
Cyrano Dating Agency Episode 1 Recap — 42 Comments

  1. Hurray. I actually have been waiting for this show to start. I need to stop watching TW dramas and watch Korean ones so I can (cough*gasp) practice my Korean. At least that is my story. I just have not been interested in any–a good thing during the semester, but now the semester is over, and I don’t want a show full of people who are young enough to be tutored by my children (I’m talking to you Monstar). Thank goodness we have a drama with men that looks like a win.

    I will not get too excited. Too much hurt (purple sweatered, Terry. cough) to get excited about anything now.

      • Yes, Monstar is turning out to be fun, and I can watch it (or not) with my teenage daughter as she appropriately gushes over the actors. No gushing here.

        Yes, Shark is the competition. And I abnormally love revenge. But pressure at work and reseach requires some light-heartedness to my viewing now. The only “light-heartedness” I can foresee in Shark is if someone is actually holding a light-weighted heart in their hands, literally.

  2. Yea this is winner for me– the entire cast. And Soo-young is known as the best actor of the group so I wasn’t surprised at all. The treat for me was Yoon-Ji whom I absolutely adore!!

    • Mad hot smexy sassy chemistry. Unreal it’s so good.

      She also has hot chemistry with Lee Chun Hee once they interact more in episode 2. But with Lee Jong Hyuk its just burning up the screen.

    • Amazing how a man of his age is still able to have chemistry with someone 15 years younger than him (which was a fact i discovered AFTER watching ep 1). I am so ready for lovin’ a sexy ahjussi.
      I thought i was the only one feelin’ it since there were some that said they just couldn’t see it. (I think the age gap makes it hard for some to swallow).

      • I don’t think it’s all that remarkable. LJH is just one of the many sexy older dudes in this world. Older man – younger woman pairings are my weakness, I’ll admit, but the chemistry in this one totally blows the many sterile pairings I’ve seen in Kdramas out of the water.

    • Im just relieved that there are finally more shows premiering, after sageuk palooza. i can watch shark for the thrills, cyrano for the rom-com, and monstar for the cute

      • Indeed. Plus I can’t believe that Sooyoung is having some crazy chemistry with everyone. It took just ten seconds of Sooyoung and Lee Jong Hyuk on screen together for the OTP light to go off. I knew that LJH was quite a bit older than Sooyoung beforehand, which is why I hated myself for “shipping” them together already. (The ironic part was that I had no idea who was the lead in the drama before I watched it. XD) But you can’t fight natural chemistry, can you?

  3. Yup, totally loving this drama so far. It really pisses me off how mean the netizens are to Sooyoung. Not all idols suck! Give that poor girl a chance and I think she’s doing fine so far.

    • Funny what preconceived notions can do, esp. to k-netizens.
      Its like when they bash the KTH who is doing a stellar job in JOJ while praising the cute Suzy. Correct me if i’m wrong, it’s just what i heard.

      • Nope they’re definitely not praising Suzy. I’ve seen those netizenbuzz comments and it’s pretty bad. Like the only female idol i’ve seen them praise was eunji.

      • no they don’t praise Suzy, they say she can’t speak sageuk and sounds like a robot. But they say she is getting better in showing some emotions on some scenes BUT still seems like a robot on others.

        Well, at least she improved?

  4. Just finished watching episode one, and I LOVE IT. Go ahead show. Break my heart if you dare (*eyes widening at my crazy daring* and backing slowly into a corner*) Please don’t, show. whimper. please don’t.

    I have always liked Lee Jong Hyuk. But I don’t remember Lee Chun Hee in anything: wow. Thanks show. He is

  5. It’s definitely cute and fizzes with energy, but with the recent disappointment of JOJ still fresh in my mind, I’m keeping my heart safe until we’re at least halfway through. Then… all bets are off.

    Love all the actors and – more importantly – all of the characters.

    Please stay good, Show, and don’t let me down. *crosses fingers*

  6. Im defintly invested, Lee Jong Hyuk is hot! im goin to love him im this drama, sooyoung is a gem, by far the best actress in SNSD the others (jessica, yoona,,yuri) should stick to singing

  7. Haha yes being an SNSD member does not put you into the category of bad acting, it’s the person itself. Sooyoung gets into character pretty well and is not bad. I do think the audience’s wariness of idol actors/actresses does give pressure to her though, and think her next step could be to be more confident and stretch her acting skills, this is not a bad opportunity.

