
In A Good Way Episode 5 Baby Recap — 37 Comments

  1. This was a really nice episode for Jia En and Liu Chuan’s relationship to deepen and develop; after all, every relationship goes through ups and downs!

    Another week of desperate waiting T.T

  2. My heart keep skiping like crazy whenever Liuchan starring at Jia En. He’s soooo like her.
    Their conflict really believable and I love in In a good way, there isn’t antagonist to stir the pot, just circumstance and personality clash.

    And now, augh! I must wait another weekend again *sigh*

  3. one episode each week is too cruel. I never saw this actor, and I’m interested now on watching his dramas, what would you guys sugest ?

  4. I’m pretty sure that sure that anger about Jia En hiding herself also relates to the past when she didn’t tell him she got in uni and the year before when she cut him from her life.

    The preview suggested to me that she thinks he will easily get angry now and she’s being more careful around him which isn’t what he wants.

  5. Oh, the “eye sparks” that Liu Chan shoots Jia En are out of this world. I can’t believe she isn’t burned to cinders. *drumming my fingers waiting for subs. I, too, feel like I should have waited to start watching until I could marathon episodes. Thanks for posting, Koala. I love the dance sequence. And finally someone tells girlfriend that her overall habit is going to backfire.

  6. Although this episode doesn’t have lots of sweet moments, I still love it because it shows the other side of both of our lead characters. It shows their imperfections and it’s almost a test on how deep their feelings for each other now. Their only humans and at that young age, it is just natural for them to act immature at times. The question is, do they like each other that much now that they can accept each other’s flaws? We saw how bothered they are with the misunderstanding their small quarrel so definitely, they care for each other deeply. I can’t wait for the next episode when they patched things up and hopefully they “kiss” and make-up. Lol.

  7. I am starting to get concerned about my feelings for this show. One of the Chinese students in my summer Korean program posted a Lego Lee picture on facebook, and I (of course) squeeled back, which caused her to send me the link to the IAGW facebook page, which I immediately “liked.” Just spent a half hour on it even though I could not read anything or understand anything. I was perfectly fine smiling like a loon looking at pictures. Help!!! Do I need an intervention already? We are only on episode #5. I should follow Captain Koala’s lead and start calming myself down and distancing myself–focusing on grading British Literature end of term essays should help–but first one more look at the IAGW facebook page . . .

  8. Just wanna say, thank you so much for introducing In a Good Way to me ^^
    It’s been quite a time since the last time I watched Taiwan drama diligently, without having to stop in the middle of the drama. This drama is such a ‘fresh’ thing. Too bad that it’s only one episode per week. Anyway, now I can’t wait for friday to come 🙂

  9. I am head over heels for this show. Jai En’s struggle to find herself–and her tendency to act like a sponge and try different identities on–may be frustrating, but it is just SO true to life at that age. It’s incredibly difficult to want or even know what our likes and needs are–in many ways, we are just bumping up against each other, figuring ourselves out in the process. I find her and Liu Chuan to be the most compelling characters on the show, by far. Watching them together is like falling in love. I can’t squee enough.

    Also major props to the writers for exploring love with such depth and maturity. I adore the fact that it’s presenting Chuan & En’s attraction as something that is based on true mutual fondness and respect, but it’s also showing that there is only so much you can love another person if you don’t know yourself (Jai En).

    Other major props to this show for showing real, complicated female friendships with depth and nuance. Huzzah!

    I have to say though, Ren Wei is really bugging me. His character makes sense to me, but he is basically stalking Bai Xue & trying to manipulate her into having feelings for him, and that is not ok. I really hope this show does not put them together (at least without MAJOR maturation from Wei). I’m ready for him to get over her and do some real growth of his own.

  10. Well, part of my birth name is Joan, so, yes, I replayed LC saying MY MY MY name over and over and over, because he was really talking to me and I am not crazy, right? RIGHT?!

    Thanks for this recap!
    I have watched the ep three times so far, and counting.

    Speaking of counting, how many of you love 5, or rather, “ohhhhhh” when the danced?

    I love that this relationship is not happening quickly. It is realistic that someone would nurse a crush and hold back on admitting it to himself and his friends and that person because it is scary. And, while LC has positive thoughts about me Joan, we don’t see all the hours he isn’t with her: a life with classes, bball and clubs.

