
Nice Guy Episode 2 Recap — 44 Comments

  1. thhis show is getting better and better…this is so gonna be the cause of my addiction to it, not to mention that the actors are awesome lol

    thanks a lot for the great recap~

    *I’m supposed to be studying but here I’m in front of my lappy drooling over sjk* lol

  2. I know Song Joong Ki is killing it, but we have to also give credit for Moon Chae Won who is nailing this role as the reserved, tormented chaebol. She’s just as expressive with her eyes as Song Joong Ki and I can’t wait until these two officially meet as I can see the sparks flying already from their first meeting, where they shared no dialogues, yet their body motions conveyed so much emotions. The versatility of both Moon Chae Won and Song Joong Ki is surprising me, as before I could never see the elegant, reserved Moon Chae Won with this much attitude, and the cute, adorable Song Joong Ki as a tormented bad boy. And the directing is just spot on in giving the audience the right dose of emotional impact. Looking forward to the development of the story, as more threads are revealed to reveal the full picture.

  3. I don’t get Jae Hee, when she killed the guy she said ”if I’m not a reporter I don’t want to live anymore, because it was her dream and hard work. Okay I understand this, and is true even if it was in self defence she wouldn’t get her job back.

    But then, Maru takes the blames to save her dreams and career, and what she did? Is she still a reporter that was her dream? No she isn’t a reporter anymore. She married a rich man instead. This piss me off. Her dream wasn’t being a reporter, but having money. Selfish much?

    Plus If money was the problem and she didn’t want to go back to her poor life, she could marry Maru. I mean if she took the charge she wouldn’t even be in jail since it was self-defence, and then Maru would turn in a great doctor, and doctors earn enough to have a good life, and they could be happy together.

    What I’m saying is, she doesn’t loved Maru at all.

  4. I already LOVE this drama! 😀
    I think you’re a litle harsh with Jae Hee (or maybe not) but that’s my opinion and ONLY because I have this weird theory that she was pregnant with Maru’s child and her boss offered “protection” for her and for her child while Maru was in jail. Ok doesn’t explain her atitude entirely. This being a drama, the chairman probably doesn’t know he is not the father, but in MY weird fantasy he is gay and asked Jae Hee to be his cover while helping her.
    That’s why Eun Gi is totally wrong about her father divorcing her mother because of Jae Hee. That’s because he is actually guay. And maybe an ashole. The latter having nothing to do with the first, only to do with the ashtray part. -_-
    Well that’s what came to my dreaming mind when watching this drama without subs lol. What do you think? ^^

  5. Thank you for the fast recap! 😀 I’m loving this drama already because it’s not afraid to be dark and serious. I like all the twists and the diversity in the characters. I’m eager to see where this goes.

  6. I’m so fascinated by both Maru and Eun Gi’s internal torment based on previous painful experiences that I’m already cheering for these two broken people to find a way to heal each other and move on together.

    God yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I love their characters so, so very much–like you said, Eun-Gi’s very much Maru’s female counterpart–that I want them to be able to share something with each other that they never could with anybody else. It may sound corny, but I’m so emotionally attached to these characters already, just can’t contain myself.

    What a tremendous episode. I’m amazed you managed to put out a recap so soon, I don’t think I could have put together two sentences after that.

  7. I am in sad minority because I like Jae Hee and hope for her remorse and redemption. Her childhood was brutal and she was a survivor. Somehow the actress is able to show emotional depth of JH feelings and her thought process.

    Maru and Jae Hee have a strong connection, shared memories, regrets, even his hatred connects them in a strange way. It’s like they share the same emotional wavelength, although I understand that it’s grounded in the past and they are different now.

    JH is an outsider, an identified gold-digger in her own family and cannot trust anyone. The life she has, it is a sad pathetic life of a lonely, unhappy person. She is quite similar to Ms. Ripley’s character.

