InStyle Gives Sneak Peak at the Upcoming Yoon Si Yoon and Park Shin Hye Coupling
When I saw Park Shin Hye‘s photo spread from next month’s InStyle Magazine I didn’t realize that Yoon Si Yoon was also a part of it and they did a couple shoot as well. Such a wonderful Christmas surprise for me (and you!). Last year around now I was totally enveloped in the dysfunctional and healing powers of Me Too, Flower!, a drama that took the Winter setting and made it both warm and primed for the hope that the Spring thaw would bring. The writing did go a bit crazy in the second half but righted itself for the final episode and in the end I still loved this drama very much. I only mention M2F because I wouldn’t love Yoon Si Yoon as much if I didn’t watch it and totally change my mind about him. And if I didn’t love him so much, waiting for Flower Boy Next Door (hey, his last two dramas have the word flower in it, just realized that) wouldn’t be as fun since I would be grumbling from here to eternity how much better it would be if Kim Ji Hoon was the male lead. Don’t get me wrong, I love both guys equally and am still wishing Kim Ji Hoon could also get a girl of his own in this drama just to spread the wealth. But in terms of pairing, I actually think Park Shin Hye and Yoon Si Yoon make for a better onscreen couple, with their youthful charisma bouncing off each other. I still snicker when I flash back to that first trailer, the way Yoon Si Yoon warns Park Shin Hye that he’s watching her. They are so low key and comfortably casual here in the InStyle photos that it will be a treat to watch them bicker and fall in love in FBND.
First !
I loovee last pic. Both look soo adorable and cute together. Only Shin Hye can match with doll like face YSY
OMG I seriously cannot wait for FBND to air! Now that I can guarantee that there’s chemistry between the two leads and the rest of the cast, I am more exciteeeed! Please drama Gods let this drama be awesome
They look ridiculously adorable together. I’m not usually a huge cutesy fan because when it’s over used, it often gives off a sense of the Lolita Complex to me. (The pedophilic kind, not the fashion kind.) And there’s nothing that turns me off an OTP faster than the feeling that one half of a partnership is emotionally a child. (i.e. most of ‘Protect the Boss’ and parts of ‘You’re Beautiful.’)
But I think can really enjoy the Cute with these two. They seem to be engaging more as adults with the occasionally cute vibe. I can definitely dig that.
I think the’d make a good onscreen couple. Can’t wait~
Psh awesome daebak, I waNna see her pairing with yoon seung ho and sung joon, but her best pairing my opinion as always yong hwa oppa
These pics are gorgeous. Love the colors. Although, they did tend to smooooooooooth out their skin tones a little overmuch. Still, I think they both fit the doll-like ideal nicely.
If I recall, Koala, one of the reasons YSY Hulk smashed down his former image for us was the element of surprise. Surprise that became delight.
I think we all watched and rewatched that first scene in Me, too, Flower a bunch of times to make sure that we saw what we just saw.
We saw Jae Hee on his white motorcycle heading into the inevitable meet-cute with Bong Su. Rather than being apologetic and sweet, he pissed her off by tricking her and then, my favorite part, flicking her forhead. The whole scene kept us (and BS)off balance. We didn’t know where they were taking us, but man, did we want to go along for the ride.
His skinny butt of attitude and LJA’s fragile anger dragged us through the really really bad episodes. When he referred to hmself as “Oppa” in his deep voice, I finally understood the power of that word.
If this director manages to pull that surprising edgy charisma out of him, I will be one happy YSY fan. I may even NOT ship KJH, but not promising anything yet!
Can’t wait until 7th january
Sold by their chemistry already (YSY-PSH-KJH), hope the story not become dull
anyway, i love your header ms.koala

how can you make new header instead of this busy holiday? lol
They are soo cute together! I can’t wait till this drama airs!
Stop by to say I love your header ^^
PSH one? I know …..changed too soon
you know what? I didn’t think I’d ship them but changed my mind. I think it’s really sweet for him to say such things.
Really love this cast. Have accepted them as main leads ….finally. All the exposure ….so well executed and in such a creative manner did it for me. Both really look good together in the photoshoot. I wonder if we will see more of them before the premiere. Ten days to go …actually 2 weeks …have to wait for English translation