
New Stills and Video Preview for Episode 11 of Missing You — 14 Comments

  1. Thanks for this.. a good relief from my MY addiction. Judging by the money transfer that involving the ahjumma prior to (or after?) Sang Deuk murder I think she is indeed in cahoots with someone.

  2. I have to say MY is losing me… I felt really detached from the main leads and the only person which pulled my heartstrings was SY’s mum… until Ep 10, which I thought provided some gravitas to the characters, except for HJ whom is clearly turning dark.

    Ep 11’s preview looks good, I hope the drama is finally getting its footing.

  3. Oh, god bless her.
    Let’s NOT have a flashback to another like crime, shall we?
    I choose sunshine and sundaes and puppies, please.

  4. Yeah, I am with you about LSY giving THE FINGER to both men and going off on her own! Jeez,they should be a sane man out there who will loved to be with her! LOL

  5. i would tase him too for just being so emotionally unbalanced.Its like he has tears quota he has to achieve on a daily basis, he cries like the rest of his ahjumma fans…^^

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