Megan Lai and Roy Qiu Promote Miss Rose for 7-7 Valentines Day
My beloved Miss Rose continues to rock and roll after four episodes aired, staying far ahead of the Sunday ratings pack (no other drama broke 1 in ratings while MR maintained a 3.22 for episode 4) that even if its ratings doesn’t continue an astronomical rise like its predecessor Office Girls did, it should still comfortably win its timeslot for the foreseeable future. The two leads Roy Qiu and Megan Lai met the media this week since Chinese Valentine’s Day is coming up, celebrated on July 7th in the lunar calendar, the day the cow herder and the weaver girl met in Chinese folklore. Megan and Roy enjoyed some cherries as a nod to Si Yi almost choking on one in episode 2 and requiring Cheng Kuan to perform the Heimlich on her, as well as a play on cherries sharing the same character sound as plum blossoms, which signifies a romance is forthcoming. I can’t wait to find time to recap episode 4 properly and share the cuteness with the world. Second male lead Chao Chun Ya just weibo’d that he’s on the MR set so that means Si Yi’s ex-boyfriend is finally making his entrance soon. I cannot wait to see jealous Cheng Kuan!
I have noticed, as I’m sure many of you have as well, how quickly Si Yi appears to have transformed from stodgy frumpy secretary to pretty young professional working woman. It’s not just her hair and outfit changing, which I credit to Si Qi in the drama, but her whole demeanor appears to have softened a bit. I love how the two leads continue to have crackling chemistry, and Cheng Kuan notices Si Yi all the time now and does so many nice things for her. Swoon. I can’t wait for him to face real competition when another dashing guy wants Si Yi as well. Who says a Miss Screw can’t get married?
I loooove Megan Lai’s height. If she wore heels she would probably be taller than him haha, which gives her an awesome reason to wear flats and be comfy.
They’re pretty together haha.
This show looks outrageously adorable and I’m sure that, as you say, they have smoking chemistry onscreen. But for some reason, these two always look SUPER uncomfortable around each other in pictures. Like, that first picture where they’re “feeding” each other cherries? That is seriously the most disinterested feeding I’ve seen anyone do, ever. Like, I am more excited to eat brussels sprouts than they are to be feeding each other cherries. Roy’s all “I can’t be bothered to actually lift this to your mouth or to even look at your face so I can point it in the general direction of your teeth,” while Megan’s like “I would so much rather be smashing this violently in your cheek than smiling for the camera.”
And those shots where they’re touching each other? They look like they’re being held at gunpoint to do so.
Is it just me? I’ll just chalk it up to drama-filming-tiredness, but I find it humorous how much it looks like they dislike each other in these pictures.
The pictures do look weird, but I think it’s mostly the angles. These seem more like candid shots taken on the side during a shoot, since they never actually look at the camera (except in the one that looks more genuine, where they’re smiling with the cherries). Hopefully, the other angles look better. If there are any.
wow! she is so tall that she had to wear flats in order to be the same height as him
forgot to comment on one more thing! hahah, her outfit and flats is cute!
Thank you to Ms Koala for all your posts about this drama. I plan to check it out as soon as more episodes are out.
Just want to point out that the Chinese Valentine is actually 7th Day of the 7th Month of the Lunar Calendar, not “August 8th in the lunar calendar.” Hence, it’s called the Double Seventh Festival. This year, it falls on 23 Aug, hence the spate of publicity yesterday. For those who are curious, you can read more here:
I had a brain freeze confusing it with 8-8 Father’s Day. LOL, Koala fail.
I am excited about this drama coming to dramafever. It is the only thing getting me through the horror of back-to-school departmental politics! I am watching Mars for the first time, and I love Megan Lai’s character. We should all have a reformed meangirl for a best friend–devoted and won’t take crap from anyone.
i think the ex-bf should be the guy wearing a stud on his left ear? He appeared at the end of the opening theme, holding a ring or something out to Si Yi. Is that the guy?
I wish they’d dress her like this in the later episodes. Right now she looks so butch. It’s her attitude and personality that’s saving her from looking too old. I am so glad they are not having her act cute and dumb like KSN in City Hall. I am so sick of 30 something Kdrama ladies acting cute.
Watched RAW Episode 4 of MR in Viki, and it’s very lovely. And I did laugh my head off in some parts and Roy Qiu really can play comedy and yet, be so cute and handsome. As for Megan Lai, she kinda grows on me. She looks way more better thanks to Luo Si Yi’s sister in her make over!^^
Watched RAW Episode 4 of MR in Viki (and they are subbing it in English before dramafever… yeah!), and it’s very lovely. And I did laugh my head off in some parts and Roy Qiu really can play comedy and yet, be so cute and handsome. As for Megan Lai, she kinda grows on me. She looks way more better thanks to Luo Si Yi’s sister in her make over!^^
oops, sorry, I wrote twice the same message!