
Sleek Action-packed Second Teaser for Full Sun with Yoon Kye Sang and Han Ji Hye — 7 Comments

  1. “This worries me that half of South Korean jails are filled with innocent people taking the fall for a loved one.”
    I keep LOL-ing over this koala.
    This kind of plot annoys me a lot..enough to make a definite skip for the drama

  2. I do love Yoon Kye Sang and have been waiting for him to be a lead in a drama; however, I am not so sure about this one (not him just the story). And can I say, once again— Song Jong Ho needs to be the lead in a drama NOW. Not soon. Not tomorrow. NOW. Yesterday even.

  3. Yes, thank god he is framed instead of wilfully sacrificing himself for someone who does not deserve his devotion or w/e. That’s not half as frustrating as NG/Secret.

    That totally was a whoa momma heated stare. Dayum. I’m not sure how this is going to work out – the team behind it don’t exactly have a stellar track record, the plot itself just seems like a rehash of a typical melodrama plot that we’ve been subjected to for the past few years from KBS. But the trailers look good and Yoon Kye Sang his acting is socks off, so I’m so in. Please be good, show.

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