    The layered conflict between LC and Joan is so authentic. Not just that they are seeing the real person warts and all, but the timing of the bad moods. Of course someone who needs comforting doesn’t WANT comforting at the time. Pissy moods don’t go away cause some really really really cute guy waves a sweet in front of your eyes. I think this may be the first drama ever where this happened. She didn’t melt, she got even madder!! The same thing happened with him when he was preoccupied with thoughts of his father. We, like Joan, misread the situation tending to think the other must be mad at us if they are abrupt when in fact he’s just mad.

    LOVED LOVED how he stormed off and then, looked back admonishing himself.

    The French have a saying I like, “esprit d’escalier” which means after losing our head in a situation, we’re not able to come up with a proper (funny, smart, perfect) response, until we recover our wits later at “the bottom of the staircase.” We obsess: “I shoulda said this, or why did I say that?”

    His face when he asks her “Why are you here?” was perfect.
    Why the hell isn’t his a 2 day a week drama?
    Are you effing kidding me I have to wait 6 days?
    Son of a dumpling!!!

    • Just curious, but i s the Joan in your named pronounced Jo-an instead of Jone too?

      One hundred percent agreement on what you said about the fights between JE and LC. In addition, during the situation with JE’s burst of anger, LC didn’t try to coddle her. Instead of telling her that it was not her fault that she wasn’t selected, or that the judges must have been crazy to not choose her, he was frustratingly straight but vague, suggesting that she had some sort of problem but not explaining what it was. It might be true that the judges would have had some sort of reason to not choose Jia En, but suggesting that it’s her fault when she’s dejected and angry is a pretty stupid move. Either compliment her, distract her with something fun, or give her quiet moral support when she’s like this. If you want to help her understand her faults, wait for a better time, like Tracy did.

      I’m kind of sad/frustrated that LC didn’t immediately go and set things straight with JE after storming off but realizing that he overreacted/was taking his anger out on her. It was also really unfortunate that he arrived late at the exam, exchanged very few (mostly vague and polite) words with her, and left immediately. It appeared like he was there very grudgingly only because he had promised.

      Also, total agreement on the “why are you here?” face. That baffled, “what is going on,” “am I getting pranked” face was hilarious (if I recall correctly, his eyes flickered towards the camera/the rest of the train for a second, almost as if he was expecting people to jump out and laugh at him).

      • Jone

        Yes, LC really put his foot in it, and has no clue that what he said made it worse. I find most guys don’t understand how to deal with girls in touchy situations, and would rather remove a limb that talk about anything to do with feelings.

        But he was brave (and anger can make you bolder) to tell her she shut him out after her loss. I was impressed that he felt that connected to her that THAT is what hurt his feelings, not the shouting and running off.

        In future eps, I hope we see that LC starts to understand himself better, and relax more around JA. He was prolly too embarassed to bring up any specifics of the old fight, and worried whatever he would say would set up another battle.

        I see me and my boyfriends/husband in the same predicament when we argued. “What did I say wrong? You ASKED me my opinion and I TOLD you!”

  11. I hate what this show is doing to me. I searched for Rene Liu’s Crazy for Love and Wu Bai’s Lingering and learnt to sing them. I super love the music used on the drama.

    The standout moment for me on this episode is when Ren serenade Bai Xue with Rene Liu’s Crazy for Love. Props to Ren, I think he sang it really well.

    Still loving the show. It was clever to write for Liu Chuan and Jia En to quarrel even before they confirm their growing feelings for each other. I don’t know about you but it was very realistic for me as it happened like that in real life.

    If I had to nitpick I would protest on the dancing exam, when Jia En spins and falls into Liu Chuan’s arms at the end of the dance. The editing was choppy. From one angle, Liu Chuan was smiling slightly and his expression was relaxed as he looked at Jia En smiling. You can see the camera cut and he was filmed the same scene from another angle where his expression was more serious and he was shooting serious sparks staring at her. The editing was disconnected and choppy. Yes, so you know how closely I was watching the scene 😛

    On a side note, I am finding Liu Chuan’s room-mate Ah Qing seriously good looking! He should have a more meaty role in future dramas!

    • i noticed that too about Liu Chuan’s expression not being the same when filmed the same scene. i too find Liu Chuan’s roommate both roommates are cute!!!! hehe.

    • I noticed that too! Wish they had edited it so that Liu Chuan’s expression remained consistent.

      Steven Sun was actually the only actor I recognized from this cast prior to starting the drama, since I read about him in a magazine. Seems like a pretty hardworking dude! It’d be nice if he gets meatier roles in the future.