  8. Nothing is making me count the water drops yet…but i am still compelled to watch it. I thank the dramas gods tat this drama consist none of the old bitchy screechy old lady. Everybody looks very pretty with their angsty eyes and citting wit. I am very enthralled by the relationship between eun gi and her secretary, i like them being on the same screen. Maru is the best of both worlds, he was the sweet sacraficial second lead type then transformed to leading man in the otp, he looks hot in a black shirt, looking forward to shower scenes. I mean he is going to meditate through his pain and anger in the shower…right? And i know this writer is going to deliever on the makeout but with emotion, a love to kill anyone? Im relax and not waiting till next wednesday to see the melo “unfurl”

  9. Haven’t watched anything from ep2 yet but I have read live-recaps. I agree with some that Jae Hee’s character needs redemption. All of them (the leads) needs that. I think that is one of the strongest points of NG for me that the characters are manipulated very well – layered in a sense the layering are really complementing each and every pieces. We are very much invested in knowing why they become such. And because of that, we are compelled to root for their well-being and happiness at the end of all the turmoils. I am loving that.

    From the start of all of these, I am really really rooting for a great performance from MCW. She’s my favorite among the three and I am loving the fact that she grabbed this challenge after doing TPM. Intelligent actress I would say and also someone who genuinely loves the craft of acting she’ll try her feet on every possible shoes she could fill. Same with Joong Ki, though I know less about his past performances but both their acting are spot on.

    And the thing I love most about this is the directing style. Koala already mentioned how the PD’s treating the whole material and I agree to that 100%. There is sophistication in handling the story – muted, subtle, roaring like an undercurrent.

  10. i love NG so bad..
    i don’t know how could i endure my heart at the middle of this drama..
    thanks for recap NG..i hope Koala will make it until the end..

    • I am going to bet that even thought she has killed characters before, bastard writer, that SJK will cause too many people to fall in love with him for the network to bear that backlash.

  11. Yeah, just waiting for eun gi and maru heal each other and move on together. This is the first time a melodrama rocks for me in past many years.

  12. i love the fact that we finally get a show where both the heroine AND the hero are damaged souls who seem cold. For once, the heroine is actually threatening the second female lead and seems to have the upperhand — although it seems jae hee is slowly starting to fight her battles.
    i understand why Eun gi is the way she is, and appreciate the way she handles the company, although she takes it a bit far sometimes with lack of kindness.
    I just can’t wait until both eun gi and maru find a way to heal their broken hearts, and just love that they are each other’s own versions.
    Nice guy, thanks for reviving my desire to watch a good melo, one not too overdone. god knows those makjang filled shows never gets that far with me.

  13. wow, this show is really off to a good start! MCW is killing it. i love that the characters are multidimensional and layered, not your typical hero and heroine or second lead. and i love the “psychological thriller” feel of the drama and the awesome music.

    i’m tempted to bail this early in the game and just read the recaps because i’m sure its going to be angst central (and then some) from here on out. and why do i get this feeling that maru will die in the end? ah, i hope not. but i must confess, i’m really looking forward to Joongki and MCW making out the most. hahaha.

  14. Wow. What a great recaps and comments by the visitors of this blog. Intelligent people I should say we have here. hehe.

    I love this kind of drama but I will wait patiently at least until it half to avoid the waiting of the next episode. I love to watch this kind of drama in one go.

    Thanks koala!

  15. NG is freakin’ killin’ me softly! All I can say is AWESOME!I so love the face-off between Eun Gi and Jae Hee! Bitch-cat fights rocks! Can’t wait for the next episode!

  16. Loved SJK in this! However, can someone explain to me about that last scene of the motorcycle ride ö? I didn’t really get it haha I’m a bit slow… Or will it be explained in the next ep? Cuz since it’s difficult for maru to earn money then why would he have a bike lol. And why is he racing with eun gi???

