
Rich Man, Poor Woman Episode 1 — 55 Comments

    • Me too, officially on board. I fell in love with this guy in Hana Yori dango! gotta love Japanese drama, no frills, direct to the point! Kudos to you Ockoala!

  1. Thanks for recapping Ms Koala. I am also currently watching this one. Ep 3 is very good in setting the suspense up…its seems we will see a K drama formula very soon. I am also dying to find out if hyuga will find his mother in future and whether he will fall in love with chihiro.

  2. **spoiler**

    I watched episode 1-2 twice and episode 3 twice as well with no sub. I am in desperate need of a recap of episode 3 because I am dying to know what happened at the dinner and after.

    If someone knows give me a heads up with spoiler warnings of course.

    This drama is addictive so far but it could go stupid fast if the writers don’t keep their head straight. But the k-drama formula has it’s merit. The Koreans figured out that the best way to reach the world and not just Korea is through universal stories not culture specific ones. That’s why I think they are wisely moving away from drunk confessions at the soju stand and piggy back rides for

    I am looking forward to a shower scene in Rich Man Poor

      • Oh My Gosh, same here!!! I’ve watched episode three 2 times w/o subs and am continuously refreshing the drama page to see if the subs are there yet! I think I understood the ending a little bit (SPOILER: She revealed her real name) but I don’t fully know what’s going on in the dinner scene!?? It does seem like the show is going a little too fast but maybe that’s good for the show and all I can do is wait and see how it will turn out?

  3. I just finished watching episode 1 and I love it. I’m glad shunkerbell’s doing something swoon-worthy. I still haven’t gotten over his role in arakawa under the bridge.

  4. I love the actress, simply! She is so beautiful …

    The actor is from “Hana kimi” and I liked him there, especially when he played the young man not knowing how to act in front of the girls he likes, he was so sweet <3

    I'm on board with you and the rest of koalas for this trip.

  5. Omg! I was hoping you’ll notice this awesome drama and you did. Glad to see discussion about this drama. I can’t stop myself from rewatching and I’m dying to see the next episode.

  6. The thing is… I’ve watched ep1-2 and loved it. But i haven’t watch ep3 yet because I’m planning to save up until ep4 and watch both episodes at one go because some said that the ending of ep3 is Hyuga finding out that Chihiro is a fake name.. I’m gonna die waiting for a week for that since I’m so impatient. I’m liking what I watched so far, I guess it’s the magic of a cute OTP and nice background music. Hahaha..

    But i saw someone mentioned that the screenwriter for this drama is the screenwriter of “Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta” the drama that stars Toda Erika and Miura Haruma. I totally hated the ending and the whole story is just so brain-damagingly bad. I don’t even hate the drama, it’s just plain messy. I just home that RMPW won’t go that direction. Since the screenwriter have a big bad record, I’m a little bit wary of how will RMPW go..

    • Lol, I should have waited til ep four was out. The ending and preview for next ep have made me even more impatient. Didn’t know that about the screenwriter. Makes me kinda nervous.

  7. hi ms.koala..
    thx a lot 4 recappin this awesome drama..
    look 4ward 4 d next episode..
    now i’m waitin ep3 engsub..
    really love this drama
    JDORAMA is awesome..

    still sad from watch final ep of BIG.T_T
    really dissapointin T,T

  8. wow, you really made a recap!!! yehey!!! and, it’s now in you current watch list ;D so happy that i can read it here in your blog (love to visit your blog after every monday for recaps)since, i usually can’t wait for subs to come up when a drama becomes my current itch . . . just finish episode 3 without subs the other day, i’ve been holding myself til the subs come but to no avail . . . anyway, i’m just happy that you have decided to recap this ;D

  9. I haven’t been excited about a getsuku for a long time but after just the first 10 minutes of Ep 1 I was completely sold. Heaps of K-drama elements, yes. What I love is how energetic this drama feels, because for a very long period of time j-dorama has been giving off a lot of brooding sentiments and I miss my old 90s doramas which gave off more upbeat vibes.

    I love Hyuga Toru to pieces and am so very happy that Oguri Shun is nailing it so damn well. The scene where he gives his speech to the soon-to-be graduates floored me. Love that scene so much also because the content of it very much echoes with my point of view in changing Japan – it’s the mindset and about breaking the traditions. I may be reading too much but I actually find this dorama quite inspirational in this perspective.

