
Rewind: Yoon Eun Hye and Lee Dong Gun Perform the “Salad Song — 41 Comments

  1. I knew nothing about this cf until people mentioned it in the last post (occured before my drama oobsession began), so thanks for posting. I’ll take anything of Lee Don Gun I can get. I am so looking forward to this. I also love how you do not care that you are waving a red flag in front of the Jung Yong Hwa fangirls with that last line. I consider myself a fan, but I know that this stool is going to tip real fast.

    • That was so unnecessary considering nobody even knows what the plot is. Not even koala. She’s been pretty ‘miss’ with her information lately. But I expect nothing less from her when it comes to snarky remarks against Jung Yong Hwa.

      • I find this hilarious. I am now actually listening to CNBlue while taking a work break. I look at the blog, and see that I am getting snarked at by one of the very fangirls that I mentioned. You act like Koala has no snark against anyone else. Have you read her posts about the way people dress at drama press conferences? (I cannot get behind the no sock style either, I must say). Have you seen what she has said about Song Seung Heon or the Hong Sisters or . . .wow the list goes on. You act like she has some personal vendetta agains Jung Yong Hwa. She also praises when she thinks it deserved. Thanks, though for bringing your snark at me. I find it an honor. I judge people not only by their friends but also by their enemies. Bring it

    • I thought my comment was funny. Because it’s true. But that hardly matters what I think of Jung Yong Hwa’s “acting” ability or his casting in this drama. He’ll keep getting work, he’ll have his fans, he’ll have his critics, that’s just the way it works. What I saw can hardly be tempered by necessity, then I would have nothing to saw since opinions are never necessary.

      I’m also curious if Jung Yong Hwa fans have a radar where they know when anything is EVER written about him. And then descend to quickly defend their oppa? I ask only because I want it, and I would probably point it towards Max. But then my free time would be over, because that boy is the worst actor known to K-drama land and yet I still adore him. So cute *pinches cheek* On second thought, I don’t have the time to waste on tracking down anytime someone makes a post or comment or comment in a post somewhere about Max being a bad actor. Since its TRUE and all.

      • I think for the first time that is uncalled for. Jong hwa is not ready for acting yet, but he is not the worst actor idol for me. The most three sided that is laughable is who are you? Starring the worst actor in k ent who is taecyeon.

      • Koala, you’re doing Changmin a disservice by giving his Worst Idol Actor award to Yong Hwa.

        Even TVXQ fans admit it. 🙂

        BTW, I also think your last statement re: “worst triangle” is wrong. See: Goddess of Fire

        Let’s decide whether the JYH-YEH-LDG beats that triangle once their drama airs?

  2. i hope this is a done deal casting, can’t wait for another yeh drama, nothing against idols but would be nice to see her with more experienced actors.

  3. I don’t remember how many times I’ve watch this salad song before…that’s because I like Yoon Eun Hye very much… until now… can’t wait for her new drama.

  4. I love YEH, but lately I have a feeling she’s only taking role and don’t expect much. I really hope this will be challenging for her because she has a lot to offer.LDG please be the inspiration.

  5. Looking forward to see yeh and ldg on screen together, they look adorable in the vid, maybe they can record an ost as well! Hoping yeh has a more bubbly personality this time, it’s what suits her best!
    As for yonghwa, me being a yonghwa girl-fan (not using fangirl because it seems to be attributed in a demeaning way), though I do not think he is very good at acting, it still makes me uncomfortable how he seems to be used as a scapegoat for ‘all-idols-that-cant-act’. I understand why some might be annoyed by his casting and thus criticize, but let’s not forget that looking at the bigger picture he’s always been considered a nice and friendly person. What I mean is, criticism yes, but no need to be too harsh.
    Ok, hoping this wasn’t too “fangirly”. Other than that I love this site!

    • I don’t think YongHwa is any kind of scapegoat for poor acting by idols – he’s just been in everyone’s sights lately because he has been bandied about for so many dramas. Overall, I would say that Kim Hyung Joon is considered one of the worst – if not the worst – of the idol “actors,” plus there is Taecyeon who is considered the next Song Seung Hun in terms of acting talent (all abs, no expression) and the poor guy from Super Junior who was so bad even his fan were relieved when he gave up on acting after one horrible try.
      Fangirls, try to see this as a criticism of pernicious, mercenary industry practices rather than as a diss of your dear whomever.

