
Lee Dong Wook and Song Ji Hyo Lead Script Reading for Mandate of Heaven — 19 Comments

  1. Hhh what in what!? However I’m a picky eater and my plate only fits for LEE SEUNG GI handsdown HE IS THE BEST THERE WAS,THE BEST THERE IS, AND THE BEST THERE WILL EVER BE ! My sweet strong and tender honey Bonnie Hhhh I can’t wait till GFB! I just love him and my eyes go blind when he is off screen ! Forgive me but u know better ! How u can resist a stupporn heir , a tender gumiho boyfriend , a king and a damn half gum-man ! Hhhaha loves to blame !

    • GFB for me too!

      But I thank you, Koala, for your insights / comments about Mandate of Heaven. Sounds good and I will follow it as long as it doesn’t clash with the airing time of GFB.

      As for Lee SeungGi, our journey with him is constant! As constant as the staying power of the earth moving in its own axis! Whatever happens to music charts, whatever happens to dramaLand, whatever happens to the rest of Hallyu, we journey with LSG, hand in hand, no letting go…

      Peace & smiles

      • Hh I’m sure we are two of millions . Lol but still oppa’s heart can fill every body !

  2. I’m so gonna follow this! Thanks Koala, you put a bright smile on my face on this rainy Friday! There are so many that I love, and Song Ji Hyo is soo lovely to watch although I’m not a big fan of LDW, but his appearance won’t prevent me from checking it out. Im Seulong, like him as a singer, acting is just so so though his appearance in Personal Taste made an impression. 😉 All in all, I’m anticipating the drama! Bring it on!

  3. GFB is on MBC and it follows the Horse Doctor so it’s against Kim Tae Hee’s new drama and some office romance on KBS with Oh Ji-ho on Monday and Tuesday. I think anyway. But I do know GFB is on MBC since I dreaded Seunggi going back to MBC since they tend to be a hot mess.

  4. This actually sounds meatier and more promising than any of the new upcoming shows especially with a cast that I can actually get behind…well except Yoon Jin Yi…I’m sorry but I still remember how unintentionally hilarious all her crying scenes were in AGD and it still makes me chuckle (she cried like toddler)

  5. Hasn’t KBS learned from their previous mistakes that big names doesn’t always mean success. I mean KBS time and time again casts popular idols who can’t act to save their life in hope of getting the fan base to check in. What ends up happening though is that those dramas fail miserably (Love Rain anyone?) . Or they cast people that definitely bring in an audience and can actually act but the drama still fails because it crashes and burns in the second half due to horrendous writing. Not sure how much free time I will have when these air but I will probably check out GFB first.

  6. Eep what shall i do?? I was all set to focus on gu family book (not a fan of SSH and the plot of when a man loves doesn’t interest me at all sorry) and then this pops up. I LOVE jihyo on running man and the supporting cast seems pretty awesome. I can handle saeguks but medical is a bit eh; does anyone know how many eps it’s slated for?

  7. Koala, Just to correct you. Gu Family Book will be aired in the Monday-Tuesday timeslot after Horse Doctor. So it will compete against Jang Ok Jung instead of this drama.

  8. Really, you’re not watching any sageuks right now? I am enjoying Horse Doctor as it is directed by Lee Byung Hoon who did Dae Jang Geum, my alltime favourite drama by which I measure all sageuks. Also, this is a great showcase for Cho Seung Woo, who is a great actor doing his first tv drama.

    The upcoming batch don’t really pique my interest as it has some really questionable casting with unproven mettle in the world of sageuks.

    We shall see who reigns supreme.

    • You are spot on about the questionable casting. You know you’re in trouble when Song Ji Hyo is probably the most competent of the main leads. She’s nice and all but girl can’t act for squat. I was hoping the recasting rumors were true.

  9. When I read medical thriller, I immediately thought of Dr. Jin. I hope it will not be like that. I’m glad to see LDW on screen again.

  10. I will be tuning to “gu family book”…..really the plot is refreshing and compelling when i read it……..can’t wait for the drama to air..and can’t wait to see in fantasy saeguk half human and half beast avatar…”gu family book” fighting!

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