
SBS Admits It’s Okay, It’s Love Teasers Were Plagiarized From an Original Video by a New York Artist — 17 Comments

  1. Definitely a dick move (in this day and age, you know you’ll be found out) but at least that will do some buzz for the drama on the net and given the topic of the show (mental illnesses), it will be needed. I’m still very excited.

  2. Well someone will be thrown under the bus somewhere. Hope it’s the person who actually came up with this stupid move.cant believe they just stole it…

  3. What I find so amazing about this – besides the fact that they had the hubris to think they would get away with this – was that they were so blantant. It is not like they couldn’t throw them in front a white wall with bright colors and have them dance and it wouldn’t have been wonderful but frame by frame they clearly stole the whole concept and that is just awful.

  4. Woaaaaahhh~ SBS, at least try to make it less obvious.

    Honestly, why directly copy scenes when it would have just been better to be inspired by it and use some creativity. Gah. And they look so cute too~ it must have been disappointing for GHJ and JIS.

  5. I am sure that SBS could have bought the rights for a few bucks, this is going to end up costing them more + a bad reputation.

  6. Did SBS ran out of creative juices to resort to plagiarism? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what else they plagiarized…

  7. Looks more like SBS is fully aware of it. It has been copied wholesale and its so glaring. How then can it not know. Anyway, the teaser has already helped to draw viewers’ attention to the drama even if SBS withdraws it now. Not sure tho whether an apology is all that SBS needs to pay for this sly manoeuvre. Its a small price to pay if it is.

  8. When I see all those things about plagiarize, when they extend a drama, when they make advertising in a drama about a specific product, I can only think about the k.drama The King of drama, for me is the best drama ever just because we can see everything about a drama and the truth behind this one’s!!!!

  9. Oh may…..this is not the first and for sure not for the last either.
    SBS…how could you ? and why everythings on SBS ?….
    I pity the actors who doesn’t know this kind of situation….

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