Whatever shall I do when Yoo Seung Ho enlists in the military this year? Is there a place to congregate and miss him openly? Shall I start a club? Much like ICOMYM was started by my unni because of her love of Kim Bum (who was really really young back then), maybe I should start ICFMYM (Inconsolable Crying For Much Younger Men), a club wherein members can cry over young men who have aged out of ICOMYM and/or have left early for the army. It can have an even broader focus, such as us noonas gathering there and crying over how Yoo Seung Ho is the best thing in the mess that is Missing You and don’t we all wish the drama was actually written well so we can watch it without wanting to hurl something. The club would be great anytime our crushes give us reason to make us cry, and really what reasons do we need, we probably all cry on a dime. I used to though I’ve toughened up quite a lot these days. Because Seung Ho is leaving us so soon, I need to double down on his posts because pretty soon I won’t be posting about him anymore for quite some time. He was recently interviewed by KStyle and the accompanying set of photos were taken during the interview. SO MUCH LOVE. I love how effortlessly he wears a simple black well-cut suit with an open collar white shirt. That is one positive about his involvement with MY, he has the best wardrobe in the drama and he wears it with flair. These photos will be sure to delight not just because he looks so gorgeous, he also has a brilliant smile and a twinkle in his eye. Smile on, my boy, smile on!
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I'm really trying, but I can't get over my hatred of him.
Maybe you are trying too hard.
Ms Koala, whatever club you would create for mutual support and celebration, I will sign. Oh yeah, he will be missed dearly... I wish him the best for 2013.
Sign me up sunbae. Because I teared up whenever there is a star that I like who enlists in the army.
Nothing compares to Yoo. Nobody.
Unlike all the 28 year olds, he is such a baby, but he's smart to get it done now.
And he will be back soon, right?
I will join any club that helps me get over the missing!
Nothing Compares 2U. He he, you have reminded me that song :)
I am going to miss YSH very muuuuuch!! =(
But I am SOOOO looking forward to him coming back with hot abs..then he would be so perfect!
I could stare at his pictures all day. I just watch his parts on IMY...with the sound off.
I heard that fans of the main actors were demanding they stop using reflectors because people were gushing over YSH. *LOL*
What do you mean by reflectors? Sorry if it is a dumb question
I think It's a prop that is supposed to enhance the lighting to make the actors more attractive.
It fills in all the shadows - like from eye bags - and makes the actors appear a lot less blemished.
In the age of HD, where we can see every scar and bump, it is necessary.
yep, I've heard it...it is hilarious! yeh tweeted 'ysh who looks good even without the lightening' or something like that. it is thought to diss yoochun fans who demands no reflectors for ysh!
crazy fangirl is crazy :D
sign me up for the noonas club
Aw.. love him <3 Gonna miss him while he's gone, but at least when he comes back, he's back for good :)
the sooner we send him away, the sooner he comes back with abs like so ji sub. hehehe
He's only 19? Sighhhh makes me feel so weird that I find him so cute! But it's a good decision to go now and mature so he can take on older roles. I'm not a fan of the noona dramas so when he comes back he'll be a little older and make it less weird. (I love YEH, but that age gap is too much, even if it works on screen--same with other dramas).