
Jo Jung Seok Films Taiwan Tourism Promotional Mini-movie with Ivy Chen — 20 Comments

  1. Hahaha. When she gently wakes him up, his first words are “对不起” and not anything else in hangul such as 죄송합니다. ^^

  2. Omg this is too cuteeee. Is it just me or are webisodes super popular right now? I feel like lee min ho’s Camry commercial started it haha…and then Peter an Janine’s State Farm one and now this 😮 they’re very cute though so I’m not complaining! XD

  3. It ‘s too Korean…… Doesn’t have a Taiwanese feel to it. They should have had a Taiwanese direct it since it is about promoting Taiwan. I wish the director had been the guy who made Au Revoir Taipei…..My ideal would have been Hou Hsiao Hsein. I love the trains and trains stations in Taiwan. Something so charming and old fashioned about them. I hope they never modernize and make them high tech and soulless. Reminds me of train stations in Europe.
    Taiwanese sensibilities is very different from Korean. Very laid back and very happy to be in their own skin…..I really want to travel there one day. Tho’ I enjoy Kdramas and have a Samsung smart phone…….I am not really interested in going there. The country seems too driven, too uptight….too much pressure.

    • “The websides are geared for the Korean market.” They’re being made for a Korean audience, so I think it’s on purpose that it has a Korean feel to it.

  4. Awww, it’s our sweetie-pie. 😎 This explains his tweets from Taiwan, though. I’m sure nearly anyone would happily show him around their town.

    As for odd combinations in ads and things like that, I think the oddest thing out there is the car ad that doubles as an Iris 2 ad. Weirdly, it’s a better trailer than the real trailers that are out.

  5. Omg it’s so cute! It does look like Shi Kyung is now living a parallel life and taking some well deserved vacations! Maybe he got amnesia for a moment, then will run into Hang Ah and Jae Ha while they were in Taiwan for their honeymoon or official events LOL There you go, season 2

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