
A Cute Group Photo for Army Colleagues Rain, Im Joo Hwan, and Kim Jae Wook — 24 Comments

  1. Guh! They are supposed to be fierce and scary, not cute, lol!!! But they are…
    I never thought Kim Jae-wook would look so awesome in uniform. When you’re pretty, you’re pretty, nothing can hide that. 🙂

  2. All for One, One for All! 😀

    How is this army duty work in Korea? Are they allowed to go home during the two years service? Can their family visit them? They look handsome, but tired.

  3. This is the best look I’ve seen of Kim Jae Wook. The uniform definitely took out his girliness, which I had never been a fan of.

  4. Don’t care if Rain gets a good acting role. I just want him to put out a CD. Then I want to hear him sing, take his clothes off and dance.

  5. Question:

    Can I enlist in the army too? Mhahahahahahhahah

    And like the song says:

    “They want you! They want you! They want you as a new recruit!”

    Village People – “In The Navy”

    Well they are different military men, but the purpose is the same, protect the motherland!! Mhahahahahhaha

    Why I just imagine Rain dress as “the Indian”?? Mhahahhahahahha I’m so twisted!!!

  6. Yay,Jaewook-oppa..looks like he eats well there.looking forward to his next projects, i’d love him 2b the main lead this tym…^_^ kim jaewook,fighting!

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