
Couple No. 2 of 2014: Sooyoung of SNSD and Jung Kyung Ho Confirm Their Relationship — 40 Comments

  1. Congrats to them : they look so cute together!
    However, every time I read that kind of posts I actually end up feeling kind of sorry for them. I mean seriously, look how they always have to disguise themselves when they go out together… it must be so difficult to have a private life when you’re an actor/singer/etc.

  2. I’m sure KPop idols have dated (within the SM agency) and they don’t get “outed” because they spend so much time together doing shows, etc. It’s when they date outside the agency, that they get caught.

  3. Where did you translate the article from? Dispatch didn’t break this story. It was Sports Seoul. The pictures you posted are tagged Sports Seoul too.

  4. Those carpark pics are giving me Paksa Hideout vibes…

    Congrats to the new couple!

    So is this going to be a trend? Every year starts with huge dating news? 😀

  5. Pak Sa got his girl after all!

    And yes they totally should do double dates, and maybe troll the press with the guys linking each other hands and the girls each others too.

  6. Theses stories make me so happy!

    I wonder how much zip they get from all the hiding from the press; it’s a pain, yes, but it has to be a little fun, non?

    I hope the can always find peace and comfort in each other after all the shenanigans they have to face being a STAR!

  7. Yeah…they had to know it was coming with all that evidence. I feel like the Yoona confirmation was to undercut it. Though I worry what big event in Korea these are covering up aside from, or perhaps related to, the railroad privatization

  8. Of course ,I wish Baksa the best,but it bothers me all the previous lying from his side.I would accepted if he just denied the rumor ,because I can understand (?)that in K-entairn.industry dating in your adult years is a scandal!!!!BUT I can not get it why he had to make a whole story in his previous radio interview about dating a everyday citizen.That bothers me from him.Anyway ,good luck for both of them.

  9. i just wanna say that I am so happy for this couple cause I so love Kyung Ho oppa and he looks every bit as a gentle man in the pics of their dates and I so Love sooyoung.. my bias in SNSD….

    I think Kyungho and sooyoung banded together, asking why cant they come out when Yoona and Seunggi did, when they have been together longer…
    I am feeling some restlessness in SM artis right now… and I feel like it would only be a couple of days before we hear another SM artist coming out and confirming their relationship…

    anyway Congratulations my Kyungho oppa and Sooyoung…. you looks pretty damn cute together!!!!

    • Sooyoung’s become my SNSD bias too, those girls have been under SM’s thumb for long enough (they’re in their seventh year since debut in 2007) and deserve to be allowed not to hide their regular adult lives.

      Though two in a row from the group coming out is surprising, I wonder if the tabloids have anything on the other girls because SM normally denies this stuff until they’re blue in the face.

  10. I have always thought it was ridiculous to believe these entertainers are not dating. A large majority are adults so it’s totally normal and does happen. In any case, it’s their private lives and I hope they are happy. 🙂 hope no one has to make up stories again.

  11. I’m simply happy for this couple. Sooyoung is one of my favorite girlgroup member and Jung Kyung Ho has become one of my favorite actor. Adorable. Freaking adorable, I’ve shipped them for ages. I have no idea how happy I am for this couple

  12. Awwww, I’m so happy for them! And even if it has been going on for a long time and they waited for the Seunggi/Yoona distraction to maybe take a teeny bit of heat off them, I can’t blame them for the earlier denials – they’re adorable and talented actors, and I wish them the best. Dating as a celeb is not easy, at all.

  13. I actually care more about this couple than Yoona and LSG because I have a soft spot for both. When the rumors about them first broke out, I thought they will look cute as a couple. It seems that the k-netizens are at it again, hating that they want to hide from the public about their relationship. Sometimes, I just don’t understand why would people care so much for the relationship of a celebrity, it’s not like they’re their possessions. Anyways, cute couple!

  14. I shipped this couple when rumors first came out and now, I’m shipping them so hard. Just based on these pictures, they look so adorable together and I’m pretty sure they are a source of strenght for each other which makes the whole thing more adorable and beautiful <3

  15. I KNEW IT !!!!!!!!! hahaha.

    Congrats to the two of them and I wish them the best, though I’m a little jealous on the inside, considering JKH has been one of my few major k-celebrity crushes since TBD&W. I digress…

    Love them both individually, and love them both together.

  16. Cant help to feel a little sad because Sooyoung is taken but if she’s happy them I’m happy. xD It is about time for SNSD to get boyfriends because even though it pains me to admit, we all wont be young forever. CONGRATS to the couple.

    Wonder who’s next? O____o If Yuri, Sunny or Hyoyeon comes out then I will surely cry LOL but I will still be happy for them.

  17. He made such an unnecessary mess by that whole lying and inventing a fake girlfriend thing. They are cute, but not going to get the love Seunggi and Yoona will get. I feel bad for her.

  18. Now THATS a couple!! For some reason this one makes sence. Congrats to them 🙂
    All we need is a confirmation on a same sex couple!!! Anyone?!?

  19. Congrats to them. I knew there were going to be more GG confirmations since one broke the barrier. The girls picked the nicest guys too. Happy for them.

  20. I wonder how Sun Ji and Lee Bo Young manage to date for five years and keep it under wraps for 3 years, i think? They should take a leaf from these guys. But i guess, these recently outed dating couples are really ‘idol’ variety that they dread being seen as normal. anyway, wish all these celebrity couples all the best. I wish they wouldn’t wear those baseball caps though, even at night as it is just inviting the attention. Why not go sans makeup or have a scarf, a wig, wear spectacles, etc. Wear baseball caps when going to a stadium. Probably the more street smart celebrities are, people will just get used to them and in the future, possibly let them get on with their business. go places where the people will be embarrassed to squee.

    • where paparazzi hanging outside Lee Bo Young’s apartment for years like they have LSG? Probably why she wasn’t found out…

      And Sooyoung dating him have been rumored forever and they kept denying it so the paparazzi went looking I would guess.

  21. Wasn’t it on Strong Heart that Sunny or someone from Girls Generation said that a bunch of the girls were dating? I forget how many I think about 4-5? Now, I’m thinking that she was telling the truth but then denying it and making people think she was joking. If people had to guess which ones were dating… Who do you think is?
    Two already confirmed.

    We know that HyoYeon is but they won’t confirm it yet.
    I think Tiffany is dating Nichkhun.
    And last maybe Yuri?

  22. I love how they come clean with this relationship. Ever since the rumors started, I have this feeling that they might end up with each other sooner or later regardless of the not-dating issue. They have the same face features and in my country, we believe that people that have the same face will get married happily ever after. Errr…I hope you get what I’m trying to deliver here. So yeah. Happy to see them both. 😀

  23. Now, who’s next? How about So Ji Sub, admitting his relationship with that Kpop girl buy SJS already denied it. But if there’s smoke… there’s hell of fire in it!

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