
Yu Zheng Reveals Partial Yun Zhong Ge Confirmed Cast with Angelababy Rumored as the Lead — 16 Comments

  1. I don’t know any of this actors/actresses but I hope he recasts Ming June, he looks to old for the role and will be giving off creeper vibes. Maybe that is was YZ is going for.

  2. Hooya. I’m not sure… Didn’t Yumama also say that Swordsman is going to be faithful to the original text? *skeptical*

    I can live with most of the cast except Du Chun and Angelababy. And even Du Chun, well… i can live with him as Meng Jue as long as they DO NOT cast Angelababy. I don’t have any faith that she can act and if you get a crappy miscasted Yun Ge, you might as well not make the movie at all.

    I hope Zhao Liying will get the part since I actually like most of her performances so far. I’m also pretty ok with Yang Rong – I actually quite like her earlier bits in Swordsman before YLS decided to hook up with LPZ. Zhang Xue Ying was also quite good in ILWP (although I can’t say I would recommend the drama) although I thought Dong Hui looked more like Shang Guan Xiao Mei.

  3. Thanks for the heads up Ms K!

    I also love Yun Zhong Ge and it’s one of my fav Tong Hua books.
    I’ve re-read the story many times esp the less “nue” parts.
    Although it remains moot whether Yu Zheng will really deliver as promised in terms of adhering to the original tale since his choice for Yun Ge and Meng Jue seems alittle off tangent here.

    Still I’ll keep my fingers crossed that he’s just drumming up some attention for the production and look out for the final confirmation when filming commences.

  4. Hahaha…swordsman is indeed really bad, so bad that I still need to continue watching to see the disastrous ending….

    But back to topic, seriously, angelababy?! That is such a miscast, she is anything but innocent yun ge. And she can’t even act. I guess yz just wanted some pretty face with a name, I mean it would be her debut in drama, he is just after the ratings. I hate the man guts since following xajh. and du chun, i agree, he is just too old and well he ain’t handsome. Well at least not in terms of meng jue-handsome.

  5. Wow… I am torn between laughter and plain horror. Anyone who takes on the professional name of Angelababy cannot expect to be taken seriously. I want to know who she is sleeping with (besides HXM) so I can do the same and get my bfs cast properly.

  6. As long as they change the end of the drama from what it was on the book …then I’m in. Maybe a ”Da mo yao” sort of ending !!!

  7. This will no doubt be a horror. While I can’t say I am a fan of this story, but I can appreciate the story. I have to say MJ was my favorite. YZ seems to enjoy destroying all masterpiece. I am dreading his version of ROCH.

  8. I don’t know any of the names, but Ithought the casting is quite sound from the photo-intros. Yun Ge may be the titular heroine, but she is just a catalyst so even if they get someone who can’t act clueless (can’t imagine how anyone can ruin clueless), the story can still fly if Liu Fuling/Yun Ge pairing looks pretty on screen. The actor for Mengjue looks old but if he can nail his complicated character – the coldness, pain, devastation – who is the true soul of the show, it may not be a bad thing.

  9. please do not let it be angelababy.. i watched that series cuo dian yuan yang and she’s naturally cute and charming… which is very hard to do even when the actress is cute (in my personal opinion)..

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