    All in all I really like this drama. Even though revenge plots are really overused this drama deals with it very nicely (:

    • I don’t think there was much to conclude about the motorcycle scene other than to say that it seemed to be Eun-gi’s way to relieve stress and vent, and for both of them to cross pathways again. he ends up having to save her in the end.
      It’s a melodrama, so there are things we just go with as to why Maru can afford a a bike. Maybe his gigolo job pays well. 😉

      • Cuz since it’s difficult for maru to earn money then why would he have a bike

        A gigolo can pay very well. It is sad but true that a handsome and charming man can get anything from a gullible lady*

        Maru is very good at making money as a gigolo. His skills at preying on rich and lonely women have paid the bills for the past year when he got out of prison. It is hard for him, as in distasteful and fatiguing, but it’s also easy.

        (*I learned this from another Lee Kyung Hee drama.)

      • I see. I hope the next episode will explain it and not just brush it off as pure fate/coincidence ^^ hopefully maru tailed her on purpose

    • Whether he’s poor or not, the motorcycle encounter still seems a bit odd for me as well. It just popped up before they roll in the credit. So random I would say. Maru’s glaring and all in the hospital and then voila! Motorcycle. Haha.

      • I believe what we see is the last moment before deciding on revenge, followed by the first step in his plan to achieve it.

    • Oh, I get it.

      I actually like that style of directing.
      Keeps me on my toes, and, it feels like the creative team trusts us to either fill in the blanks ourselves until we get an explanation, or keep us in the dark so we feel uneasy. Now we have a whole six days to wait, too!

  17. Possibly… eunSuk is actually JaEHee’s son with Maru, he went to jail, and JaeHee is left wifh only choice to marry to support them.
    At the last episode, EunGi will fall in love w Maru.
    And Maru still in love with JaeHee, and being still a nice guy deep inside, he died for protecting her, and she’ll commit suicide as Maru is no longer in this world.
    And EunGi being a “nice guy” too is taking care of EunGi

    There there… Enough makjang-ness 🙂

    • I am with you on Maru being in love with Jae Hee and them reuniting with a miracle baby she carried for two years and Eun Gi being sorry and getting married to the lawyer. Seriously, I like Jae Hee and feel nothing for Eun Gi. Everyone is screwed up and made bad choices; Jae Hee is not worse than anyone else in that drama. Only she has to survive and protect her son.

      So Eun Gi was betrayed by her ex boyfriend. It does not give her a license to bully a three-year old boy. Maru is in love with Jae Hee and gives up on his sister. Yeah, I know it will result in Maru falling in love with Eun Gi and do not care about that development. I also think that the guy who rode to the police station with Jae Hee is a a bio dad of her son. Based on how he reacted to her and watched her like a hawk, he is emotionally attached to her.

      Rant over.

      • It isn’t as simple as what you said regarding Eun Gi’s attitude. There’s much more to her than that – being betrayed by her boyfriend.
        Her father is verbally and physically abusive and controls every aspect of her life. She was raised to be the way she is.
        Being mean to her little brother is probably her protect herself from getting hurt in the future. This is the way her father has taught her since the second she was born. To be cold and ruthless.

  18. Thanks, Koala, for doing these recaps.
    I think NG will be a worthy replacement for my RMPW obsession.

    First of all, let us take a moment and thank the director for casting SJK. That means 20 thrilling episodes of his face on my screen.
    (If you thought I submitted a lot of Shin headers, you ain’t seen nothing yet. LOL!)
    Let’s forgot a sec that he is beautiful…OK, at least try.
    He is mesmerizing, and able to portray deep emotions with the tiniest change in his features.

    I like the trick of giving him a sick lil sis. That way, he gets to jump between playing the cold heartless revenge driven bastard, and the caring loving brother. I do fear that they will kill her off, leaving him free to become a complete asshole. That would be OK, too.

    MCW is going to be fabulous as the foe turned lover. Her Eungi fascinates me like no other bitchy female lead ever. That is a tough character to play. The audience could lose any sympathy with her if she plays it too nasty.

