Sleek Action-packed Second Teaser for Full Sun with Yoon Kye Sang and Han Ji Hye
While folks watching KBS on Mon-Tues may be hand wringing over next week’s ending to Prime Minister and I, I’m taking a break from over-analyzing that drama with a breather to check out the just released second teaser for its follow up drama Full Sun (Beyond the Clouds). Still not feeling the English title one whit. With this drama heading to tropical Thailand for a location shoot, its title is more befitting the heated vibe of the Korean literal translation rather than the breezy coolness of the English one. The first teaser was a concept one that was all glitz over substance. Mind you, it was some gorgeous glitz where broody male lead Yoon Kye Sang walks in a desolate field and later kneels and cries to leading lady Han Ji Hye while giving her a whoa momma heated stare. The second teaser shows us the drama proper and in thirty seconds lays out the synopsis in action – male lead Jang Se Ro is an upstanding and idealistic graduate student who gets innocently accused of killing a man over a botched diamond heist, he goes to jail and comes out to become a con man who falls in love with the still grieving leading lady Han Young Won who turns out to be the fiancee of the dead guy. That’s the short version but with all melodramas the devil is in the details and the delivery. I like the set up for one major element which is the male lead doesn’t willingly go to prison on someone else’s behalf (like in Nice Guy or Secret) but instead really is innocent and fights against his incarceration. I’m so over the idea that love would make a person accept a jail term for another, and especially how prevalent that is in K-dramas. Im Joo Hwan did it for his brother in Ugly Alert as well. This worries me that half of South Korean jails are filled with innocent people taking the fall for a loved one. The cast of Full Sun in addition to the two leads is solid if not terribly buzzy – Kim Yoo Ri, Jo Jin Woong, Son Ho Joon, Woo Hyun, and Kim Young Chul. We all need to ready ourselves for cameo Song Jong Ho to bite the dust early on and collect his pin money on the way out but not before leaving a giant chasm between the two leads with his death looming between them. Full Sun premieres on February 17th on KBS.
Second teaser for Full Sun (Beyond the Clouds):
[youtube id=”QspUi1J1Epg” w=”625″ h=”445″]
“This worries me that half of South Korean jails are filled with innocent people taking the fall for a loved one.”
I keep LOL-ing over this koala.
This kind of plot annoys me a lot..enough to make a definite skip for the drama
Oppsss,,I thougt the first one failed..duh!! (Sowwrryy-chong song yi mode)
You got me on that one, too, Koala. Still laughing.
Also “Whoa momma heated stare” I could have used one of those this week when it was -21 F outside!!
And 1/3 of the prisoners are innocent but are accused of killing someone hahaha
lol this really made my day. btw happy chinese new year to everyone 🙂 <3
I do love Yoon Kye Sang and have been waiting for him to be a lead in a drama; however, I am not so sure about this one (not him just the story). And can I say, once again— Song Jong Ho needs to be the lead in a drama NOW. Not soon. Not tomorrow. NOW. Yesterday even.
Yes, thank god he is framed instead of wilfully sacrificing himself for someone who does not deserve his devotion or w/e. That’s not half as frustrating as NG/Secret.
That totally was a whoa momma heated stare. Dayum. I’m not sure how this is going to work out – the team behind it don’t exactly have a stellar track record, the plot itself just seems like a rehash of a typical melodrama plot that we’ve been subjected to for the past few years from KBS. But the trailers look good and Yoon Kye Sang his acting is socks off, so I’m so in. Please be good, show.