  6. is anyone surprised this place is namedropping all the time. the only time this blog gets more than 10 comments on a post is when they post about idols. ain’t nobody curr for this 2nd rate dramabeans otherwise.

  7. That comment about Jung Yong Hwa was unnecessary. But I’m not surprised since its coming from koala (who never misses a chance to bash him). Anyways, I’m looking forward to this drama!

  8. Once is enough, twice is still good but do it repeatedly is just like a broken recorder or just pure b&$%ng!!!!Why not just try harder to post something credible because lately koala’s post is just a miss..maybe she switches to b$@&ng because she cant write anything else plus any Yong bs in here gets a lot of comments so she repeatedly do it..dramabeans criticize Yong but in a constructive way..Koala’s just pure b$&@ng..before I get scolded in here..yeah,I’ll just stick to dramabeans..

    • LOL, this cracks me up. Dramabeans criticizes in a “constructive” way, but koala does not? They are both saying the same thing. Both sites, plus many others, say that Jonghwa cannot act. End of story. Frankly, I think Jonghwa is hopeless when it comes to acting, so all criticism is going to be basically unconstructive. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, so to speak.
      But on all larger level, all of this criticism on dramabeans and koala’s site an others IS constructive, in that if enough people are educated about an issue, and make their feelings known, perhaps the industry will finally take notice and think twice before they cast the dreamboat-with-abs du jour in a nuanced, challenging role. Maybe audiences can finally get some respect.

  9. Wow, Mrs Koala, where have you ‘unearthed’ this whole CF? 😀
    I used to think of LDG as a rather ‘bland’ guy, from his WIAN gig, until his Changing partners perf. Should be interesting to see his pairing with sweetheart YEH.

    PS: yuck, lots of haters on your blog these days; tho I wouldn’t be surprised that one person would write the same stuff under different names, considering the wording choices. But hey, “sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me)”.

  10. Thank you for this post. It would be a dream team to have these two in one drama. My very first dramas involved these two… Lovers in Paris and Goong. I must have watched nearly all of LDG’s drama. Ahh, youth. They both looked refreshing in this cf. There is sadness i detected in recent fotos from both. Ahh, life. Getting them together in one drama would be seeing what they are best in and i hope the spark of youth will still be there.

  11. I don’t know where all this “koala stop hatin on meh yong hwa!!1!” hate is coming from. This is someone’s personal blog – koala can say whatever she wants, in case that wasn’t already obvious. She’s a fan of Suzy but that doesn’t blind her to the fact that her acting ability isn’t exactly going to win any awards any time soon. As it’s HER blog, she is free to be as biased as she wants – however she still takes the time to provide evidence to back up her opinions.

    I personally like to hear someone’s personal take on drama/actors/news etc.. as it’s a blog and not a news outlet, we shouldn’t be expecting objectivity anyway. I don’t always like or agree with koala’s opinions, but that’s cool because it would be kinda boring otherwise.

    Anyhoo, I’m looking forward to this drama pairing, especially because I haven’t actually seen LDG in anything – any recommendations on where to start?

    • preach the choir… seriously i am sick of ppl even comparin unnie to dramabeans like wth!!!!!
      i am a huge jung yonghwa fan … and i am in complete agreement about the acting side of his life .. he has a long way to go.. n will has to face harsh criticism .. thats life ppl….soo stop bashing someone on their own PERSONAL blogss!!! rather and if u wanna give ur opinions ..have some decency.
      side note: looking forward to YEH and LDG pairing!!<3

      • We have to “give our opinions with decency”..shouldn’t that apply to the blogger/writer as well? Like what other’s have pointed out there’s a difference between “constructive criticism” and “bashing in disguise”, just like what she’s obviously been doing. What’s with this double standard thing now? Yes, this is her personal blog and the fact that it is accessible to the public means that the writer herself should be open to criticisms as well. So are you saying we can’t call her out on just because this is her blog?

