
Roy Qiu and Tang Yan Return to San Ya Where They Filmed Waking Up Love — 13 Comments

  1. “Roy is so red hot in Taiwan right now I don’t know if he needs to go back to making C-dramas” –> China is the place to be right now. Lots of dramas with huge production budgets are being made and a lot of Taiwanese and Hong Kong actors are cashing in right now. I don’t know whether I should be happy to see some of my favorite actors in much higher quality stuff than inane idol dramas and TVB drivel or sad that they’re taking opportunities away from Chinese actors and actresses who have at least received some training in the profession.

  2. Don’t like her mouth shape……Roy looks exhausted. I am disappointed he didn’t persue music as a hobby……I thought he loved music but instead ended up car racing… bad for the environment. His choice of gfs makes me think he’s not that deep.

    • Do’t like her mouth shape,he’s not that deep?who is the one that is shallow and superficial,looking at peoples’ face and determining peoples’ taste?

  3. Not a fan of QiWei but rather curious why you dislike “chick I heartily can’t stand so refuse to even remember her name”? What did she do to tick you off so? Was it her characters? I think I hate her characters in all 3 drama.

    • I was wondering this too. I didn’t like Qi Wei’s character at all in My Daughter, but compared to Baron and Zhang Meng’s characters, she was at least…idk… interesting.

  4. Roy is sooo hot and wanted in Taiwan, would love to see him and Rainie in a Drama. I’m sure if it does happen…I’ll be in cloud 9 coz LOVE LOVE LOVE them both!!!

  5. They really give off that couple vibe! (is that a thing?) IF they did decide to date/are dating, I’m sure they’d go together quite well.

  6. @selli

    roy has her picture pasted in his racecar saying its a good luck charm
    maybe its just a one sided crush, but they might be dating

  7. I would love to see another Tang Yan and Roy Qiu collaboration.
    I’m not sure about the whole HUGE production in China right now. Especially after SAFT haven’t confirm anything about banning drama series that related to novel, remake, orthe palace backstabbing from national channels..
    TT^TT those are the only series i looked forward to see.. -.-

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