    Always have a soft spot for Ishihara Satomi – I know she has the acting chops, just not as high profile as some of her peers (though I really wish she can change her hairstyle sometimes to give a fresh look). Loving her interaction and chemistry with Shun.

    Can’t believe ARATA has completely turned into an ahjussi now LOL. But his acting has now reached a very refined stage that I’m pleased to watch.

  10. I love this dorama. I’ve watched the 1st couple episodes over and over again. The one hiccup I’ve seen is where Hyuga and Asahina started the company in their college dorm; then in the article it states that Hyuga didn’t finish high school. Well, did he or didn’t he go to college? Stick with one story.

    Other than that, I LOVE just about everything about this. I have no idea what’s going to happen next to the characters and it’s keeping me on the edge of my seat.

  11. This is my first jdrama and I LOOOOVE it. The only downside, for me, is that I started watching it while it’s airing instead of waiting until all the eps are subbed, because I cannot watch them fast enough. It’s the crack drama all the way for me.

    • Thanks, Eric!!
      The only way I can enjoy these shows is if generous people like you put LOTS of hours in.

      Hey, Y’all! Shameless plug. It would be delightful if you clicked on his site and showed him how much YOU appreciate him spending his waking hours getting these subs done fast.

    • I just finished watching ep. 3 with your subs, Eric. ๐Ÿ™‚ Like Jomo said, I couldn’t watch without your hard work, so thanks a million!!!!!

    • Eric, thank you from my hart. I’ve been curious about who is Eric Paroissien, you do multiple translations, right? I’ve seen your name on some jdorama. Good work!

  12. I don’t know if this is going to end up as a typical Cinderella story or not because that line from her friends about “starting her own co.” is a if these two have a full-blown fallout after he discovers she lied or sth. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Anyway, I kinda like that he is interested in creating a national registry to find his mother and make money. He seems very sweet and sensible; and he uses the ‘kill two birds with one stone’ approach. I’m looking forward to seeing his other approaches that he may have picked up from being abandoned and perhaps tossed around in the foster care system…..

    Thanks for recappimg this drama OcKoala!

  13. Thanks for the recap!

    I don’t know that much about J Doramas.
    I was going to ask if there are any other shows like this?
    At all? Even a little bit?

    Which of Shun’s shows would you recommend?
    I watched Hana Kimi and loved that.

    • You want to go down this rabbit hole? LOL, it’s dangerous my dear Jomo. There are quite a few, I’ll just start you off on a few.

      For Shun, if the HanaDan story doesn’t drive you bonkers, then the original Japanese Hana Yori Dango is the best adaptation of that story, period.

      For Winter I never fail to watch Pride (still the BEST opening credits and song OF ALL TIME) – the story of Spring (Halu) falling in love with Autumn (Aki) during the beautiful Winter season:

      • I second, third, and fourth this recommendation! Still my favourite dorama of all time by far, and KimuTaku at his best, in my opinion.

      • Oh, Jomo! Buzzer Beat is a must watch. But most of the good romance jdrama are oldies; well late 90s. All KimuTaku’s romance drama are good except recent Moon Lovers.

        and Koala! you musn’t forget Zenkai Girl!


        and I will not stop recommending H2. Lol. Although it’s a high school romance drama, but this drama makes me one of Satomi’s fans. Lol


    • Jomo, you stole my question!!!!!!! I need to change a little form kdrama, so jdrama is next. Already seen some, but I need to watch first the good ones, not much time to lose.

  14. A Pride shoutout! One of my fav jdramas.

    I’m simply in love with this drama. I love the charcters and the vibe. It seems like jdramas have been all about doctors, lawyers, or detectives for too long. It’s nice to have a sort of romcom out there. I’ve become a big Shun fan over the years. I didn’t get the hype at first, but he’s totally won me over and now I love and respect him as an actor.

    This may have already been answered (if so diregard cause I’m combing thtrough the comments as you read this), but who sings the theme song? It’s lovely.

  15. This is my new drama crack (watched the first and third episode twice so far and the second episode 3 times.) Thank you for recapping this! After those taiwan and kdramas with needless filler moments, I enjoy how energetic and zippy this jdorama is.

