
King Flower Episode 16 Recap — 34 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap! I was really worried that the show was going to keep pushing LGJ on us, so I postponed watching anymore episodes after 14, but your coverage has given me hope again. I hope future episodes keep this balance.
    I want to see not only Terry and Da Hua together, but see both of them retain/regain that warm familial relation with Papa Du. Terry’s parents seemed awfully cold, and we all know Da Hua’ dad could do the whole family a favor by disappearing.

    • You’re welcome! I am brimming with hope now, though not 100% certain the writers have grown a brain until I see Da Hua totally ending things with Guan Jun first. I do want all the family relationships to be repaired and built up again. And yes, Da Hua’s dad needs to get shivved.

    • Terry’s mom is awful and the father seems to be under her control. I was struck by the way she humiliated him infront of a stranger (DH) and Terry. Terry seems to be closer to LY’s father more than his own parents.

      • Yeah, Terry’s parents are losers, too. Johnson’s mom is one-step from being a cackling witch. And even Da Hua’s mom……..I dunno, she’s sweet but pretty useless. President Du is a good guy but he’s also too overprotective of Liang Yen which led to her rebelling later on.

        Dang it, this is not a drama filled with good parents. It’s just a drama with one perfect Terry.

  2. Thanks Ms Koala! Im always amazed coming to your site at the number of different and yet interesting dramas that you write about and now i have yet another drama to add to my ever-growing list of dramas to watch after exams!

  3. I’ve followed along with some recaps of this drama here and there, but I’m SOLD on the kissing haha. I will watch this drama after my law school finals are done.

    • I admit to getting into a drama on the kissing alone. There is no shame in that. Man, everyone has finals these days! I’d give anything to take a bajillion finals if I could go back to being a student again. Good luck~

      • NOOOOES. Way too much stress haha. Another reason why I’ll watch this is because I actually understand Chinese! No need to rely too much on subtitles unlike kdramas haha. Btw, I saw you posted something about Taecyeon and GuiGui a few weeks back, have you been keeping up with that? It’s absolutely hilarious.

  4. If you don’t watch Terry’s face when he walks up to Da Hua to give her a kiss, I would think he was Gary Cooper.

      • My observation is only on his sexy broad shoulders and powerful hips. It must be nice to be swept into them and be kissed with so much feeling.

  5. Someone stop me. I can’t stop watching the Terry/DH moments from this episode.

    I can’t wait to see if the writers finally get the hint and put Terry/DH together and then just have an episode or 2 where they are traveling together, playing the piano together, etc. That is exactly what LY meant and wanted when she asked Terry to live on despite her own death.

    • Absolutely. That is why I don’t feel weirded out that Terry likes Da Hua. It flowed normally from their interactions, and is what Liang Yen would have wanted. She loved him and would have wanted him to get over the grief and move on. She asked only that he remember her, and we know both Da Hua and Terry will always remember and cherish the memory of Liang Yen.

  6. Sigh. More Terry snacks. There is going to be some huge shoes to fill in perfect mleading man in Asian dram 2013 after this. The writers could put in unicorns in this show and Terry would still be good.

    I do have to say that when I got to the end of yoru recaps, I actually said allowed, “Wow. that was unexpected.” I did NOT expect to see President Du at the store. This could go in so many directions.

    Hmm. Maybe he comes to offer to send DH’s brother abroad. Should I feel guilty for wanting that whole subplot to go study abroad?

    • I’d rather Papa Du send Guan Jun abroad to business school so he actually has the skills to be a Managing Director. Or better yet, Terry and Da Hua go abroad and leave everyone behind. 😀

  7. I do really really feel for LY’s father. It really really was horribly wrong of Terry to not have told him before she died. 🙁 He could have had the chance to at least see his daughter one last time like Terry did.

    I’m aboard the Terry ship wholeheartedly now because I feel like LY would have been happy for him too that he was able to grieve, move on and have a chance at being happy in life. That he came clean to LY’s dad released the final grudge I had against him. 🙂 I’m not head over heals for the OTP or anything but it was a great week for kisses!!! 🙂

    Btw – I love Chris’ old man vibe that he gives off when acting. 🙂 So classic.

    • Not letting Liang Yen see her dad before she died was BAD, but it wasn’t Terry’s fault. He didn’t know she was on her death bed and when Qin Mo called him in he was in so much shock I doubt he could think straight enough to call her dad in. I am SOOOOO happy he came clean, and I want him and Da Hua to start from scratch. Then they can fall in love as themselves, for real and without reservation. I can hope, can’t it?

  8. thanks so much koala sis for the recaps! love it! love this episode! love terry! sooooo much! lols. am i getting crazy? might be. 🙂

    the kiss scene, it is so sincere, so true, afterwards so my heart aches for terry. 🙁

  9. I actually lost interest when DH was all gaga over GJ and GJ suddenly developing a brain and became a real estate hotshot just made the drama worse! The latest episode has redeemed itself though if the GJ statement of him and DH being siblings is just a step back and two steps forward I swear I will send something to SETTV!

  10. i’m so happy! i’m pretty sure our ship is sailing now! 😀 it was the best episode by far, without a doubt. i’m also happy GJ is seeing Da Hua’s… preoccupation with Terry ^^ I can work on my chemistry lab report in peace 🙂

    hahahaha i love the new header that said, “I’ll talk about Terry if I want to”! very clever koala unni! ^^

    Thanks so much for not giving up on this drama 🙂

  11. Thanks for the recap! The chemistry between DH and Terry is fantastic! btw For the final scene, the way DH’s mom’s back is turned to the doorway, I kinda expect LY’s father to be surprised to see DH’s mom when she does turn around and then for DH’s mom to turn out to be his ex and for DH to actually be his daughter …

    • That’s what I was thinking too…..That DH would be Liang Yen’s long lost sister. That would be such a cliche…..but I think I would enjoy that. If GJ can become GM of a company …I am ready to believe anything. Just keep the romance between Terry and GH tender and passionate.

      • It would be great if DH and Liang Yen turned out to be sisters. The drama is already amazing, but talk about an exciting twist in this drama.

    • Oh god no. I can live without them being actual sisters. But I think President Du might end up being DH’s god-father later on so they can remain in contact and she can be a surrogate daughter to him.

  12. DH did say she felt this bond with LY and the dad so it would great if they turn out to be sisters. …..or half sisters. Maybe Dad had a fling with DH’s mom? ….hehe…..Are we getting ahead of ourselves?!!!

    • LY’s dad and DH’s mom would be so great together. LY’s dad would be so much of a better dad for DH than the one she has. DH’s dad started this mess to begin with,but should he be condemned or congratulated for what he done, because DH and Terry might not have gotten to know each other if he hadn’t lost the store in the first place. Another love story between the mom and dad added to the mix would be very interesting.

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