    My favorite character, because he is going to be providing much needed comic relief, is Jae Gil. Lee Kwang Soo makes it look so easy. The way he plays with his voice is fabulous, almost like a musical or stage actor. He is going to have a ball with this role.

    And we all know lawyer-guy-who-looks-like-a-cross-between-Eric-and-Lee-Je-Hoon is not gay. I wonder why EG thinks that? I can’t wait to see that back story.

    • 1. Lawyer guy? Do NOT compare him to Lee Je Hoon. Shivers. After FK, he’s on my black list until he proves me wrong that he can act. Anyhoo, that’s MY Sang Yeob-shhi. He has Kim Jae Won’s smile and Eric’s hotness. I also bet he’s totally not gay and completely in love with Eun Gi. C’est la way of zee dramas.

      2. I LOVE Eun Gi. She has the mean sadistic streak in her, as opposed to being just bitchy and angry. It comes from growing up under her dad and the world she is surrounded by. I love that she is genuinely flawed as opposed to just misunderstood (like Moon Geun Young’s character in Cinderella Unni – a fake anti-heroine), because that makes the redemption in NG two fold in both the male and female leads.

      3. Choco is cute but they can off her anytime.

      4. Jae Gil is the perfect foil for everyone, and acts as the “Greek Chorus” of this drama. I love it! Witness that he tells Maru about Jae Hee, and tells Jae Hee about Maru.

      5. Song Joong Ki is magnificent. 100% bona fide leading man that is hitting this one so far out of the park it’s in a different zip code.

      • He is hot this your Lee Sang Yeob. I can’t promise a full blown SLS, since it’ll be tough to unseat SJK, but I can definitely see rooting for him.

        How cool is it that EG is a heroine who doesn’t want rescuing, but because of her poor health needs rescuing?
        And Lawyer Park Joon Ha has been there watching over her for years. She resents him, but somewhere deep in her cold cold heart, does she appreciate him just a little?

        Which reminds me – what a JERK her father is!! What? Your daughter has been working like a slave almost dying trying to make your company successful and you threaten to give it to your trophy wife (we think) or her little son? I know we have this Confucian filial dynamic going on, but I would like one of these kids to tell their powerful parent to go shove it, move to the States and never look back.

      • Just leaving a note re: Lee Je Hoon not being able to act. Two shows I loved (and loved him in) that you must watch to reverse your perception of him being a bad actor are Just Friends (a gay short, about 20-30 mins long?) and The Front Line – he’s really one of the better up-and-comers of his generation, and I’d hate for you to think otherwise!

        And to stay somewhat in topic, how exciting is it to see SJK play against type? Everyone’s doing a wonderful job at this point, and am especially delighted to see Park Shi Yeon in this. She was a disaster in My Girl back when, but she’s improves by leaps and bounds from project to project. It’s great to see her actively challenge herself as an actress, picking up interesting roles and shows, and not simply succumb to the pretty & useless actress stereotype. I can’t help but admire that and root for her.

        On the flip side, I do think Moon Chae Won’s walking the line of potentially overacting her role – there’s restraint, but some of her expressions I personally find a bit exaggerated. Haven’t seen much of her so i can’t understand the hype, but I can think of so many others who could’ve done much worse, so maybe she’ll just grow into the role with a couple more eps.

  19. haha i didn’t see the idea of eun gi’s dad as someone who may be gay coming! now that you mention it who knows, maybe just maybe the lawyer and dad were caught in some kind of an act that brought about eun gi’s attitude towards him in ep 1!!!
    But i don’t think that would fit into the drama 😀 anyway so far so good i’m loving the actors! but i do hope for a better storytelling as we move on because at some point i think to myself seriously? re the motives that draw the characters into doing whatever they seem to be doing.

  20. I am going to watch this after reading your recap Ms Koala…its sound interesting from your point of view…Thanks for the awesome recaps..

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