    While I was in it for Oguri Shun, this drama is making me a fan of Ishihara Satomi. I think I may be more invested in her character.

  16. I LOVE everything bout this movie… It just suit me right. Story, fashion, music and all off it just as perfect as hot pizza ๎… THANK YOU Koala for picking this series flick ๎Ÿ

  17. So glad that you put this show on my radar Ms. Koala. After BIG ended (was sorta disappointed by the ending), I needed to fill up the void. I love Shun’s razor sharp wit.

    To add to the list of Jdoramas, I would also watch Nodame Cantabile, Samurai High School, and the movie, Kimi ni Todoke “From Me To You” (available on youtube).

  18. Yay, you decided to recap this!

    I watched episode one and am totally hooked – and it’s been a long time since I’ve had that happen with a dorama. Totally intrigued by the backstory of where Chihiro knows him from and why she is lying. I like the element of mystery, which makes the usual Cinderella rom-com setup much more interesting.

    I haven’t seen Oguri Shun in a while, he’s really grown up since his Hana Kimi/Hanadan days. Yum.

    Also, I’ve never seen the lead actress before, but she’s the most adorable thing ever! She reminds me a bit of Ariel Lin.

  19. Dear Ockoala, since you have posted preview of Rich Man, Poor Woman, this MUST be a good Japanase Drama, so I’m gonna watch this. Thanks for recommending!

  20. face recognition problem of Hyuga is a good catch in this drama:) and i think he wants to help the citizens with that system but when i first heard his idea in the drama, it immediately made me think that he actually wants to find his mother with that system. but maybe i am biased ๐Ÿ˜€ well i am not a fan of oguri shun, never found him handsome, but in this drama with his eccentric character he drew my attention with being cute:D i hated him in Hanakimi:D but i may love him here:D he is grown up and his acting is good. I always found that japanese actors are really good, whether they are former singers or etc but maybe their plot or character designs have always some real life feeling in them. In korean dramas i dont know:D everything gives just the perfect feeling that it fails for me sometimes:D

  21. Just found your recap and I was enthralled with this drama. Its my first Jdrama, ever and I like it! I’ve already have fallen for Hyuga and his quirky self!

  22. I just finished episode 3 and HOLY HELL this may be the crackiest show I’ve ever seen. I’m seriously jonesing for episode 4. Do you know how many episodes this show is expected to have? I just may explode from anticipation. (This is my first jdrama; pardon my squee-ing.)

  23. Been watching this since it aired..the storyline interested me from the beginning and it helps that I’m a big Oguri Shun fan and Ishihara satomi fan.. probably watched mostly all of both their dramas.. I think this pairing is quite interesting and hoping it turns out pretty good.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. I never thought jdramas are good romance dramas.. except tatta hitotsu no koi (which is a drama worth a rewatch unlike most). I like that they are short though.. I’m hoping they can pull a kdrama san the dragging.

    I always felt off about Oguri Shun (his face?)… Idk why. I will watch the drama since I like rich man poor woman stories no matter how many times I watch them.

  25. After Queen In Hyun’s man ended, i dont really have interesting drama to watch except for Big that gives me big disappointment in the end. Since this blog is a ‘must to see the update’ everyday, then l found this recap…and what???…Oguri Shun in it..of cosz ‘a must watch’. l have watched till ep 3 and really want to know what’s next since Chihiro got accidenly busted by Hyuga.

    As recommended, Pride and Buzzer Beat, yeah, l watched those two quite some time ago and still love it. Hana Yori Dango is still the best for me (only the season 1 and 2, no 3 special sucks). Hana Kimi also good, its funny. Both Hana has Oguri in it. This drama, Oguri looks hot, what else the reason stopping me to stick to this drama. (Why only one ep per week, cant it be like Korean Drama, – 2 ep per week, you’re killing me!!) lol.

  26. one of the best dramas i have seen recently <3 But can anyone of you tell me the name/artist of the song which is played while "sawaki chihiro" reveales her name to hyuga in the first episode?

  27. yay! miss koala you are recapping this! thank you so much. i didnt realize it until i saw your headline photo!! so far,this is the only drama that ive been watching since theres nothing interest me in kdrama at this moment! keep them coming!

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