  12. This episode is not as breezy and romantic as the other episodes but I love it. The struggles of our leads with themselves and each other feel so real and palpable. Jia En being lost and finding herself through the aid of others is so true to us at that age. I’m really loving how JE and LC’s relationship is developing. There’s no pretense. They are slowly peeling each other’s layers and genuinely falling in love. OMG another week of waiting. So torturous but exciting. Thanks for the recap!

  13. This drama is too addicting, my daily life is now very revolved by this drama!!! And now we have to wait another week for new episode.
    And the couple are so adorable and sizzling. ;D

  14. I can totally relate to that feeling of awkwardness that can appear sometimes even after you’ve made up. From my interpretation, if Jia En had found Liu Chuan at a better time (when he wasn’t in a mood) and he hadn’t snapped at her (in a very similar way that she’d took her anger out on him), or if Liu Chuan hadn’t given her a brush-off (at least from her point of view) after the dance, the persisting feeling of weird wouldn’t be there.

    Jia En was clearly in the wrong the first time, and she took the right step in apologizing the next day. In my opinion, the second time was all on Liu Chuan. It would have been on him to apologize. Of course, this is a friendship and not a turn-based game, so Jia En trying to reach out to him would have made perfect sense too. She did try to reach out to Liu Chuan after the jitterbug exam, but he ran off without letting her. I think it’s comparable to Bai Xue running off right after getting Jia En as her mentee. Since we didn’t know anything about Bai Xue at that point, most of the audience assumed that she was being mean and dismissive. She quickly dispelled that notion from our minds and Jia En’s minds by being adorable and lovely since, but so far Liu Chuan hasn’t had a chance to show Jia En that it wasn’t on purpose/meant maliciously. From her point of view, he must have a pretty bad temper, since he rejected her attempts to mend their friendship twice in a row.

    Even after they make up (which I expect will be Jia En promising that she won’t pry, and Liu Chuan being awkwardly mum because he can’t explain what he’s hiding because he’s trying to hide it), Jia En’s going to be extra cautious around Liu Chuan and maybe a bit distant. I expect lots of frustrating awkward silences next episode, where they don’t say anything because they’re afraid of offending each other instead of the usual, where they’re a bit nervous because they really like each other.

    Hope they’ll properly make up soon, because I miss them being adorable with each other, and thumbs up at the show for portraying friendships (with all their flaws and petty fights and awkward reunions) realistically!

  15. I thought that his last comment when he turned back around after his argument was pointing towards his father. I took it as whenever he sees his father, he loses control because he seemed quite upset at seeing his father and didn’t want to talk to him for too long on the phone, which might indicate that he does not have a great relationship with his father. He didn’t seem to only lose his cool around Jia En because he seemed to be trying to cool off before she came by, so I didn’t think that he was trying to say that he loses his cool whenever SHE shows up, but whenever HE shows up.

    This is just a minor detail, but didn’t the music instructor start the retest after Jia En said that her partner suddenly had something to do and had asked the instructor if it would be alright for her to dance her part by herself? In the end, she was the last to dance, so I guess it was implied that she was waiting for him in case he could come..

    • I’m pretty sure you’re right! The in the subtitles, the chinese character used for him/her in that sentence was the masculine one 他 (instead of 她), meaning that he was referring to a male. He really does have a highly antagonistic relationship with his dad, unfortunately.

      • That’s true, but I’ve noticed that sometimes they use the masculine 他 instead of a feminine 她 even when it was meant to be a she instead of a he.

  16. Thanks for the recap! This episode wasn’t as fun but I think it had some major developments. Liu Chuan is finally feeling more human (人情味). As awesome as he is the last few episodes he was way too perfect. And I’m also liking Jia En’s development. I’m sure we’ll see her grow but we have to give it time, she’s still in her first semester of college after all.

  17. Why I liked Jia Ean’s character. She is a very lovable young lady and pure at heart when comes to friends. She is not like most girls (including me) at her age would go crazy for a cute guys like Liu Chuan. I am okay with her clueless mind right now because she is still young. For me, unmarried woman is still a child in mind. I would love to have a daughter like her. She is hardworking and constantly improving herself to be a better person. Friendship is something very important for her and it’s lucky to have many good friends around in the story evolved. Between love and friend, I think she would choose friend. When comes to guys, “love” never cross her mind. When comes to girls, I’m glad they never go bitching, in fact they supports and encouraged each other. Go girls! I would think, these positives mind in her that actually attract his attention.

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