Choi Jin Hyuk Considering Role of Older Brother to Lee Min Ho in Heirs
It’s pretty neat to watch dramas getting cast in real time, because all the relevant elements currently at play in the entertainment world are so very obvious. From the moment Lee Min Ho’s involvement with Kim Eun Sook’s upcoming drama was announced, Heirs (with a super long name) became the hottest in-production drama around. Despite there being NO SCRIPT yet, fans were already frothing with excitement. Then Park Shin Hye signed on and the anticipation doubled, followed by Jung Yong Hwa and the delirium tripled. It was like watching a collective freak out over an ephemeral idea. Then Jung Yong Hwa backed down and people appeared to have calmed the heck down. Today comes word that hottie du jour Choi Jin Hyuk has been offered a role in the drama. When I say hottie of the moment, it really is a matter of momentum and relevance that Choi Jin Hyuk came to Kim Eun Sook’s radar. He was the best thing about the currently airing Gu Family Book during the prologue section, and remains a fan favorite even as his character might be dead or worse yet gone to the bad side. He’s actually been acting for many years now and I would say he got his first big break with the cable romp I Need Romance. I like but don’t love him, but he definitely was compelling as the god of the mountains Gu Wol Ryung in GFB (and daddy to Lee Seung Gi’s half-man/half-beast Choi Kang Chi). His possible casting in Heirs worried me initially since there is no way in hell Choi Jin Hyuk could pass for a high schooler, and Heirs will definitely be a high school drama. Then news leaked that he is being offered the role of Lee Min Ho’s older brother. Okay, I can totally buy that! He’s older by two years and the two have the same tall angular bone structure. Sold.
Choi Jin Hyun is not yet confirmed but is positively reviewing the offer. Dude, take it. Even if Heirs ends up sucking donkey balls it’ll be great for career exposure. He’s slated to appear again in GFB which runs until end of June, and Heirs isn’t airing until October so there are no conflicts between the two projects. I think its safe to say the role offered to Choi Jin Hyun is not the role offered to and turned down by Jung Yong Hwa, because there are no magic mushrooms strong enough for me to ingest and believably hallucinate that Jung Yong Hwa could be Lee Min Ho’s older brother. This leaves the role of the second male lead still up in the air, but I still want to ping Kim Eun Sook and suggest Jung Il Woo. I also hope neither of the two leads Park Shin Hye or Lee Min Ho book it before this dramas started prepping in earnest (and that has been known to happen), since I like certainty in casting decisions so I don’t have to keep changing my mind about whether I want to watch or not.
I am so in on watching if he signs on.
I liked him in INR – it was a cute break through for him. He really was the best thing in MCW’s Daddy (forgot the fill name already) drama.
If JIL would be sooo perfect for 2nd lead. But I know that’s not happening… even though I will still dream. Still loved him in Moon Sun. I’m guessing that they want to go with an idol for 2nd lead.
I still don’t think LMH can pass for a high schooler. He looks nothing close to one. He didn’t even look close to it in BOF. High schoolers look so young to me now (actual high schoolers).
I’m already hunting for the blue pill to convince me that LMH can pass as a high schooler. Maybe in a Billy Madison goes back to elementary school farce way. Though Gong Yoo played a high schooler in his twenties…….so never say never. But his high schooler looked like he must have been so delinquent that he couldn’t graduate for the last 10 years, LOL.
Agree. LMH doesn’t have a boyish look. ….His look is more mature ..that’s why SYJ with her girlish look in spite of being older looked fine opposite him in PT. I did like him in BOF but can’t think of him as a flower boy. His face is not androgynous…maybe his body is. In retrospect No Min Woo would have been great as one of the F4. Full House Take 2 was so much fun.
What does Koala mean by this, please “I also hope neither of the two leads PSH or LMH book it before this drama started prepping in earnest…” Thanks to whoever helps me understand.
“book it” means runs away, so we’re hoping that those two actors really stay in the drama. I have my doubts about LMH as a highschooler, but fingers crossed here that it works.
Ummm guess it means that hopefully the two leads will stick around and not drop out before the serious stuff and script reading and all begins xp xp
Hope I got it right
As for CJH being offered a role in this drama, I was bouncing up and down and praying he would accept it xp it would make this drama almost perfect (at least on the cast front) all it will miss is jung il woo ohhh please please drama gods hear my prayer and make this happen
book it = leave in a hurry
I love Choi Jin Hyuk. He is one of my all time fave 2nd male leads who totally should have had the girl (I Need Romance). There is just something so warm and adorable about him. He lights up a screen. I just really want to see him as a lead in something good. I think he deserves that at this point. Still waiting…..
He was so great in Panda and Hedgehog. He and his tomboy baby sis. I loved that sweet little drama.
He should be in a drama where is he the lead since i soo love him in guk family book. His voice is soothing
I wasn’t into Heirs but if he’s on board I am so in.I was such a huge fan for BOF even though it was clunky .Do hope Heirs is a more classy version.
This boy was TOO cute in GFB that i can totally see him as LMH’s older brother with his manly face acting all adorable.
Seems like alot of people are onboard with this scriptwriter’s ability to create cracktastic shows(not necessarily good quality), along with A-list actor names attached to it.
My only question is whether or not it will still live up to everyone’s expectations considering that kim eun sook’s usual partner director shin woo chul recently parted ways with her after many years to work on his first saeguk, Gu Family Book. Alot of it has to do with the director’s vision for a show, so i’m hoping Heirs lives up to the hype.
I thought this drama was suppose to have a college backdrop, at least that would be closer to the actors’ ages.
in dramaland we suspend disbelief and watch
oooooooo thes making me want to go back to seoul
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That’s really good news I start to lurve him since I need romance and completly fall for him in GBF as Gu WolRyung!! ♥♥ I hope he really take this project since I want to see him in another project soon :3
His voice! The way he looked at her! Be still my heart. But really, his voice was, for want of a better word, YUMMY!
Haha, I thought they looked alike while reading your blog and then you noticed that they looked alike too!