
Guest Stars Aplenty as Oh Man Seok Visits Prime Minister and I and Yoo In Young Returns to Empress Ki — 8 Comments

  1. Seems like all the girls are falling for Wang Yoo and all the guys for Seung Nyang.
    Wang Yoo (3) – Seung Nyang, the Empress and Batolu imposter girl.
    Sueng Nyang (3) – Wang Yoo, Ta Huan and sleazy brother of empress.

  2. OH. MAN. SEOK.!!!!! Thanks for the pics. Hopefully, PMandI doesn’t go the crazy route (because it is so good now), but if it does, can we have his gangster character for for Na Yoon Hee? They could end up together, him going legit and trying to get into politics and Joon Ki having to be nice to him because of the gangster connections. I actually think she is hilarious and don’t want her stuck with Joon Ki (as much as I love Ryu Jin).

  3. Ohhh my heart! Just watch skip raw episode of PMI… Saw the preview for next episode crap crap crap 1st wife is alive…. I think… I don’t know where the show is going now… I want DJ with the PM…. (Sorry for the spoiler)

  4. So in love with PMI, hopefully it doesn’t become super complicated. By the way, anyone knows what song is being played during the scene whereby Yoona meets her scandal news colleagues in ep 7? Totally dying especially their soundtrack being played.

  5. Wang Family is funny as hell. I don’t get the hate but to each his own. It’s a situatinal comedy. The best I have seen from Korea. I guess they call it Majung over there, but funny is funny. It’s not easy for one culture to find another culture sense of humor funny, so for this writer to manage to make people from all over the world and Korea laugh and cry with the Wang family is an accomplishment.

    It will always have a place in my heart, because I swore a long time ago that I will never watch anything 50 episode, I tried to change by trying many along the way and this is the first one that I actually breezed through without even noticing I am close to 50.

    Call it stupid, call it majunk and 40% of korea and myself will call it funny and engaging.

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