      • @uhm:

        The point is she has no obligation to be constructive in her criticism; as it’s her blog, she should be able to express her opinions freely. If you wish to call her out on it, fair enough, it is a public forum. It just seems nonsensical to me, as it appears you’re targeting her for the way she reports news, rather than her opinion on JYH’s acting capabilities. I may not always agree or like her opinions, but I never lose sight of the fact that they’re her OPINIONS that she is entitled to, and not absolute fact that must be agreed with

      • Yup, the constant comparisons to Dramabeans is tiring, but I guess all blogs about kdrama will go through that at some point. I’m a fan of both for different reasons 🙂

        Thank you for the recs! I shall check them out 🙂

      • Did ldg starred in sandglass and smile you?

        He always be my first crush and one of my very few fav actor in k land. He sure can act and underdog and underrated as well.

  12. Drama God, Please make this coupling, my fav girl YEH and my fav man LDG, a reality. Pretty please…

    *this will absolutely allow me to go out from hiatus from Kdrama* hehehe

  13. I think the reason why people are taking aoffence at the way the Jung Yong Hwa fans are taking up his cause here is because it is presented as if Koala never says anything bad about anyone else except for him. If he is not in drama news, he is not mentioned on this site. Thus her criticism of him is far less and much more mild than her criticism of regular drama people. I wonder if any of you have been reading what she has been saying about the writers of Goddess of Fire, for example? Have you read what she has to say about Lee Jong-Suk, arguably one of the most popular young actors out there right now (I think she said he looked like an alien to her). I loved I Can Hear Your Voice, but I respect her opinion, and I don’t bash her for it. It seems like many of the haters only come to this blog to see if she says anything negative about their idol instead of looking at the whole blog. If you don’t look at everything, can you really judge?

    • The same hate was displayed by fans of Park Si Hoo, Kim Hyun Joong and many other k-celebs, yet no t-celebs nor j-celebs. Your valid arguments here and on your 1st comment make sense but I’m afraid that they will not get through, nor Koala’s, imo. I simply think that these comments were written by young fangirls who consider it their own personal duty to defend “oppa” whenever he is the least bit spoken ill of. So it’ll pass, just like their youth.

      • True that… the impassioned words and (almost) obsessive fan-girlism seem to impress the immaturity if not the youth (I think it’s an insult to young people if we generalize).

  14. I get excited every time I see a post about Yoon Eun Hye. She literally brings out the fan girl in me and I devour any news about her! That being said, I’m praying that this is a good drama choice for once 🙁 I’ve been really disappointed with her last few projects, not because of her acting, because I think she’s fantastic at her craft, but at the plot going to muck and the nonsensical actions from half the characters in her recent dramas 🙁

  15. well, I kind understand some fans tbh, sometimes it seems, when Koala have a chance to talk bad /bash something she didn’t like, she’ll do it.

    Like Gu family, she even used Suzy and LSG photoshoot to say again how she hated GF and how bad them were on it and how bad the plot was for the X023920382083280 and she also always find her chances to talk how much she loved something for ex: BIG.

    So I understand it can get annoying. I couldn’t read anymore her hate for GF so I just skipped this kind of posts… but sometimes they appear on an article where you didn’t expect it.

  16. Entertaining article… and comments, lol!

    Just wanna say, I am looking forward to this mainly because I want to give YEH another chance. Like you, Capt. K, I love that girl to pieces and am sad that she has not had a really good drama since Coffee Prince. I would still watch this, just like I endured Missing You, but I really hope for YEH, and Lee Dong Gun’s sake that this project will spark not just interest but critical acclaim and a full-pledged k-drama crack-addiction!

    By the way, am also a big fan of Jung Yong Hwa and CN Blue…. but the impassioned responses from his fan(s) are just… hilarious!

  17. Dude, I said it before when I first saw this and I am so happy its coming true (maybe). There is something about Lee Dong Gun that I like. He can act also, so I really hope the script is awesome-because even though previous work was considered daebak–because every writer has something not so…awesome. Who knows. I pray for a great plu–even if its a romantic comedy. Make it daebak please Jesus. hahah

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