
Excitement Builds as F4 Confirmed for Jiang Su STV Lunar New Year Performance — 25 Comments

  1. This brings back old memories. Jerry was my first ILU, and (you guessed it), Meteor Garden was my first ever drama crack. I remember skimping on my allowance just to buy the DVD and their numerous albums and OSTs. Oh… to be young and dumb and in love. 🙂

  2. I actually started hyperventilating when I saw the title for this. F4 is my childhood. Meteor garden was my first drama crack when I was only 7 years old and I’ve re-watched it so many times over the years that I remember the drama better than I do my own memories from that time (now looking back on it I have no idea what my mother was thinking letting me watch dramas instead of like cartoons or something). My love for Vic has stayed with me these past 12 years and I’m pretty sure it’s never going to end. And I totally agree with you when you say that Vaness has just gotten hotter, because I think he was my least favourite back in the day but after Autumn’s Concerto I’m completely in love with him. I even follow his instagram (which Vic should really get btw…). The last thing I saw Jerry in was down with love (Jerry and Ella… who can resist?) but yea sadly our Dao Ming Shi is getting old 🙁 And truthfully I never really cared about Ken and when I saw him in Momo Love back in 2009 all I thought was “wow he REALLY let himself go”. But I’m still totally excited for this performance and from the tagline I’m guessing they’re going to be preforming meteor rain?

    I’m just going to be swept up in the nostalgia. They were my first boy band/celeb crushes and I’ll always have a soft spot for them. Probably even when they get old(er) and have white hair x3.

    • Wow, I don’t know if I would have been able to stand the disappointment that is real life if I had watched Meteor Garden when I was 7!

      • I just had a Dao Ming Shi and Hua Ze Lei to love instead of Prince Charming or whatever other heros people had in the childhoods from reading fairytales lol.

  3. That last photo of is one of my favorite pictures of F4, for inexplicable reasons, lol. Anyhoo, never was a big fan of their songs, except for “體驗,” but still looking forward to this regardless. I still rewatch the Little Tigers’ performance from time to time, because everyone just seems so happy during it. I hope F4’s reunion is the same! C:

  4. oh my. ohy my. oh my. oh my. oh my. Thank you for that last pic; the question is could Vaness Wu’s pants get any lower without actually falling off!

    I just watched Meteor Garden this past fall (even though I have watched Autumn Concerto and Mars before), but I can understand the excitement.

  5. Oh my Vic! My crush, I even bought his solo albums, make a wish and his 2nd album. I was such a big fan of F4, my first boyband crush, I loved Jerry and Vic(even though obviously I’m Vic-biased).

    Vanness have grown on me throughout the years, he’s definitely getting hotter, I used to like him the least among F4 members but he rose till no.3 after Jerry now. Ken… sigh, it’s just sad to see himself not managing his image properly.

    I guess only F4 and Shinhwa can make me squeal this much. I’m more into dramaland and indie music as I grow up.

    Can’t wait!

    Now, my wish is for the F4 members to collaborate in a drama together.. even though it’s quite impossible =p

  6. OMG this actually fills me almost childlike fangirl delight. Bringing me back to the good ole days of Meteor Garden and listening to their album on my MD player LOL and singing along. Now and then I listen to their really old first and second album songs and I still remember the words 😀 SO CHEESY BUT SO GOOD. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS!!! ZAI ZAIIIIIIIII My first fangirl crush <3

  7. oooouh… F4 was my first boyband crush and they are the one who push me to love east asia, esp Taiwan, Japan, and korea!! pleease let me know if you know a streaming site to watch their performance live… pleaase… thank you ms. koala!!

  8. The F4 that had the most chemistry with each other.
    My fantasy is a another BOF drama with LMH as Domouji, Vic as Rui and the Japanese Makino. Jerry Yan and Ken can be the other two F boys. I have always liked Ken…..something so laid back about him. Never liked Vaness…..

  9. OHMYGOSH!!! Best news I’ve heard all day! They all look amazing in the posters. Even Ken, though I’m not too familiar with his career (or lack of, I guess) after his Marmalade days. Were those rumors really true that he admitted that he almost killed someone?

  10. I am and will always be an F4 fan. My first foray into the dark world of fangirldom. I still remember how sad I was when I couldn’t attend their concert in Hong Kong back in ’06. *sigh*

  11. Hopefully some lucky fans who will be attend their performance bring them to youtube 😉 Back than Vanness Wu little bit chubbier than those three specially on the first Meteor Garden, but look at him now. All them still look very good though…aging, but cute 🙂

  12. Wow! F4 fever is back..My first loves Jerry Yan, Vaness Wu, Vic Zhou and Ken Zhu! I remember those days where I was so insanely in love with Meteor Garden. Its so good to see them reunited again. Thanks for the big news koala. 🙂

  13. the kings r back!!!! lol sorry i just cant believe this…omgee i grew up with them…omo omo..thanks for the news koala..and if you can maybe update with the actual performance? cant stop spazzing!!

  14. Not just Vaness but Jerry is not looking bad himself.. low cut V neck shirt… not revealing too much.. HELL YAH! 😀 So excited now!

  15. omg, omg, omg, omg…I’m so excited!!! F4 reunion!! I was just wondering, do you know any sites the will be streaming it live online that i can watch in the US? If you do, please let me know. I can’t wait to see them together again! Thanks a bunch for the news koala!!!

  16. the best of the best thing.F4reunion a loyal fan since happiness is overflowing…tears…after this im praying for a reunion drama project and album..admin pls update everything every bits regarding this momentous event..thanks

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