  8. tvN has produced lots of cute series =) i love their flower boy series and reply 1997 of course!

    ms.koala, do you have time to watch another high school drama? please watch Monstar!!!

  9. Cute! Thanks for the recap.
    I like how they are all high-tech and all business about something as warm and squishy as love.

    LJH, as cool as he is with his team, was hysterical almost falling from the roof. Her timing is good, and she feels natural.

    DF is subbing this pretty fast, too. I hope they do 2 tonight!

  10. Cool, thanks – I might give this one a try then since I love LJH. I first really noticed him when I saw Powerful Opponents. Sexy indeed. Anyhow, I also had heard that Sooyoung was widely lauded as the best actor in SNSD so I’m glad she’s doing well here.

    At this point – heading into the summer, I am looking for something that is not makjang infested, light and breezy. 🙂 Hope I can find one.

  11. NOOO!!! I had Shark on my watch list and was delaying this, but now you tell me that beside Lee Jung HOT it has Tamra AND Joseon X Files connections! Well. Enough of that! Off to watch!

  12. Everyone looks slick and composed…

    I wonder if Chun Hee is still his giddy, goofy self in Family Outing when the idol girls guested? Haha… I keep waiting for him to gush over Soo Young or something. 🙂

  13. I thought this first episode was great!! So fresh and fun, all the actors are doing well!! Didn’t expect Sooyoung to be such a natural, and LJH is soooo sexy!! Can’t wait for the next episodes, thanks for the recap!

  14. Junsu’s appa! Im a huge fan of lee jong hyuk recently because of his stint on appa oediga. He’s such a goofy chill dad and his personality is all sorts of awesome. Sexy ahjusshis are infinitely sexier when you see them interact with their kids. And is it just me but sooyoung does bear more than a passing resemblance to his real-life wifey aka junsu’s omma… Yes if it aint obvious enough im an even bigger fan of sexy ahjusshi’s 6y/o kiddo..

  15. Koala,I agree with you wholeheartedly on your assessment. “Breezy, quick-witted and lighthearted fun” were words that came to my mind when viewing the 1st episode, and I enjoyed the cameo appearances. I’m looking forward to the rest of this drama. Sooyoung is a breath of fresh air and so far, she exudes bonafide acting potential unlike the other wind-up doll members of SNSD. What a nice beginning for summer viewing fare.

  16. IDK how this sort of relationship works in a long run because it seems adorable and all, but I mean they’re just creating this “fake” image for their client. Is he going to have to put up with that image for the rest of his life? Running away from gangster forever? Lol She’s going to fall for someone that isn’t the real him though. Unless in the next episode, they bond over their love for animals or something.

    • If I remember correctly in the movie they show the consequences of arranging relationships based on a act. They got busted and some acts didn’t last once they were over the honeymoon stage.

  17. I’ve seen preview clips of this but I was not sure of the details. Thanks and I will definitely check it out.

  18. Loved it! It was cute and I was smiling like a dork in so many scenes.
    Will there be a female romantic lead, if they follow the movie Min Young isn’t romantically involved with her boss at all. Lee Jong Hyuk and Kee Chun hee mmmmmmmm, drooool so awesome and smexy.
    Hopefully it continues to be light and breezy and fun to watch.

    • [MOVIE SPOILER] No, actually if they follow the movie, the ending suggest that Minyoung use Cyrano to target her boss / make her boss fall in love with her lol. She likes him. I think there will be love line between the three leads, which is completely okay because they have mad chemistry!

  19. i fall for Sooyoung’s acting since The 3rd Hospital.. she was so good and can’t wait to watch this one.. for me personally.. sooyoung is one of the best idols who ‘are acting right now’ 😀

    • Agreed, love her. Honestly I have been wishing she had been casted in GFB with Seung Gi. instead they gave him a teenybopper who cannot act

  20. I have been DYING for a light, fun romcom that doesn’t suck. Leave it to TvN to bring home the goods! TvN is my fave station in Korea; they just do so much right. Can’t wait for the next ep.

  21. “CDA is helmed by the PD who directed Joseon X-Files and written by the writer who did Tamra the Island” WHAT! why had no one told me this. I am so into this right now. If only I could watch some dramas right now, but I can’t because of my stupid internet -_- unless I just cave in and watch it anyway… 🙂 🙁

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