Faith Ratchets up Expectations with a Thrilling 3rd Teaser
Going once, going twice, sold to the Koala with a boatload of reservations. The third teaser for Faith, the upcoming time-traveling medical sageuk starring Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun, has finally convinced the skeptical me of its charm. I loved this teaser! Beyond breathtaking cinematography makes me eager to just feast my eyes on the visual splendor, and having Lee Min Ho in the middle of it doesn’t hurt. Kim Hee Sun looks much younger in Gorguyeo garb so my squick factor at seeing her paired with Lee Min Ho is decreasing, which is always a good sign. Faith comes from the screenwriter and PD of Legend, and that was one eye-candy of a drama. Too bad I couldn’t get pass a few episodes, didn’t like the story or any of the four lead actors. My sister liked it and keeps trying to get me to revisit it, but I think I’ll keep saying pass, especially since Faith is coming along that looks very similar in vibe.
Before we get to the teaser, have some latest pictures of Lee Min Ho in costume. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of how gorgeous he looks in warrior sageuk garb. Much better than playing the umpteenth Joseon scholar.
3rd teaser for Faith:
Thank you for the news! A great way to end the night!
A flute player with silver hair!! I’m in!XDD
Me too :))
The trailer looks beautiful, it has a Peter Jackson influence. I promise to watch at least 2 episode. The actress still looks old, but at least her age makes her credible of being a good doctor.
I’d much rather the actress be older. I can handle the notion of an older woman, younger man relationship a lot more than I can handle “went to med school, did residency, and worked long enough to gain major reputation and credibility in her career and did it all by the age of 22 if that babyface is any indication,” which would means the girl graduated from high school at what, age 12!?
i couldn’t agree more! i am a medical student myself and i cant see myself doing any kind of surgery at the age of 23~
its better to have an older actress!
plus i dont give a bulls crap abt the age diff! we have had so many noona-dongsaeng pairings that gets a lot of criticism before airing but they really end up having sizzling chemistry together…the biggest example can perhaps be Kim Sun Ha and Hyun Bin from MNIKSS, and we all know how great they were together^^
i am a Minoz so i am really excited for this drama 😀
Who played the Flute Player with Silver hair?
Sung Hoon from New Tales of Gisaeng!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Thank You for the Info
with all these hot men in the drama, who cares if the main female “*lead is old enough to be LMH’ aunt??? am in no matter what….counting the days now…. 🙂 🙂 🙂
So far so good! For some reason, the silver-haired flute player, the cinematography, and the music remind me a bit of The Lord of the Rings. If the drama is half as epic as the trilogy, it’s gonna be awesome.
I agree, Ms.Koala, Lee Minho Ho looking good as a Gorguyeo warrior. Them highlighted bangs and disarray curls are still bugging me though.
Hahahah! I was just about to squee about that silver haired guy with the flute, but I see that several posters have already beat me to the punch XD Still, what an eye candy! And yeah it does have the same vibe as The Legend which I loved ^^ I can’t wait!
yeah..right i prefer goguryo general armor than joseon scholar outfit..hehehe…
With KHS as female lead and the cinematography like this…I am in..
Plus the eye candy LMH..will the director give him beard ???hohoho…
Gominam will look manlier in So Jong Ki in TWDR
omg…am in…
OMG !!! this looks so good I really cant wait till it starts….
I love the whimsical take on this new drama…. cant wait !!!
At first I was kinda iffy on this one, but after viewing the teaser I definitely will give Faith a try….if only for LMH and his megawatt smile. 😀
Yep, now I’m totally watching – my aversion to time traveling dramas be damned.
What silver haired flute player? I saw only LMH!
The female lead reminds me of Han Ye Seul. Not a good thing.
LMH is an everlasting eye-candy, haysh! come fast August, FAITH, let’s get it on, LMH fan girl mode, switch ON!
the silver haired flute player is Choi Woo Shik (Rooftop prince), rite?
Nope…it’s Sung Hoon from New Tales of Gisaeng
He was the male lead of SBS weekend drama called New Tales of Gisaeng. His name is seung hoon.
Ok s0 I saw this last night and like the first two teasers I wasn’t really excited about it at first…. until two people came on my screen…at first I thought I was seeing things and then I looked them up and guess what ????they’re in this drama!!!!!!!!!!!…….First I saw Sung Hoon who played the lead in New Tales of Gisaeng…not a fan of the drama and wasn’t that taken by him as an actor but good God if he isn’t one fine male specimen…but what really got me crazy excited was seeing RYU DUK HWAN at the 0.22 mark…I definitely shrieked when I saw him…..He’s my favorite movie actor of his generation and so awesomely talented and he has a major role here too…having him in this cast wins some major points from me because I may have seen the rest of the cast in one too many bad dramas/movies but Ryu Duk Hwan has yet to pick anything terrible
If there’s magic in all sorts of ways, I’ll be there to watch!
This teaeser is def way up better than Arang’s.
And LMHOTTT, he looks dayummmm good!
hmmm, I don’t feel the pull yet… Perhaps more teasers or some shower/waterfall scenes from Mr HOTT may help 😉
haha…LMHot is carrying a modern day shield with “police” written on it~so incongruous with his historic costume 🙂 He’s so cute when he smiles.