First Official Stills of Currently Filming Modern Romance C-drama Almost Lover with Zhao Lu Si and Peng Guan Ying
I grew up reading mangas, like a lot of mangas shoujo and shonen, and lived through manga series that went on for years and even decades. I mention this because the long running manga writer’s drawing style will naturally change over time bit by bit that it doesn’t register as jarring or all that different until you compare the most recent to the early days. That’s what it feels when I look at C-actress Zhao Lu Si now, whether she had plastic surgery or not, she just looks different but not enough that I don’t recognize her but enough that it makes me pause an extra moment. Her early days she had very girly dainty features and now her look whether by PS (as rumored) or makeup (according to her fans) is much more defined and pronounced. I don’t think it’s different enough to make it distracting for me to watch onscreen and I’m just hoping I get used to it soon because her acting continues to have a very strong distinctive quality for me that I like, a tightly wound spunky sass. The first official posters of her next drama Almost Lover with Peng Guan Ying are out and it captures the currently airing December winter vibes with a soft melancholy backdrop.

There are far more unpleasant things lusi is going through now than always being pointed for her looks, u guys should give her a break, she has been busy the whole year.
Still not able to comment? testing.
The nose and lips is only a little distracting. It is hard not to notice though. But hopefully her acting knocks the distraction into non existence. Not dissing her though. Still the main lead though is still a bit older and that might be a distraction itself. Hope it works out. I stay away from tragedy ending dramas so I did not have the heart to watch her last drama among many other airing dramas with tragedy tags that have aired this year. My anxious heart needs some peace so I go and wait for happy ended or conclusively non sad endings🙃
Im still not able to get over the difference but I like watching her a lot and cant wait for this one. Its just that fans? or fan pages? shares way too much stills from filming set and its kinda bugging me. I dont want to go around to unfollow them so I keep seeing many spoilers about it…
Love the new layout/theme by the way! I used to read ur blog since for years and when I saw it changed I felt like the same way when I first see difference on ZLS’s face T^T