
First Official Stills of Currently Filming Modern Romance C-drama Almost Lover with Zhao Lu Si and Peng Guan Ying — 4 Comments

  1. There are far more unpleasant things lusi is going through now than always being pointed for her looks, u guys should give her a break, she has been busy the whole year.

  2. The nose and lips is only a little distracting. It is hard not to notice though. But hopefully her acting knocks the distraction into non existence. Not dissing her though. Still the main lead though is still a bit older and that might be a distraction itself. Hope it works out. I stay away from tragedy ending dramas so I did not have the heart to watch her last drama among many other airing dramas with tragedy tags that have aired this year. My anxious heart needs some peace so I go and wait for happy ended or conclusively non sad endings🙃

  3. Im still not able to get over the difference but I like watching her a lot and cant wait for this one. Its just that fans? or fan pages? shares way too much stills from filming set and its kinda bugging me. I dont want to go around to unfollow them so I keep seeing many spoilers about it…
    Love the new layout/theme by the way! I used to read ur blog since for years and when I saw it changed I felt like the same way when I first see difference on ZLS’s face T^T

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