
It’s Okay, It’s Love Releases Kiss Stills and Spoilery Official MV for Second OST by Davichi — 16 Comments

    • Ditto, can’t wait for ep3-4! It was funny when he told her he didn’t know she was into that type of relationship, than his face .. He was like Oooh shit!! Lol

  1. Yeah, the video makes it pretty clear that kiss ends in slap!

    Really enjoyed the first two episodes, so I hope the quality stays high. But at least I’m assured the cinematography will be beautiful throughout.

  2. You know I don’t necessarily think that JIS is all that handsome, but damn if he isn’t a sexy bashtard. And GHJ can be so very hot…all the way to the build up of the kiss…then…NOTHING…OPSAU…RIEN…She just can’t seem to follow through on it.
    How could that be?
    Lemme think…even with CSW…Has she ever kissed Hyun Bin? Everyone should kiss Binnie.

    • Don’t you think it perfect, though, that GHJ plays this type of character that doesn’t like physical intimacy? Much like Park Shin Hye rocks the FBND role of the shut in who eschewed contact so her performance could create a distance with her male leads.

      • After watching the episode, I’m thinking that JIS is exactly what the doctor ordered for her and her character. I never imagined we would be able to watch a show on the non-cable television where the main characters are openly talking about sex. More importantly always thinking about sex and we are let in on their thoughts. To see them look at each other, knowing the other is contemplating whether, or whether not, they want to bed the other is so refreshing.
        Think about the other romcoms where the OTP falls in love, kisses once, then for ten episodes sits distantly from each other NOT kissing constantly. Drives me nuts because it isn’t how people behave IRL.

        Btw, JIS is so skinny – barely any noticeable muscle on him. Does he eat? Yet, still, so sexy. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in this light.

    • Agreed on JIS’s hawtness and GHJ’s lack of response, especially with CSW – I mean, how could she not? Even Gu Hye Seon has improved greatly in this field (and others).
      Btw, your list ending with “RIEN” cracked me up. So. Much. Because your use of my native language was not expected, also. Funny how I had spontaneously added “Que dalle. Nichts. Nada” and other translations to describe her reaction, or lack thereof.

  3. I like this drama off the bat too… it has such a refreshing vibe. I find JIS kind of anemic in the romantic sense in TWTWB but it could be that drama was just as anemic.

    But here in TOIL, JIS is looking at GHJ as he wants to get her in bed with him but not in a sleazy way. Really hot.

    I hope GHJ will not be inhibited in their eventual kiss scenes!

      • OMG. That is so on point. I hope this drama turns on all the right nodes for him because I miss that spark of his. Of his latest works, I haven’t seen it. …leaving me to wonder where did that guy from FF and WHIB go?

    • oh yeah me too…HS (GHJ) may not look sad remembering someone…but definitely she is ALONE…so where is JY (JIS)?…but i really really hope that the ending will not give depression on me lol else i will have to see a psychiatrist 😉

  4. I like the story. But forgive me I don’t understand how someone said Jo In Sung is hot, because IMO he’s so skinny. He needs to eat more…..LOL…

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