3. i know it’s lee min ho but i’m kinda tired of this umpthteen time-traveling dramas now (doesn’t this drama seems like Dr. Jin but with a female dr?)…after QIM which i think, the pacing and writing was beautifully done…i’m done with time travel or soul switching for awhile.
    and yeah you’re right about KHS looking like his younger aunt thing…but who knows, maybe in that time period, that’s their thing?

    • Men prefer younger women as a general rule… I don’t think things would have been different in an even less enlightened era 😉

      • Dude, boys love noonas. Well, hot noonas, anyway. It’s women who usually balk at the idea of a younger guy.

        Also, you’d be surprised how many noona-dongsaeng relationships there are in married couples here. Even my boyfriend comes from a noona-dongsaeng marriage.

  4. I am looking forward to seeing this. I don’t watch a lot of dramas so the whole time travel in K dramas is new to me but it’s LMH, nuff said.
    The older woman with a younger man thing is nice too.

  5. I gotta say, I am looking forward to this one. I don’t mind that it is another time travel drama because I honestly really like them! As of right now the age difference doesn’t really bother me either. The story sounds great so I will definitely watch the first few episodes to see what I think 🙂 LMH as a General is hot.

  6. Interesting, fantasy is good….the one I had in mind was Entitled “Away from heaven” tag line “sometimes we simply have to learn from that little child inside all of us….” it’s a romantic, suspense and comedy soulful story ahuh I want to write this….

  7. woaa..I am waiting this one because several reasons:
    1. KHS..not LMH..because i like her past drama..but with extra bonus LMH..hummm..yummy…But my selection drama usually is the female lead..not male lead..if I love the female lead I will watch that show…the Kdrama male lead usually eye candy soo..any one who play is no matter for me..hehehe
    2. I love saeguk in Goryeo era…because their outfit is different from Joseon..closer with ancient chinese series…several recent Kdrama always portray Joseon era which I think is enough for now
    3. I love romance story about older noona with young man..hehehehe
    4. I like jumping time story..therefore I like Rooftop prince..hehehe
    So I hope that this one will be good…

  8. BBJX, JIN, and QIHM are the time traveling drama winners for me. I will have to take a pass on this one as I have set me sights elsewhere….

  9. Oh,gosh! who is this Ms. Koala? She just sound like an old lady. She is open up her own blog and doing what others doing recapper but somehow she doing over the broader. Critisizing people like no other business. YOU ARE REALLY NOT PROFFESIONAL LADY! Kim Hee Sun is my long times fan and I know her alot than you. You never know who she is, never do survey in Baidu, Naven and Weibo and you go to give your craps ideas about my idol. BEWARE OF WHAT YOU SAID! YOUR WORDS HURT MANY PEOPLE! Don’t think I am old, I am in the mid-twenty but I am still KHS’s big fan. I can read Chinese but I am not sure whether you can or not. If you can’t, then it’s a big joke mean you’re not wise as a western. Looked at Hollywood movies and dramas, did they comparing young and old among the artists? They treated them as a proffesional people. After all, all the dramas OTP are not going to be real couple in person, so why you so insulting?

  10. Gosh! who is this Ms. Koala? She just sound like an old lady. She is open up her own blog and doing what others doing recapper but somehow she doing over the broader. Critisizing people like no other business. YOU ARE REALLY NOT PROFFESIONAL LADY! Kim Hee Sun is my long times fan and I know her alot than you. You never know who she is, never do survey in Baidu, Naven and Weibo and you go to give your craps ideas about my idol. BEWARE OF WHAT YOU SAID! YOUR WORDS HURT MANY PEOPLE! Don’t think I am old, I am in the mid-twenty but I am still KHS’s big fan. I can read Chinese but I am not sure whether you can or not. If you can’t, then it’s a big joke mean you’re not wise as a western. Looked at Hollywood movies and dramas, did they comparing young and old among the artists? They treated them as a proffesional people. After all, all the dramas OTP are not going to be real couple in person, so why you so insulting?

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