
Written and Video Preview for King Flower Episode 19 — 28 Comments

  1. That last quote!!! OMG totally how I feel these days about this drama… sticking till the end for Terry, could care less about everyone else!

  2. Hey Koala. Any idea what the ratings for episode 17 and 18 were?

    I know you said in a prior post that the ratings for episode 16 (i.e., the Da Hua/Terry rain kiss) was the second highest of the season, but I was wondering if the ratings have gone down after that due to the writers pushing the Da Hua/GJ relationship down viewer’s throats?

    • I think 1.6 and 1.7, so dropped from 16 but higher than 15. Eh, it doesn’t matter, SETTV has given up promoting or caring about the ratings for this drama at this point.

  3. Lol.The comments.They are hilarious.
    It’s not only the frustration with the ending.Why is the writer like that?What kind of rigid personalities do the writer and director have?I mean she’s the writer?Doesn’t she have the ability or talent to change a story?
    Far out….

    • I think the writer writes whatever the network producer wants the story to go. In this case, whatever to do right by lead actor James Wen……..

  4. Seeing that there is a King Flower update has turned into a tricky experience. On the one hand, I am so glad to be back with my friends to share the misery, but then I think, “wait, but I’m in misery. Why did I want to be here again?” This whole thing is like an accident that we know is going to happen, but we cannot do anything to stop it. And though we are usually sane, self-preserving people who would look away,here we just sidle up with a bowl of popcorn to watch. I cannot help it–it’s like biting a split lip. This shows how much we love Chris Wu’s Terry. I love the “The writer is a unicorn” comment; however, I always got the impression that unicorns would be for truth and love or at least smart people. But then again I am thinking Harry Potter unicorns not My Pretty Pony unicorns.

    • Ah, you know you love it! 🙂 A shared experience of misery is as unforgettable as a shared experience of bliss. Drama-wise, of course.

  5. ROFL that’s hilarious! Perfectly echoes our sentiments. Would be interesting to know what the actors think about all this.

    • The actors are all laughing BTS and think this is all a pile of horseshit. I don’t know how Chris can be THAT amazing even in this situation.

  6. I stopped watching this couple episodes ago when I found out that da hua is likely going to be with guan juan. no point in wasting my time, especially when i know terry is going to get hurt ;(

  7. LOL! The comments cheered me up. I’ve been feeling numb ever since I read about that leaked script and how it hints at Da Hua leaving Terry at the alter to for Guan Jun. I was beyond pissed, then went through denial state and now it’s just numbness… but it helps to read that everyone are pretty much unanimous when it comes to beloved Terry!

    • I have SO MUCH fun reading the fan vitriol and frustration over this drama. Everyone loves Terry and hates Guan Jun (and lately Da Hua) so much. It’s like reading my inner id come out.

  8. What to say…….Honestly, I am just waiting for this drama to end. It is so frustrating to see how rigid the writer is with regards to the initial script. Terry definitely deserves better than Da Hua and all these bullcrap (excuse my language)

  9. Haha! It’s so true. The only problem with Da Hua being hit by a truck is that it would ruin Terry. It’s sad when only one character matters in a show. Good on Chris Wu for being so amazing that he can’t be stopped even by this trainwreck of a drama. Terry, ftw!

  10. Okay, I don’t know where I’ve been…but I have really been thinking this *whole* entire time that Terry was the male half of the OTP. Really? He isn’t? What’s up with that?!

    • you are not the only one… I marathoned this drama and now i’m waiting for the last few episodes, but i don’t think i can handle actually watching them… maybe I should skip them and pick up ye olde fanfic pen and write my own ending with Terry as the main character… die guan jun, just die.

  11. This is the first time I have replied to koala site even though I have been your follower for years. Anyway, I totally agreed that Settv is totally manipulating the audience using our love if Chris wu for ratings but deep down lets face it, it is unthinkable in our culture for Dai Hua to ‘ abandon’ the poor guy she grew up with and ran away with a rich dude. That would make her a materialistic girl. Hey but it is ok for Guan jun to ‘fall in love ‘ with her all of a sudden when she becomes pretty. Talk about double standard. At this point the only happy ending will be the whole story is a dream from Liang yien in a coma and she will finally wake up and be happily ever after again with Terry and vow not to ever go mountain climbing again.

    • Me too, THIS is the ending I want! I want it all to be a dream, and Terry gets the Liang Yen he deserves…and Da Hua gets the Guan Jun that she deserves. And then we see them many years later, and Da Hua is staring sadly out of her upstairs window, and she has an ahjumma perm and a bow like her mom, and we hear Guan Jun bellowing drunkenly from below: “Daaaa-Hua! Bring me a beer!”

  12. It feels kinda odd that I’m not watching the show, but I’m still cheering for Terry. I’m sure if I were watching I’d be loving him. I always end up falling for Chris Wu’s characters and I’ve never met a James Wen character that I liked. I love reading all the drama and ranting though. It just makes me so happy.

  13. Yes, we have to remember that Terry loves her because as he says she’s the kindest person he knows. I love that scene when he comforted her with those words when she was feeling so down and had lost all confidence in herself. The way he said it so matter of factly yet so gently and lovingly. We have to be patient like he is with her. But….grrrrrrr…’s so hard. Even if we have the ending we want ……I will need at least one episode completely devoted to them making out. I also need some moments of DH chasing Terry. I can dream, can’t I ?! I just want Terry to get some TLC. How did the naughty goofy kid called Chris Wu get us so addicted to Terry? KF is going to end soon and I am worried it’s not going to be enough even if we get the ending we want. We are going to be left high and dry. We have become Terry Junkies.

  14. It’s glad to see that international fans aren’t the ones frustrated with the drama. I’d love to see more comments from chinese/taiwanese netizens~ Like is there even someone who supports Guan Jun out there? lol

  15. I am still in denial in regards to the leaked ending… I am pretty much on a ship that will sinks.. but the fans comments and yours cheers me up!

    P.S. Thanks for writing about King Flower otherwise I would missed the awesomeness that is Terry.

  16. I hope Chris Wu knows he’s got a whole lot of new International fans. ….He’s got us all terrified that Terry won’t get the girl.

  17. And after all of this, she is STILL going to be with Guan Jun?
    Talk about disappointing.
    Oh well, more Terry for the rest of us. She doesn’t deserve him anyway.

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