
You’re All Surrounded Episode 18 Baby Recap — 14 Comments

  1. Man…they are just heaping it on him

    But we know for sure that kid is going to be refuse to accept anything less than a full relationship with his Hyung so we’ll see how that goes

  2. What are the writer’s credentials prior to this drama? How can he/she be hired as one. I can’t say they are the worst considering DS just ended. That was beyond description. I am so disappointed as I had looked forward to this drama so much.

  3. Dae Gu’s much pain he has to bear. He’s been suffering for too long. After witnessing the death of his mother, now he has to see Chief Kang take her last breath. Poor boy.

  4. I’ll travel to S.Korea in case the writer decides to kill anyone else, not even the baddies I want them to suffer in jail and shame. Writer, don’t touch DG, SS, PS, SK, well the team three as a whole. If u dare touching one of them, as much as I love you Seung Gi oppa, so much that I stalk ur news daily, but killing Eun Shi Kyung, than Yeo Wol, seriously, before the drama airs I had a feeling that Seung Gi’s caractere is the one whol will die, and honestly, death will relieve him but sorry I want u to live and try to forget. Next week is the end. Thnx for the super quick recap ^^ (praying for no more deaths)

  5. You know that moment when you get this eerie feeling, like you know someone is gonna die? Yea. I had that feeling, when Chief Kang was driving. I was like… “nope. She’s gonna die, guys” and then she crossed the intersection. Honestly, I expected one of those official government SUV black trucks to crash into her, so I was at least shocked to see a warehouse delivery truck.
    It’s sad to see her go. I feel we didn’t really get a real answer from her. They’re letting too many things go, without full explanations. Just like Hyung Cheol’s “sudden suicide”, I feel like it happened way too soon and without gaining sufficient information from him. Just as he was lamenting death, while speaking to Ji Young????
    I love this show, regardless of the rushed writing and unnecessary end of certain key characters, and I pray for a sensible end to the show.

  6. The deaths of both Cho and Chief Kang make perfect sense in the storyline, of course Yoo would want to kill them both to remove witnesses and/or evidence. Cho did not commit suicide, the Drama in the previous episode made sure to give us a careful look at another prisoner who clearly was the one commissioned to kill him and make it look like a suicide
    And since it was telegraphed right from Episode 1 that DG’s father wasn’t actually dead, all this “makjang” was clearly planned all along. The lazy writing I will concede is Tae Il “happening on” his own attackers, but everything else fits with the storyline and characters as shown over the last 17 episodes, at least to me.

  7. The crash came out of nowhere. I honestly didn’t see it coming. t gasped so loud, my mother got worried. It’s so sad that Dae Gu has to witness another death. I can’t believe the finale is next week, time flies.

  8. i was sold by seunggi’s acting on this ep and how hot he looked as deagu!!

    this is not his best drama or the moat hyoped drama. but i’m glad he got to play deagu and glad of csw and lsg got reunion.

    thankyou for the recap koala unni.

    hope you will keep on loving ans supporting seunggi coz i can relate to the frustration you feel when one of you’r favourites drama and hype don’t liveup to the expectations.

    lets pray the next project will be as amazing or more of a perfection than the king two hearts.

    since seung gi oppa is still young and he is here to stay ^^

  9. while i would love to see more smoochies between DG and SS, i find their almost quiet moments to be so sweet…

    and with TI apprehending the goons that stabbed him on his first case back made me think… is korea suffering from a shortage of thugs-for-hire? those guys seems to be booked rather heavily. post some vacation time next time so you don’t slack at the job and get caught. that’s what happens when there’s no down time.

  10. “laying it on so thick even a blind person could smell the pancaked make-up”

    Off topic, but one day I want to make a collection of your metaphors and similes, because they are just so wonderfully imaginative!

  11. Why do I have a feeling that dae gu’s mom is the victim that was raped 27 years ago…That is one of the reason why chief kang/seo wanted to raise/help him.

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