
Arang and the Magistrate Episode 3 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Heaven bros are definitely playing with Arang, not sure why. But I think Jade will be the most important part in Arang come to life role.
    Yeahh, I also think fiancee isn’t the killer but he had his part.

    I find tattoo very interesting.., are all ghost have it like trademark, or is it something special about Arang?!

    Thanks Mrs. K.

  2. Koala,

    I have to agree with you, I also think Arang isn’t dead, since the 2nd episode I noticed a difference in her looks when compared to other ghosts, she really doesn’t look dead. The 3rd episode just comfirmed this suspicion because it’s humanly impossible to a corpse not to decompose, unless it’s in a freezer which is not the case here.

    About the WIG…hehe..

    When I was watching episode 2, my mother asked me if the Jade Emperor was a woman because she wasn’t sure after looking to that wig if he was a guy or a girl. When a costume makes it difficult for others to define your gender, it is propably because it has hit the bottom. Poor Jade Emperor, what a lack of fashion, they should, at least, have taken off that hairpin.

    If this drama stays on this track, it’s going to be one of the best dramas I’ve ever watched and I’m not a fan of fantasy stories. I’m so suprised with the narrative, I know it’s too soon to tell, but it seems well written and coherent, and by being well played by the actors it becomes lovely symphony.

    Thank very much, Koala dear, for taking your precious vacation time to write and share this drama with us. I was anxious to read and talk about this drama, and as I said before your blog is a place where I can do that, so I’m really happy you wrote this recap. =)

  3. HATE the wig, too. HATE.
    BUT, now that you mention it, it works to prevent me from seeing the beautiful YSH. Instead I am watching his wry expressions as he toys with his brother. Bad for me, but good for Show.

    I felt like this was Shin Mina’s episode, and I really appreciated how effectively heartbroken she was during her post dead viewing scene.
    I did not like seeing her so desparate in the flashback when she had to fight for food. This went on for three years? No wonder she is willing to do anything.

    The summoning scene creeped me out big time.
    (I get chicken and stop the video for this stuff.)
    LOVE watching the relationship between Moo Young and Arang unfold. Why is he sympathetic to her? What does he know that she doesn’t?

    I neeeeeeeed the comic relief of her and the M bickering again. Sad things make me sad.

  4. I’m wondering if Joo Wol has something to do with those souls that disappeared 400 years ago. Perhaps he possessed the son’s body to hide from the reapers or some such?

      • This is in response to your other post: “Maybe Evil Son is some kind of evil entity that “feeds” on new-ghost. I mean, he kills people, every full moon to feed on their souls!! And has being doing it for centuries… I’m just thinking that, I really don’t know why…” since there is no reply button to one – have you seen episode 4 yet? I’ve got further theories based on what we see there.

  5. Thanks OcKoala. I don’t think JW is a murderer either, but there is definitely something going….

    @ladysaotome, what happened 400 years ago and when was it mentioned in the drama?

    • In the first scene between the Jade Emperor and the King of Hell, the King of Hell was complaining that it’s been 400 years since some souls disappeared and that the Jade Emperor had promised to fix it. So after the conversation between Joo Wol and his father about “wearing the form well”, I can’t help but wonder if Joo Wol is possessed. And maybe the full moon weakens the connection or something?

      • Thanks I just re-watched and did not see the 400 years mentioned in the subs. I do think the conversation by the young girls on the bridge was interesting about what happens during a full moon during a leap year.

      • Maybe Evil Son is some kind of evil entity that “feeds” on new-ghost. I mean, he kills people, every full moon to feed on their souls!! And has being doing it for centuries… I’m just thinking that, I really don’t know why…

  6. Hrmm.. interesting concept that JW is a murderer and spirit posses him. However, how does that explain with Arang and him being connected. In another note, I just watch the first two episodes of May Queen, it was good the kids are awesome even though it is angsty and kind of melodrama..

  7. Another explosive, interesting yet lovable episode of this master piece!!! Mhahahah love in it all!!

    Arang: I think this is the first time I seen a Fearless, Fearsome female lead in my history of drama watching! I mean, she doesn’t whine and nag like others!! Common!! She kicks butt!! Seriously!! She fights with ghost-gangs for survival. She escapes Reapers raids almost unharmed! She cons a Reaper, for crying out loud!! To take her to the “Heavens”, to have an audience with the “Old Man” aka Jade Emperor known by me as Jade Hottie!! She is ballsy and I love her for that! She doesn’t back down, coz she have nothing left to lose…and that makes her a very dangerous ghost-girl… Just like Coach Jimmy McGinty would say: “Listen up! This time tomorrow, [it would be] over. Now [they have] made a big mistake. They haven’t been afraid of you, and they should be, because you have a powerful weapon working for you tonight: There is no tomorrow for you… and that makes you VERY DANGEROUS [PERSON]!” (Coach Jimmy McGinty -Gene Hackman-The Replacements *Movie*) Awesome!!!

    Magi: Did you see that? He closed his eyes during the kiss? Only people in love close his eyes? Coz, they trust the person they are kissing! Coz is more passionate that way! Coz is an instant reaction…Coz, you know, your brain stops working…your mind goes blank and your soul goes to his/her happy place!! *making happy dance* Mhahahahhahhahaha And when he saw Arang with her new clothes, I can swear times stops for a minute! You can even see the hummingbirds in slo mo!! And I don’t know about you, but I see him drooling!!! Mhahahahhahhahahha

    Evil Son: (Joo Wol) [the moon-gazer poker-face extraordinaire], he is not only cold Unnie, he is a heartless cockroach, premium jacka**, soulless bastard! <- Period!!!!

    Jade Hottie: Can he be less “peace and love man” *in a hippie voice* He is so full of peace…that is almost unbearable!! Now I understand why Dr. Doom (Hell Emperor) is old and grumpy!! He kills him with his calmness!! Seriously!!

    Unnie, you never fail to crack me up!!! [Sorry to digress, but y’all know I LOVE my Yoo Seung Ho, but who else feels the need to rip that god-awful streaked wig off his head and stomp on it to make sure it’s good and dead. God I hate that hairpiece.] It is a squirrel? It is a fur ball? A fake-hairball? What the heck is that thing? A UFO? Mhahahhahaahha <- – Evil Laughter!!

    This song is from Dr. Doom to Jade Hottie!! And the song says:

    “Strumming my pain with his fingers
    singing my life with his words
    killing me softly with his song
    killing me softly with his song
    telling my whole life
    with his words
    killing me softly with his song”

    Artist: The Fugees
    Song: Killing Me Softly

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