Oguri Shun and Yamada Yu Purportedly Holds Belated Wedding Ceremony in Okinawa
It’s beginning to look like whatever wifey wants, wifey gets when it comes to the marriage of Oguri Shun and Yamada Yu. Despite J-rags gossiping about Yu setting curfew for her hubby and keeping an extra sharp eye when he was off filming Rich Man, Poor Woman with the always cute and flirty Ishihara Satomi, the marriage doesn’t seem to be shaky or on the rocks in any way. Yu apparently had told her friends she was being extra careful with not producing a Shun Jr. just yet because she wanted to fit into a wedding dress for the couple’s belated wedding ceremony, since they merely legally registered the marriage back in March. For those of you who didn’t know Shun was married, or was trying to pretend he wasn’t because there really has been pictures of the newlyweds released together, its time to accept the truth. After Shun wrapped RMPW, this past weekend the couple went to Yu’s home island of Okinawa and held a lavish wedding ceremony at a resort hotel there with both sides of the family present. The next day the couple dressed casually and rode scooters around and invited their family members to have Okinawan noodles at a road side stand. The onlookers reported that the couple was very affectionate with each other. 2012 has seen three big J-guys around the same age all get hitched, starting with Shun’s buddy Yamada Takayuki, Shun, and then Akanishi Jin. I reckon that generation of young actors are all falling like flies and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of more nuptials coming up soon. Congrats to Shun and Yu, and now you two can go make gorgeous babies!
i wonder why J and his gf didn’t come
hi, do you mind telling me who is J’s gf? =D
i guess you are arashi’s fans
sure you know
it’s open secret ne
Now I’m curious who J’s gf is too..
They’re gorgeous. You two, I’m waiting for your babies *O*
Soooo gorgeous. Thanks for the treat.
I do not have to pretend he is not married.
I am perfectly willing to have an affair with him single, married, whatever!!!
Lulz @ your response to his marital status. =D
Yeah, so happy to see them together! I’ll be heading to my home island Okinawa in two weeks…I hope they’re still around and I can catch a glimpse of them cuties!
Oyoyoy! Take me with you
Awwww, and if he starts cheating on her again I’ll be one of the many people in line ready to slap him.
But I do hope they stay happy and if both feel like the time is right pop out some Shun Jr’s or baby Yu’s.
Ms. Koala you da besht! And, squeeeeee…SO excited for the couple! Going by what Oguri mentioned at a presscon after they registered their marriage we should be expecting ‘lil Shunnies soon-ish!
I love this fanvid as it features kiddie Oguri who I just want to nom noms and I <3 his accented Korean at the end. So presh, this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eO_Cqmji4Q
"It’s beginning to look like whatever wifey wants, wifey gets…" That's one loaded sentence….muwahahaaa! Whoever makes my oppa happy makes me happy!
ps: didn't know Takayuki got hitched as well…what a breath of fresh air that these young J-actors are settling down. It bespeaks a lot about their industry and fans.
Hi there. Could you perhaps provide some other link? That video is blocked in Germany :-((
Unfortunately this is a fanvid that caught my attention. Don’t know of any other links to the vid. Gomen nasai! :c
A divorced friend of mine recently told me a well-kept secret on marriage: those who are in do their best to get out of it while those who are out do their best to get in.
I wonder how this couple sees and values the meaning of marriage and a committed relationship towards each other. They already have issues on cheating. So call me suspicious but I find that this kind of lavish wedding and official we-are-so-happy-together meeting is mostly for the show. I would not bet a cent on their relationship, however seemingly happy they may seem. Appearances are so deceiving.
The wedding was for family only. The wedding was originally planned in Hawaii but Yu thought it would be to hard for her grandparents to travel overseas so she decided to have it in her home island. Yu’s mother is also a wedding planner, so she had it done lavishly for her daughter. As for the cheating issue…I’m glad it was brought out in the open prior to marriage. There are more eyes checking on Shun than he can imagine!
Thanks for the details. Once a cheater, often a cheater. Have a safe trip home!
I’m loosing my mind i’m so sad (okay happy their happy but damn!) 2012 has been a hard year, first Yamada,now Oguri, at least i can still dream of Tsumabuki Satoshi, once’s he’s gone my long 10 year J-crushes will be gone and i will be an official obasan.
In the first picture, it looks like Shun has painted nails. Those are his fingers right?
I’m happy for them & wish them all the best. I only luv him in dramaland, so I don’t mind sharing Oguri with his RL wife! LOL!
Akanishi Jin is already married?!? What the what?? Clearly, I know nothing of japanese ent-news.
But congrats to Oguri Shun. His now-wife sounds a little too clingy and paranoid from your post Koala, but then again, if Shun were to have been my fiance, I wouldn’t have any qualms about putting him on lockdown xD
Someone mentioned Tsumabuki Satoshi still being single…I still have hope! haha! I had a huge actor’s crush on him way back to his ‘Waterboys’ and ‘Orange Days’ uhh, days.
Jin married Kuroki Meisa earlier this year in february. Considering Kuroki was 2 months pregnant at the time, I am pretty sure it was a shotgun wedding. Kuroki gave birth to their daughter last month.
Nuuuuuuuuuu. Ehhh uh eh eo…..OMG